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And you thought Iraq was expensive...

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The funniest thing about all the Global Warming hoopla here in the US is the about face the hippies have taken WRT nuclear power. Remember back in the 70's when Jane Fonda and other hippies like Bonnie Raitt protesting Nuke plants? They're the same Lefty's that are now advocating them to 'Save the planet'. Funny Stuff.




But, hey...$45 Trillion isn't that much is it? I'm sure The Messiah has a plan to take illegal profits from those eeeevil oil companies to pay for it... :thumbsup:

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The funniest thing about all the Global Warming hoopla here in the US is the about face the hippies have taken WRT nuclear power. Remember back in the 70's when Jane Fonda and other hippies like Bonnie Raitt protesting Nuke plants? They're the same Lefty's that are now advocating them to 'Save the planet'. Funny Stuff.




But, hey...$45 Trillion isn't that much is it? I'm sure The Messiah has a plan to take illegal profits from those eeeevil oil companies to pay for it... :thumbsup:


:w00t: :w00t: :lol:


From a cost-benefit analysis point of view, it's probably better to let it happen and deal with the consequences.

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Lemme guess -- the US taxpayer is supposed to foot 2/3 of the bill. :w00t:



:thumbsup: you hippies.


Did you catch the part where it's three times the annual GDP of the richest country in the world...but only 1% of the GDP of the world? Which would mean that we, with 5% of the world's population, control 3% of the world's money...Great news, everyone! We're actually LESS greedy than we should be!



That article doesn't even pass a basic bull sh-- test. How does this crap even get to print? Doesn't anyone read past the headline anymore?

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Lemme guess -- the US taxpayer is supposed to foot 2/3 of the bill. :w00t:



:w00t: you hippies.


We all have to do our part. We can't all fly around the world in Manbearpig's private jet so this is the pleb's way to contribute :thumbsup:

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That article doesn't even pass a basic bull sh-- test. How does this crap even get to print? Doesn't anyone read past the headline anymore?


Reading is hard.


And math is damn near impossible.

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Did you catch the part where it's three times the annual GDP of the richest country in the world...but only 1% of the GDP of the world? Which would mean that we, with 5% of the world's population, control 3% of the world's money...Great news, everyone! We're actually LESS greedy than we should be!



That article doesn't even pass a basic bull sh-- test. How does this crap even get to print? Doesn't anyone read past the headline anymore?

I blame Thomas Vanek.

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I blame Thomas Vanek.

Well if he could hit a golfball, we wouldn't have to expend the energy cooling water down so they could play hockey.


Plus golf doesn't kill trees anymore. But hockey sticks still cause mass deforestation.

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Did you catch the part where it's three times the annual GDP of the richest country in the world...but only 1% of the GDP of the world? Which would mean that we, with 5% of the world's population, control 3% of the world's money...Great news, everyone! We're actually LESS greedy than we should be!



That article doesn't even pass a basic bull sh-- test. How does this crap even get to print? Doesn't anyone read past the headline anymore?


I hav a hard enuf time reeding the hedline.

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Well if he could hit a golfball, we wouldn't have to expend the energy cooling water down so they could play hockey.


Plus golf doesn't kill trees anymore. But hockey sticks still cause mass deforestation.


Nobody uses wood hockey sticks anymore, they're all composite. Blame major league baseball.

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Nobody uses wood hockey sticks anymore, they're all composite. Blame major league baseball.


lol. "Blame the MLB, not the players who chose to use them, and the league that allows them"


Did you get that one from Hillary?

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Bingo...we have a weener! It's all GW's fault.


When can we get some of that Change We Can Believe It!



You forgot the TM designation, as in: Change We Can Believe InTM.


You better hope Obama has not retained Ahr & Ahr Associates.

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Did you catch the part where it's three times the annual GDP of the richest country in the world...but only 1% of the GDP of the world? Which would mean that we, with 5% of the world's population, control 3% of the world's money...


Sheesh. Where did all the money go? :D


Mine's sure vanished in the market the last few days. Forget early retirement, I'm gonna stock up on dog food.


Yawn. Another Bush, another recession.

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