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this is some funny shyt


"Oh, this is interesting. SomeguyI'veneverheardof.com is reporting presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama has lady parts. Obviously scurrilous and unfounded, we'll examine it tonight in our special, 'Barack Obama's Vagina: The October Surprise In His Pants.'"
But I think Baracknophobia is the fear of socialism...
We have a winner! If I wanted the government to take care of me I'd stay here in Australia, move to Canada or just quit working period. :devil:

I knew a kid who got kicked out of school for plagarism because he used just "of" and "to" - did Obama really believe that he could do that AND tack on "we" as well? Did he not realize that was never going to get by the keen eyes of the pundits on Fox? Does he think they're stupid? Once again, his liberal elitism will be his undoing...

Very funny, nice find!


But I think Baracknophobia is the fear of socialism...




IMO, we don't need the military to protect us either... I just never bought into the argument that I need to to be protected as a citizen.


Actually, I am a big believer in the right of personal protection. But every day that passes sees another chip away at the foundation of that idea.

Care to expound on how you feel our rights to personal protection are being restored?

By instituting the Military Commissions act of 2006, so Curious George can decide on his own who is a threat and hold them indefinitely on a whim.


What was that saying- safety without liberty is worthless? It went something like that. Give me McCain, give me Obama.....just don't give me more Curious George

Care to expound on how you feel our rights to personal protection are being restored?


I am talking about the over use of the military... I don't need them "protecting" me. Sorry for the confusion... It is my job to confuse! ;):blink:

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