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Lynch's Silence

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I don't understand how they have a witness who says he was driving and yet, in the same story, it says authorities still aren't sure who was driving. Either they don't beleive their own witness or the statement is not dispositive as to who the driver was. Or, some other possibility I can't think of at the moment.


3:30 am. Chippewa and Delaware. Light rain. I don't know, but it's an even money bet the Porsche's windows were tinted. Would YOU rely on witness testimony?


Plus, we don't even know what the witness testimony is. We know it's been reported as "people saw him driving". Witnesses being what they are, it could be five people in the parking lot of the bar saying "Yeah, we saw him get in the car on the driver's side," which is NOT the same as seeing him driving - which police detectives and criminal lawyers know, but your average message board posting schmuck does not. Quite simply: we don't know what we don't know. We only know what was reported...and we don't even know that reliably, reporters being who they are (i.e. more akin to message board schmucks).

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This is how the legal process works. Even if he were to be questioned by the police, he wouldn't have to answer legally, since it might be construed as self-incrimination. Now pleading the fifth probably won't help him with the league, but it could get him off the hook legally.


The other thing is that how are you really going to find a credible witness to something that happened on Chippewa at 3:30 am? The defense attorney just has to ask the witness how many drinks they had that night. Not to mention that since the story has taken off in the enws and the witness just came forward in the past two days, it causes doubt about the witnesses motives. What if the "witness" was a bartender who Marshawn didn't tip that night? Or maybe Marshawn was hitting on some one's girlfriend that night - or any other night - and that guy thought it would be a good way to get back at him. Christ - it might even be a Dolphins, Pats, or Jets fan that is trying to ruin our season!


Not that any of these thigns are that probable, but they are all just as valid as Marshawn actually hitting the girl and driving away.

A witness who "comes forward" days after a well publicized incident is certainly open to suspicion.

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You forgot to mention boner pill ads. :thumbsup:

Yes, in the last stages of societal collapse, millions of out of work Western New Yorkers will be aimlessly wandering the streets with raging hard ons, in their pathetic Spikes and Bledsoe jerseys, mumbling, "Where's Dean? Whatever happened to Dean?"

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Personally i think Lynch is smart. he hasn't said a thing to the media and is letting his lawyer do the talking. Any smart person who was either driving the car, in the car, or owned the car should do the same thing. The police are being police. They are trying to push Lynch into saying something. They are crying to the media to force Lynch to come to their terms. If they really wanted Lynch so bad and had some solid evidence they would just arrest his ass. Right now it doesn't appear they have anything so they are fishing.


People who cry about the goood old days aren't with the times. In the 90's the internet wasn't as widely used. The media wasn't all over the place. Technology has changed things drastically in the last 15ish years.


Take it for what it's worth but i know someone who claims he saw Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith, Andre Reed doing cocaine in the back of a bar one night. We know Bruce was busted a few times for it and Jim Kelly had his wild days.

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Yes, in the last stages of societal collapse, millions of out of work Western New Yorkers will be aimlessly wandering the streets with raging hard ons, in their pathetic Spikes and Bledsoe jerseys, mumbling, "Where's Dean? Whatever happened to Dean?"


While Lynch runs them down, Hardy shoots them, and stuckincincy yells at them to get off his lawn...

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They haven't gone into the comedy aspects of the story yet. I mean a hit and run isn't as funny as a driveway powerbomb, but still it's pretty good.



I told you yesterday, stop it with the jokes. I have alot of work to do this afternoon, & now Im going to be laughing my a** off thinking about the family & the driveway powerbomb.

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Why hasn't he been arrested yet? The physical evidence is present (damaged vehicle, damaged human being). There are eyewitnesses. What's the hang up here? I don't care who he is -- he needs to be brought into custody and questioned -- no more of this BS of waiting for him to step forward.


Probably tinted windows.

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No, he's pretty much a kid. Frankly, I've know very few 22-year olds who'd act differently in the situation. And the college-educated one's I'd expect to be MORE likely to do that.


I suppose we run with very different crowds.


And oh-by-the-way, THEY STILL CAN'T DETERMINE IF HE WAS DRIVING! :thumbsup: Since, judging by your post, you have conclusive evidence that he was, perhaps you should share it with the police?


My post was in response to someone who was diminishing the significance of a hit-and-run. In my post, I was commenting on the severity of the crime in my eyes, not on his guilt or innocence.


In any case, it's been reported by the DA that Lynch was in the car. Even if he was just a passenger in the car, I'd say that it does not speak well for one's character to not come-forward to the police.

