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You wouldn't drive away.....

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THAT is what this is all about.


And all this time i thought the hokey pokey was what it was all about.


Personally, since I don't have all the facts, I am witholding judgement until Curt Schilling weighs in with his opinion on Lynch. Only then will I have enough information to decide my stance.



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I'm amazed at the holier then thou types on this board right now.


Maybe some of you live in a glass bubble, but the majority of people I've met in my lifetime have driven drunk at least once. Right or Wrong, that’s the way it is. Let's say one of those nights you hit somebody, something that could happen to anyone if they make the choice to get behind the wheel. You will not be getting just a DUI, you will go to Jail. You might go to jail for a long time, your life savings gone when it's all said and done. That or you drive off, maybe call it in on a pay phone.......


Odds are nothing ever happens to you


I might sound selfish, or you might think I'm saying I would drive away. I'm not, I don't know what the hell I would do. What I do know is it's real easy to say I would stop on an internet message board.

Anyone who drives drunk deserves to lose everything. THATS THE WAY IT IS. Like it or not

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Anyone who drives drunk deserves to lose everything. THATS THE WAY IT IS. Like it or not


Er, thats a way too black and white view of a crime whose standard of drunk driving or not has different effects on different people.

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I don't consider myself "better" than anyone. The law states that it is illegal to leave the scene of an accident. An accident indeed occurred, the offending vehicle left the scene...and that vehicle did not drive itself. Whoever was in the vehicle broke the law, driver AND passengers alike. And it is very clear that when this incident came to light, no one in the vehicle stepped forward. That is the issue here...and if it turns out that these Bills players that have been mentioned in the press were in that vehicle, then they should be punished to the full extent of the law.


THAT is what this is all about.


I agree. But that's NOT what you said. You said they could go !@#$ themselves. You made a judgement. You were "holier-than-thou".



And the full extent of the law isn't a whole hell of a lot here. The driver basically gets a glorified moving violation. The passengers get to waste a day in front of a grand jury. And BEFORE ANYONE THINKS I'M DEFENDING ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED...I did say earlier that if Lynch were driving he should get jail time. But we still don't really know what happened, do we?

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Er, thats a way too black and white view of a crime whose standard of drunk driving or not has different effects on different people.


As if this frickin' board knows any other colors. Edwards or Losman?


I can only think of one poster here that doesn't see black-and-white...Holcomb's Arm. And that's only because HE'S so !@#$ing stupid he thinks you can meaningfully average together any ol' damn thing.

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What I find amazing about this thread ...... and to tell the truth I'm a bit befuddled.


Is that some people seem to be indicating that the people who would stop to render aid to someone they have injured are the "bad" or "dishonest" by the derisive lable of "holier than thou".


I also would stop, and if that makes me "holier than thee" IMHO maybe it's you who need to reassess your priorities not me.


well said

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How is it as "star-f#cking attitude" to let the facts come to light before passing judgement?!? Most of the posters rushing to Marshawn's defence aren't doing so because they love Marshawn and he's innocent because he's a Bill, but because the whole f___ing lot of you won't let the story play itself out before providing your useless "holier-than-thou" criticisms...most of us want to hear the facts before we decide if he's a "ghetto punk", a "spineless thug", or any of the other stupid insults we've seen hurled his way...


Passing judgement ? What the !@#$ ? There is no value judgement here. The car hit a woman and the car left the scene ! There is no grey area here for debate.

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What everyone seems to be forgetting is that the chick was Canadian.


If a Canadian gets hit in the middle of the road, and no one is sober enough to remember who did it, does it really matter?


THAT'S the question that needs to be answered.

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Guest dog14787
But if a relative of yours was the one who did this....woould it be so easy to talk and turn him in?? If you say yes then your full of sh--


Thats not what he said though, what if the person you hit bleeds to death? If you hit someone and know it, for God sakes people drunk or not,






Maybe I wouldn't turn my relative in but I would damn sure try to convince him to do it himself, GEESH :flirt:


I would like to add Marshawn Lynch is one of my favorite players and this whole situation does not set well with me and it shouldn't be setting well with him. <_<

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What everyone seems to be forgetting is that the chick was Canadian.


