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Are we winning the War in Iraq?

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Someone get pBills a fire extinguisher. I think his hair's on fire.



I realize how small the world has become and that a threat over there is a threat over here. That said, We can't just stay there until we are so far in debt that we become financially insolvent. If we aren't in good shape here, being over there won't help us much.


If leaving Iraq is surrendering, then I guess we will be there forever........

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Someone get pBills a fire extinguisher. I think his hair's on fire.






Wow, way to chime in after I posted that 3 days ago. Fine call it surrendering. I call it knowing when it's war that is going to continue on and continue on with no light at the end of the tunnel.. not even close to seeing the end of this. But, let's keep our soldiers in harms way and keep pumping tons of cash into this war. Makes sense to me. :wallbash:

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We broke it...we bought it. Now we've got to fix it, right or wrong. But, it does, at this point, seem to be getting repaired.


Let's just hope the dollar doesn't collapse before we're done...

I do agree that we have to fix it, but we have to fix it so it won't collapse when we do leave

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The dollar's fall has little to do with Iraq.

Iraq is just one thing that is hurting our economy. But we are so overloaded right now that everything will have an impact- I am not saying up and leave, but it is very costly

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The dollar's fall has little to do with Iraq.


Didn't mean to implicate that it did. The additional debt we're incurring by being there isn't helpful, but there are many other factors leading me to write that.

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I realize how small the world has become and that a threat over there is a threat over here. That said, We can't just stay there until we are so far in debt that we become financially insolvent. If we aren't in good shape here, being over there won't help us much.


If leaving Iraq is surrendering, then I guess we will be there forever........

Didn't mean to implicate that it did. The additional debt we're incurring by being there isn't helpful, but there are many other factors leading me to write that.

Do I even need to mention that 75% of the current Federal Budget is spent on entitlement programs? As in Medicaid, Medicare, what's left of Welfare, and all the rest of the Bad Old Days, Great Depression beating programs that have clearly outlived, and outgrown, their usefulness?


So yeah, within the remaining 25%, we have determine things like science grants vs. DOD spending on the wars and every other thing they need vs. Educational grants, and basically the rest of everything the Federal Government does.


I love this pissing and moaning about what we do/don't do with the 25% while we are blatantly ignoring the 3 ton elephant in the room. :rolleyes: Fellas, the 75% is going to do a lot more to make us insolvent than the relative drop in the bucket that = the 25%. Iraq spending is essentially = to less than 3% of of the original 100%, but somehow we are supposed to be more worried about that? WTF?


Can we at least put things into some kind of rational perspective here? Perhaps that is possible now in a Molson_Golden-free environment.

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OC-I'm not worried, Obama has a plan. He's just going to tax the !@#$ out of the 'rich' people making above $250k per year. A modern day Robin Hood from da hood.


But seriously, you're right. Medicaid and Medicare are the two largest expenditures that NOBODY will acknowledge and that Politicians will not touch for fear of becoming a leper. But for me, I'm concerned with ALL Gov't spending, especially the type that is discretionary, as I view the war to be. In hindsight (being 20/20) we did not have to fight this war, but we can save that for some other day.


But as I also mentioned, the day to day cost of fighting the war isn't the only expense that needs to ba accounted for. The cost of resetting the force once we do can home en masse is going to be staggering.

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OC-I'm not worried, Obama has a plan. He's just going to tax the !@#$ out of the 'rich' people making above $250k per year. A modern day Robin Hood from da hood.


But seriously, you're right. Medicaid and Medicare are the two largest expenditures that NOBODY will acknowledge and that Politicians will not touch for fear of becoming a leper. But for me, I'm concerned with ALL Gov't spending, especially the type that is discretionary, as I view the war to be. In hindsight (being 20/20) we did not have to fight this war, but we can save that for some other day.


But as I also mentioned, the day to day cost of fighting the war isn't the only expense that needs to ba accounted for. The cost of resetting the force once we do can home en masse is going to be staggering.





Robin Hood from da Hood. Nice. Tax the F out of rich people making over $250k per year. What do you consider to be taxing the F out of them? The only people concerned about paying a bit more are the people making that much.


If these stats are correct... not so bad:

People who are making $112k - 161k will save $2,614 under McCains plan and $2,204 under Obama's plan.

People who make over $2.9 million will save $269,364 and under Obama's they will pay $701,885 extra.

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Have you seen his plan for 'saving' social security? But I guess that's not a tax, so it doesn't qualify, right?


Thanks for the props on the Robin Hood moniker, I knew you'd dig it :blink:


He is from da hood right?

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Have you seen his plan for 'saving' social security? But I guess that's not a tax, so it doesn't qualify, right?


Thanks for the props on the Robin Hood moniker, I knew you'd dig it :blink:


He is from da hood right?




What is McCain's plan for saving Social Security? Just out of curiosity.

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Have you seen his plan for 'saving' social security? But I guess that's not a tax, so it doesn't qualify, right?


Thanks for the props on the Robin Hood moniker, I knew you'd dig it :blink:


He is from da hood right?

What is McCain's plan for returning the excess power that has been accumulated by the executive branch? Oh, wait...he doesn't have a plan for that- he helped in creating that problem. He is on the verge of losing my vote, thats for sure.

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What is McCain's plan for saving Social Security? Just out of curiosity.

JM appears to be in favor of partial privatization


McCain has been more straightforward than many other proponents of partial privatization in acknowledging that the proposal won't help Social Security's looming insolvency.


That will require a solution all its own, such as higher payroll taxes, lower benefits or a higher age to start collecting the payments.

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Yeah, because how much money "rich" people have to spend has not effect on your tiny little life. :blink:




I know, the wealthy make so much and it instantly is spent. Just don't forget the little people who spend as well and could really need a tax break.




If we were invested in the market with your Social Security, how much would we have lost by now?

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I know, the wealthy make so much and it instantly is spent. Just don't forget the little people who spend as well and could really need a tax break.


If we were invested in the market with your Social Security, how much would we have lost by now?

Are you kidding? How much would we have made over the years?? Did you only start paying attention to the stock market over the last 8 months?



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I know, the wealthy make so much and it instantly is spent.


So what do "rich" people do with all their money? They put it under the mattress? No, they invest it (which helps the economy and the stock market) and then they save some in back accounts and CDs spend the rest, both of which help the economy. "Rich" people have a life style that they've worked hard for and deserve just as you do. So why should the "rich" people have their lifestlye compromised and yours increased? Please explain that to me.

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Are you kidding? How much would we have made over the years?? Did you only start paying attention to the stock market over the last 8 months?




I'm sure he doesn't invest in those pesky 401k plans, because really, why risk your money when you can spend it and rely on S. Security when you're old. 0:)

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So what do "rich" people do with all their money? They put it under the mattress? No, they invest it (which helps the economy and the stock market) and then they save some in back accounts and CDs spend the rest, both of which help the economy. "Rich" people have a life style that they've worked hard for and deserve just as you do. So why should the "rich" people have their lifestlye compromised and yours increased? Please explain that to me.

Paris Hilton never worked a day in her life- and we all know, ALL rich people are like her! :devil:

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