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(OT) Yankees v Sox Game 4


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Two GREAT plays by Clark. The Tower coming through...


(Just learned that's what they call him. I always thought it was Tony the Tiger)


Well I'm through with this...I did realize though...looking at my fellow Red Sox fans...we are a unique interesting devoted group of fans...we look like America as they show Sox fan's faces... To me Yankee fans are like Raider fans...bandwagoners. ...not from NYC, just see the Yankees win and follow them, tthere is no heart to a Yankee fan, there is no personality, I would say bland would be a good word to describe Yankee fans. Yankee fans remind me of people that vote and have no clue about the political process and whay the issues are. Oh well I like my pain. It's nice ..its my family's pain too, all of us are Red Sox fans. The Yankee really don't represent Americans...it represents big money and having anything you like. I think Boston would be America's team more than the Yankees

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The Yankee really don't represent Americans...it represents big money and having anything you like.  I think Boston would be America's team more than the Yankees



Hard argument to make since the Sox have the second highest payroll. If you are going to go by payrolls then the Pirates, Indians or Twins fit the bill a whole heck of a lot better than the Sox.


But it's not over yet.

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Well I'm through with this...I did realize though...looking at my fellow Red Sox fans...we are a unique interesting devoted group of fans...we look like America as they show Sox fan's faces... To me Yankee fans are like Raider fans...bandwagoners. ...not from NYC, just see the Yankees win and follow them,  tthere is no heart to a Yankee fan,  there is no personality, I would say bland would be a good word to describe Yankee fans.  Yankee fans remind me of people that vote and have no clue about the political process and whay the issues are.  Oh well I like my pain.  It's nice ..its my family's pain too, all of us are Red Sox fans.  The Yankee really don't represent Americans...it represents big money and having anything you like.  I think Boston would be America's team more than the Yankees



Alviro Espinoza. Bobby Meacham. Steve Balboni. Pat Kelly. Scott Kaminicki. Hensley Meulons. I could go on. I have paid my dues as a Yanks fan. In 1991 we were the worst team in baseball. I graduated HS in 1987 and my yearbook is filled with "Yankees suck" scriblings from my Red Sox friends. I love how you make blanket statements about Yanks fans. Bitter are we? Enough about your "pain". Try being a Clippers fan which I am. The Sox are competive every year so quit your bitching

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Alviro Espinoza.  Bobby Meacham.  Steve Balboni.  Pat Kelly.  Scott Kaminicki.  Hensley Meulons.  I could go on.  I have paid my dues as a Yanks fan.  In 1991 we were the worst team in baseball.  I graduated HS in 1987 and my yearbook is filled with "Yankees suck"  scriblings from my Red Sox friends.  I love how you make blanket statements about Yanks fans.  Bitter are we?  Enough about your "pain".  Try being a Clippers fan which I am.  The Sox are competive every year so quit your bitching


YOU are a dick

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