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My Verizon contract expires in December and I've already decided I'm switching to Cingular. Right now it's going to be a toss up between the new iphone and the BlackBerry Bold. I'm leaning toward BB right now, but iphone is tough to ignore.

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I know my opinion means very little, but I did own an iPhone for a couple days. (used a prepaid account with GoPhone, switch it to the iPhone and done -- iPhone with no contract). Anywho, the only reason I didn't leave Verizon was due to service issues IN MY AREA (AT&T is still highly lacking in WNY). That being said, the 1st Gen iPhone was BY FAR the most user friendly phone I've ever used and the Internet was better than any WM5, WM6 smartphone, or blackberry. The internet is simply crippled on those phones. If you disagree, you simply haven't used the browser on the iPhone.


Anyway, now that it has 3G and has GPS, I am praying that At&T can get its sh-- together in WNY. Actually, it's not bad. Its just that it doesnt get reception at work. Once that works, I'm in.

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Is Jobs sick or something? He looks alot thinner and kind of frail :devil:

He did have a curable kind of pancreatic cancer in 2004.


They are making progress on the most common (and fatal) type. My godmother was diagnosed in October 2005 and it normally kills within a year. She was in a trial of a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. The doctor told her it would not cure her , but it might extend her life. well, it did. She is still around although she is about 5 foot and 90 lbs and is in pain.

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I'm feeling a little silly for getting the iTouch before the iPhone is released. (That geek jones was too strong to resist!) I mean you can get a 3G iPhone with 8GB for $100 less than an 8GB iTouch! The sting is mitigated somewhat by the fact that I got a $15 price break plus a $40 Best Buy gift card, and by the fact for $10 I can upgrade my iTouch to the iPhone 2.0 OS. But I knew that could happen when I bought it, and I LOVE that toy! And like PTS, I plan to bolt Verizon as soon as 3G gets to my town, ETF or not.


I've been hearing stuff about the Android platform from Google. Looks interesting but the the iPhone touch pad interface is so cool, I don't think I'd settle for a keyboard phone now. (Like Jobs said in that speech: who wants a bunch of little plastic keys?)



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they had me at hello....



what a freaking amazing upgrade over every other "phone" out there. i was 100% set on switching to verizon this summer from nextel what i have currently. the video changed my mind.

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He did have a curable kind of pancreatic cancer in 2004.


They are making progress on the most common (and fatal) type. My godmother was diagnosed in October 2005 and it normally kills within a year. She was in a trial of a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. The doctor told her it would not cure her , but it might extend her life. well, it did. She is still around although she is about 5 foot and 90 lbs and is in pain.



Bless her. I hope she stops the trial participation soon. Pancreatic cancer pain is as intense as it gets. :D

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I've used both. The N96 has windows mobile. In my opinion, that makes it inferior to the iphone. Too many lags.


I highly doubt you've used the N96, as it isn't out yet, and it uses Symbian, not Windows Mobile.

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Here's a short

of Steve Jobs talking about Microsoft in a PBS documentary "Triumph of the Nerds" from 1996. It's pretty funny, IMHO.


Now we know Jobs stole the GUI from Xerox's PARC, but at least the Mac was classy (and arrived in 1984). I've been waiting for the 3G before taking the plunge, but since I've never considered myself an early adopter I'll wait a bit.

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Here's a short
of Steve Jobs talking about Microsoft in a PBS documentary "Triumph of the Nerds" from 1996. It's pretty funny, IMHO.


Now we know Jobs stole the GUI from Xerox's PARC, but at least the Mac was classy (and arrived in 1984). I've been waiting for the 3G before taking the plunge, but since I've never considered myself an early adopter I'll wait a bit.


Jobs didn't steal it. The Xerox PARC guys were stupid and didn't know what they had and sold it for a pittance.

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Jobs didn't steal it. The Xerox PARC guys were stupid and didn't know what they had and sold it for a pittance.


Perhaps "stole" was poor syntax. My point was that Apple was not the originator of GUI. On the same trip he was shown OOP. PARC was full of geniuses. No one at Xerox had the foresight to exploit it and that's a shame.

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