If a Canadian gets hit in the middle of the road, and no one is sober enough to remember who did it, does it really matter?


THAT'S the question that needs to be answered.



Thanks Crayonz!

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Passing judgement ? What the !@#$ ? There is no value judgement here. The car hit a woman and the car left the scene ! There is no grey area here for debate.



You really have no clue or concept do you? No one is questioning the incident (car hits woman, leaves scene), what those of us with a MODICUM of intelligence are thinking is that we want to hear all the facts of who was involved, what the circumstances of the incident were, etc. before we pass judgement.


It's not our fault you pulpit screamers are too f___ing stupid to figure that out by yourselves. Instead, you label us as immoral, Marshawn-lovers when all we want is the facts!!!


Why are you still posting, you said you were leaving over a dozen posts ago?!? You've long worn out your welcome here. Go cheer for the Chargers where all of their players are squeaky-clean church goers.

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Alright, I'm on the tee.

Having had two DUI's in NJ and one in PA, never having to spend any time in jail for these offences, I highly doubt I would be pulling over or talking to the authorities any time soon. I escaped a third DUI in NJ after hitting a parked car due to severe fog and aided by 4-5 beers; when I fled the scene I hid the car and confessed the following day.

I do not believe in God, do not fear death and am a die hard Bills fan since the white to red helmet change. I take prescription anxiety medications and rarely drink. I do have friends and a VERY small family. Read my posts and you might not find anything pleasant about me. I will continue to post here and have no anymosity towards anyone in particular. I am in a rather pissy mood right now, that's my story, and I am sticking with it.

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I'm amazed at the holier then thou types on this board right now.


Maybe some of you live in a glass bubble, but the majority of people I've met in my lifetime have driven drunk at least once. Right or Wrong, that’s the way it is. Let's say one of those nights you hit somebody, something that could happen to anyone if they make the choice to get behind the wheel. You will not be getting just a DUI, you will go to Jail. You might go to jail for a long time, your life savings gone when it's all said and done. That or you drive off, maybe call it in on a pay phone.......


Odds are nothing ever happens to you



I might sound selfish, or you might think I'm saying I would drive away. I'm not, I don't know what the hell I would do. What I do know is it's real easy to say I would stop on an internet message board.


finally a honest thought



... now this is the best part.. " a non injury traffic accident .. .IF some one was hurt gravely ,pull out the stops !! but this is a case of a " A over zealous DA " trying for a last hurrah after being made a public joke nationally because of his handling of the lynn dejack case AND HIS OFFICE S FAILURES AND PAST SCREWUPS AND INCOMPETENCE !

THE nearest comparison to him I can see is the Duke rape case where the DA s misconduct got him jail time and disbarred..


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finally a honest thought



... now this is the best part.. " a non injury traffic accident .. .IF some one was hurt gravely ,pull out the stops !! but this is a case of a " A over zealous DA " trying for a last hurrah after being made a public joke nationally because of his handling of the lynn dejack case AND HIS OFFICE S FAILURES AND PAST SCREWUPS AND INCOMPETENCE !

THE nearest comparison to him I can see is the Duke rape case where the DA s misconduct got him jail time and disbarred..



This cat sounds just like the judge who was hell bent at throwing Polanski in the pen for 50 years. <_<

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I gave a real life example yesterday of 8 East Aurora cops that came to a common sense understanding with me because I did the right thing and manned up to my teenage jackassedness.


I'll give you another story.


5 years ago....Palm Beach Fla. Out on Clamatis St with friends and girlfriend. I was driving and not drinking since I had over an hour drive. 1 AM and leaving a parking ramp, or so I thought. I head down the ramp and notice the exit is closed. There is a car behind me and one in front of me. Before I could even signal to turn around, the Ford Expedition in front of me throws it into reverse at full speed and rails me as I am laying on the horn. Thankfully it was only about 10 feet in front of me.


