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I've seen, in multiple threads on this board, people clamoring about Marshawn "leaving a woman for dead" and "Oh Shucks, it sure is gonna be tough to like this team now." Are you kidding me?


Even if Marshawn was the driver, I'm sure it went down like this:


Marshawn and player X and Y are out drinking at the bars; they go to leave; Marshawn is driving, and he probably shouldn't have been, but who knows. They come around the corner and another drunk person is in the middle of the street and the car GRAZES her. That is the key word; some of you are acting like he flat ran this woman over, maybe put it in reverse a few times back over her and then sped off laughing, with his head out the window like a Looney Tune.


I'm sure he was like "Oh sh--. I've been drinking a little. What do I do? What do I do?" Now the smart thing to do would have been to stop and fess up right then and there but I'm sure he panicked and ended up making a stupid decision. For God's sakes he still a kid; what is he 22? I mean c'mon. I'm sure he knew she wasn't seriously injured by the nature of the collision. It was very minor -- most car to person accidents don't result in bruising and 7 stitches. I needed like 15 when I fell of my bike as a child.


Was it handled poorly by Marshawn? Of course it was. Do I think it makes Marshawn a bad guy or a "coward" as some have suggested? Absolutely not. He's a kid who made a bad choice. I'm sure he'll learn from it and move on. He seems like a good guy with a good heart so maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt, and stop painting all these ridiculous pictures of the event, until the investigation unfolds.


Players around the league are doing much worse. But for any of you who think fielding a team of saints and do-gooders is possible and don't believe that all kinds of terrible things are done by pro athletes all the time that you just don't hear about -- the NFL isn't for you. Maybe you should pick a team of 11-year-olds in some sort of "Play Then Pray" Flag League in your area to follow. Then and only then will you have your team of stand-up individuals.

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