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CNN Crunches Obama's And McCains Tax Plans

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No arguments with that.

But if you slap him down too hard, he's going to tune you out and never learn from any of the wise things you might utter. Or he's going to hate you and automatically be wrong-headed about any sensible position you take.

Instead of actually learning, he'll just cling to dogma. And none of us is the better for that.

At least you didn't call him anything that had a "7" in it. :thumbsup:


Yeah. I edited that--out of line.


As to your other point, I am impressed with your optimism.

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Here's how you learn to not be a stupid 23yo. You STFU when someone slaps you down because you're acting like a stupid ass. And I don't give a crap where his heart is. His head is up his ass and his irrational thinking "The wealthy don't share the wealth by choice, so the government must intervene" is not born of any reflective thought.

No, you STFU man. :wallbash: You can't come up with constructive criticism for what I am saying. If you don't agree with what I am saying, then give a reason, instead of shitting in my cornflakes.


As far as Simon's posts, you know on the surface I would think that equal is fair. However, the more I see, the more I believe equal isn't always fair. While you dismiss $20/ week, I believe it can make a considerable difference to the poor guy, much more so than the $200 to the wealthy guy. As far as the kids backgrounds go, on the surface they have the same access, to public education, and as much as I love public education, it is hard to ignore the disparity in quality of education between an urban school and a suburban school. This disparity shows a lack of opportunity among urban youths. At least we both agree that the gov't needs reform, even if we disagree on how it should be reformed.

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You can't come up with constructive criticism for what I am saying. If you don't agree with what I am saying, then give a reason, instead of shitting in my cornflakes.


As to constructive criticism, I can't construct a working brain out of a turd. I gave reasons before for why you're wrong.

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No, you STFU man. :wallbash: You can't come up with constructive criticism for what I am saying. If you don't agree with what I am saying, then give a reason, instead of shitting in my cornflakes.


As far as Simon's posts, you know on the surface I would think that equal is fair. However, the more I see, the more I believe equal isn't always fair. While you dismiss $20/ week, I believe it can make a considerable difference to the poor guy, much more so than the $200 to the wealthy guy. As far as the kids backgrounds go, on the surface they have the same access, to public education, and as much as I love public education, it is hard to ignore the disparity in quality of education between an urban school and a suburban school. This disparity shows a lack of opportunity among urban youths. At least we both agree that the gov't needs reform, even if we disagree on how it should be reformed.


Please define equal and fair. How many times the same things have to be explained to you before they sink in? Everything is relative. Your life on skid row was luxurious compared to many residents of Africa or Latin America. If your uncle was willing to help your parents, but they were too numb to heed advice, why does it the neighbors' responsibility when the family obviously failed?


Equal and fair should only apply to the opportunity. No one who wants to try should be held back. But don't come knocking on the door 20 years later and claim that everyone deserves a fair share, even though they continually make mistakes in life. There are safeguards in the social safety net for extreme cases to get people over hard times. It shouldn't be equated to a lifetime of support because someone else is more industrious with their life.

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That may be true. Most it time it isn't. You can tell yourself otherwise, I will agree to disagree.


Really? Care to back it up with data, rather than an opinion?

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Really? Care to back it up with data, rather than an opinion?


Of course not, since it's laughably untrue.


My Controller warned our accounting temp yesterday after she showed up 2 hours late for the 3d time in 2 weeks. Today? She left for 'lunch' at 10:30 and still isn't back. No explanation. But of course, the reason she makes < $20/hr and has no benefits rather than a stable full time job is the fault of the 'system', and she is clearly being taken advantage of by evil capitalists. And her hard work is clearly on par with the other people here who are paid $66,000/yr or more (you know...the 'beginning of rich').


I could cite hundreds of examples from my experiences that correlate compensation with effort and commitment to work. I couldn't think of 3 where I've seen someone was grossly underpaid for their effort and talent for a long period of time. Almost the only time I see underpaid people are when they are young stars whose talent and contribution is blowing away expectations (just like in sports). And those people almost always get caught up quickly, either by a smart employer or a different one.

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Of course not, since it's laughably untrue.


My Controller warned our accounting temp yesterday after she showed up 2 hours late for the 3d time in 2 weeks. Today? She left for 'lunch' at 10:30 and still isn't back. No explanation. But of course, the reason she makes < $20/hr and has no benefits rather than a stable full time job is the fault of the 'system', and she is clearly being taken advantage of by evil capitalists. And her hard work is clearly on par with the other people here who are paid $66,000/yr or more (you know...the 'beginning of rich').


I could cite hundreds of examples from my experiences that correlate compensation with effort and commitment to work. I couldn't think of 3 where I've seen someone was grossly underpaid for their effort and talent for a long period of time. Almost the only time I see underpaid people are when they are young stars whose talent and contribution is blowing away expectations (just like in sports). And those people almost always get caught up quickly, either by a smart employer or a different one.


You want to really see why people make more than others? Work in a commission based industry.

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Sorry, but I had you confused with Justnzae, the resident 21 year old going on 12. I think you could agree how that mistake could have been made.



Mistake of confusing me with someone else....



No, I can't agree with how that mistake could have been made.

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You want to really see why people make more than others? Work in a commission based industry.


I did. For 25 years. It was oh so much fun when scum would try to back half me. Off to the back of the lot for some bare knuckling mother !@#$er!!



See sig;

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Mistake of confusing me with someone else....



No, I can't agree with how that mistake could have been made.


Of course you wouldn't agree. The fact that your ideals mirror that of a 20 something who knows very little of the real world should actually be quite embarrassing.

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You want to really see why people make more than others? Work in a commission based industry.



I like my job better.....I write the commission plan for the sales people. :D


It's all about the hockey stick!

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It would have been had you actually gotten my point.


Don't be so rough on him. The DNC and moveon.org talking point emails only provided responses to what the RNC and John W McBush III talking points. They didn't anticipate people who actually think for themself

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