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[closed]How do you sum up the Lynch situation?

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*** This situation is becoming overblown and hearing about it on a daily basis in the news, in the papers, on the message boards I visit makes me want to slap the living hell out of someone.

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He probably was a little drunk... Left to cover his ass and those in the car. Not saying it was right by any means, but he did cover the other 2 or 3 players in the car with him. Apparently he can't be convicted unless there is solid evidence.


If I were him, I'd buy this lady a nice Porsche SUV for herself to keep quiet and brush this away.

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He probably was a little drunk... Left to cover his ass and those in the car. Not saying it was right by any means, but he did cover the other 2 or 3 players in the car with him. Apparently he can't be convicted unless there is solid evidence.


If I were him, I'd buy this lady a nice Porsche SUV for herself to keep quiet and brush this away.



He can buy her off all he wants but he is still going to have to stand and answer to the authorities for the hit and run portion of his crime.

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He can buy her off all he wants but he is still going to have to stand and answer to the authorities for the hit and run portion of his crime.
That is incorrect, she can decide not to press charges.
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I think it was late, the music in the car was LOUD, and this dumb drunk B bull rushed Marshawn's Porche because she saw rich sexy black men inside, he sped away, grazed her as he took the corner (note, she was throwing herself AT the car), and no one even heard the impact because it was so minor.


It's likely she even kicked the car causing this so-called "piece" to fall off somewhere in the process. In fact, this is the part that puzzles me. To hit a human so hard as to detach a piece of your Porche SUV is a serious collision. We're talking air time and trajectory for the "victim." But we know the impact wasn't that bad because she wasn't that hurt...

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