Everyone is ok in the car...I am in a near rage, and understand I probably have a drunken moron to deal with. It turns out to be a 18 year old girl and some random guy she was taking home. She came out and was hysterical because she thought I was going to kill her. Anyway, she was drunk alright. I look at my car and see there is damage to the grill and fender, but not very bad. The girl is crying because her dad is going to kill her for taking his car out and now she gets caught bringing a guy home (interracial by the way, and of obvious concern to the girl). I get all the insurance info from her and she is so nervous she doesn't even ask for mine. I get all her home info and a phone number, and tell her to have the guy drive her home since she was crocked and now a wreck. I thought for a split second of calling the cops, and figured security would come anyway, but they didn't. I let her off though knowing this experience should be enough to wake her up and she didn't need her life ruined for being an idiot driver.


I had the repairs done and the girl put it on her credit card. She was not cute by the way. This was a case where someone made a stupid move, but I saw it for what it was and helped the girl out. Some may call me stupid for doing so, but the punishment that girl would have received would have been insult to injury.


In reality, there is a 98% chance Lynch knew the girl was hit and took off. If he had shown concern for a human being that was injured, the Cops would have probably been more worried about extra paperwork and just focused on the girl. The cops give these guys a break as it is...I'm sure there would be zero story if Lynch was a man and stopped to help.

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I gave a real life example yesterday of 8 East Aurora cops that came to a common sense understanding with me because I did the right thing and manned up to my teenage jackassedness.


I'll give you another story.


5 years ago....Palm Beach Fla. Out on Clamatis St with friends and girlfriend. I was driving and not drinking since I had over an hour drive. 1 AM and leaving a parking ramp, or so I thought. I head down the ramp and notice the exit is closed. There is a car behind me and one in front of me. Before I could even signal to turn around, the Ford Expedition in front of me throws it into reverse at full speed and rails me as I am laying on the horn. Thankfully it was only about 10 feet in front of me.


Everyone is ok in the car...I am in a near rage, and understand I probably have a drunken moron to deal with. It turns out to be a 18 year old girl and some random guy she was taking home. She came out and was hysterical because she thought I was going to kill her. Anyway, she was drunk alright. I look at my car and see there is damage to the grill and fender, but not very bad. The girl is crying because her dad is going to kill her for taking his car out and now she gets caught bringing a guy home (interracial by the way, and of obvious concern to the girl). I get all the insurance info from her and she is so nervous she doesn't even ask for mine. I get all her home info and a phone number, and tell her to have the guy drive her home since she was crocked and now a wreck. I thought for a split second of calling the cops, and figured security would come anyway, but they didn't. I let her off though knowing this experience should be enough to wake her up and she didn't need her life ruined for being an idiot driver.


I had the repairs done and the girl put it on her credit card. She was not cute by the way. This was a case where someone made a stupid move, but I saw it for what it was and helped the girl out. Some may call me stupid for doing so, but the punishment that girl would have received would have been insult to injury.




In reality, there is a 98% chance Lynch knew the girl was hit and took off. If he had shown concern for a human being that was injured, the Cops would have probably been more worried about extra paperwork and just focused on the girl. The cops give these guys a break as it is...I'm sure there would be zero story if Lynch was a man and stopped to help.


lol, we still don't even know if Lynch was actually the driver yet. <_<


Oh, and just so I'm not also accused of defending Lynch, I also AGREE WITH DC TOM THAT IF TRUE, LYNCH SHOULD BE PUNISHED.

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Guest dog14787
If I actually did hit someone, and they flew over my windshield (I saw them) I'm feeling that I would be pulling over, since it's been 12 years since my last DUI.


Someone Flying over the windshield might be a good indication they could use a little help. <_<



You've got to be kidding me, throw a bag over your head buddy,



:flirt: (Kgun12to83) I'll even do it for ya

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