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McCain = Un-American

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Wouldn't you rather have a Hopey Meal with McChange


Everybody would like some McHope... Not sure if it will come with some much McChange... Me thinks they will be glady shaking us down for more McMoney... Which of couse you will glady McWelcome, seeing how you are a McPatriot...


Wow... This McBusiness is very catchy... Good thing I didn't buy my McMansion on McHill!



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Now there's an appropriate stereotype we can use.


BMWs are for those who like to drive. MBs are for those who like to be seen driving.


Actually, to be seen being chauffeured around in a MB is the ideal to some.

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Everybody would like some McHope... Not sure if it will come with some much McChange... Me thinks they will be glady Mcshaking us down for more McMoney... Which of couse you will glady McWelcome, seeing how you are a McPatriot...


Wow... This McBusiness is very catchy... Good thing I didn't buy my McMansion on McHill!





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I see you've all been enjoying a fine little circle jerk here! If you'd have bothered clicking the link first to see the joke, you might have saved your fat little fingers some typing but think of the fun you'd have missed!


However far be it from me to ruin your little pinhead party. Carry on. 0:)

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I see you've all been enjoying a fine little circle jerk here! If you'd have bothered clicking the link first to see the joke, you might have saved your fat little fingers some typing but think of the fun you'd have missed!


However far be it from me to ruin your little pinhead party. Carry on. 0:)


I dont' think anyone was commenting on the link you posted. The above commentary was about YOU.

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I see you've all been enjoying a fine little circle jerk here! If you'd have bothered clicking the link first to see the joke, you might have saved your fat little fingers some typing but think of the fun you'd have missed!


However far be it from me to ruin your little pinhead party. Carry on. 0:)


It had already been posted. I'll bet McCain knows there are 50 states. A slip of the tongue was all it was. Try harder. BTW, Reagan never said what you said he said. You Dems are so predictable. Fight, fight, fight. The truth be damned.

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Question is can McCain actually visit all 50 states? Osteoporosis can be a B word.

Ugh, that was witty... 0:)


The real question is when is the Messiah going to go to Iraq to survey the ground and meet the troops? On second thought, why get informed?

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It had already been posted. I'll bet McCain knows there are 50 states. A slip of the tongue was all it was. Try harder. BTW, Reagan never said what you said he said. You Dems are so predictable. Fight, fight, fight. The truth be damned.

The democrats and republicans are BOTH predicatable, both talk a lot and do very little

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I dont' think anyone was commenting on the link you posted. The above commentary was about YOU.

No, Jim. It was all a clever trap set up by blzrul to trick us "wingnuts" and "rePigs" into overreacting. Gosh, I feel so silly!!



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I see you've all been enjoying a fine little circle jerk here! If you'd have bothered clicking the link first to see the joke, you might have saved your fat little fingers some typing but think of the fun you'd have missed!


However far be it from me to ruin your little pinhead party. Carry on. :cry:


I get it. "McCain = Un-American" because he vows to veto every single bill with earmarks that crosses his desk, should he become President.


You think that's a joke. So do I. He won't. Ha-ha!

He should try a more "American" approach and promise to take more money from rich people and give it to those who need it - like the Arabs.

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I get it. "McCain = Un-American" because he vows to veto every single bill with earmarks that crosses his desk, should he become President.


You think that's a joke. So do I. He won't. Ha-ha!

He should try a more "American" approach and promise to take more money from rich people and give it to those who need it - like the Arabs.




He should also continue on making sure that the American worker is not represented well.

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