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Evidently not. IMO, the Buffalo police look like a bunch of buffoons calling all these press conferences to whine about Marshawn not turning himself in. I agree with, SchobelFumble- if they had ANY evidence whatsoever, they'd end this PR charade, march down to the Bills' practice center and put Lynch in handcuffs. It's not like the Bills spend their days in a hidden dome deep beneath Lake Erie, everyone knows where the man can be found!


Define "bruised hip" and tell me you don't have countless places on your own skin where you might have gotten seven stitches but instead used band aids and salve for three days until your scrape scabbed up.




(at least this is what I hope!)


Hey, people on here seem to get hit in parking lots on what seems to be a fairly frequent basis????; which to my dismay has never happened to me.

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Take it for what it's worth but i know someone who claims he saw Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith, Andre Reed doing cocaine in the back of a bar one night. We know Bruce was busted a few times for it and Jim Kelly had his wild days.


After they did a few lines, did they get in a car, hit some chick and send her flying, then sped off while leaving her prone in the street with injuries?


There's a difference between not being a choirboy and being a scumsucker. Hit+Run and Beating your girlfriend while she holds your 6 month old baby is different than doing some blow and getting a handcranker from the waitress.

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Personally i think Lynch is smart. he hasn't said a thing to the media and is letting his lawyer do the talking. Any smart person who was either driving the car, in the car, or owned the car should do the same thing. The police are being police. They are trying to push Lynch into saying something. They are crying to the media to force Lynch to come to their terms. If they really wanted Lynch so bad and had some solid evidence they would just arrest his ass. Right now it doesn't appear they have anything so they are fishing.


People who cry about the goood old days aren't with the times. In the 90's the internet wasn't as widely used. The media wasn't all over the place. Technology has changed things drastically in the last 15ish years.


Take it for what it's worth but i know someone who claims he saw Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith, Andre Reed doing cocaine in the back of a bar one night. We know Bruce was busted a few times for it and Jim Kelly had his wild days.


Look, I'm not suggesting that Kelly and Co. were chiorboys. I know Jim's partner at Network and I've heard a million stories about what went on in the hot tub and back room. The difference is that Marshawn's car (with or without him at the wheel) hit a woman and left her in the road. I can't excuse that just because he's a Bill.


I hope there's some explainantion (like a cousin driving and an oblivious, passed-out Marshawn in the back seat) that clears him, but unlike some of you, I can't exonorate him because he's 22 and the woman wasn't seriously hurt.


I can tell you that at 22, I knew enough to call for help if I'd of hit someone with my car.

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A witness who "comes forward" days after a well publicized incident is certainly open to suspicion.



Especially when said witness offered an eyewitness account outside of a bar on Chippewa at 4 AM, positively identifying ML as the driver from the other guys in a window-tinted SUV at night. Yep, no credibility issue there.

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Is it just me or is anyone else having a hard time with the Lynch hit and run aftermath? According to Channel 2 four witnesses say that Marshawn was at the wheel and that other Bills were in the car with him.


If true, what does that say about the moral fiber of this team? The old Polian/Levy "draft only character guys" philosophy is dead. I can't imagine Jim Kelly being in a similar scenario back in the glory days and hiding behind attorneys for days on end.


What kind of a team do we really have if players (plural) would hit a citizen of the community and leave her laying in the road. For all they knew they may have killed her.


I'm starting to think that Beast Mode may have a double meaning.

didn't Levy draft Lynch?

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Especially when said witness offered an eyewitness account outside of a bar on Chippewa at 4 AM, positively identifying ML as the driver from the other guys in a window-tinted SUV at night. Yep, no credibility issue there.

I thought that eyewitnesses are not credible?

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Look, I'm not suggesting that Kelly and Co. were choirboys. I know Jim's partner at Network and I've heard a million stories about what went on in the hot tub and back room. The difference is that Marshawn's car (with or without him at the wheel) hit a woman and left her in the road. I can't excuse that just because he's a Bill.


I hope there's some explanation (like a cousin driving and an oblivious, passed-out Marshawn in the back seat) that clears him, but unlike some of you, I can't exonerate him because he's 22 and the woman wasn't seriously hurt.


I can tell you that at 22, I knew enough to call for help if I'd of hit someone with my car.

Agreed, and that's a big difference. Far as we know, guys boozing, doing lines, or ripping sinks off the wall at the Big Tree didn't end up with someone going to the emergency room.

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The Levy/Polian character was always about on-the-field character - playing every down to the whistle, blocking when you've gotta, participating in special teams, showing up. Bruce, Jimbo, and the rest had plenty of off the field problems, they just showed up Sunday to play the game.

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You guys are all such a bunch of homers. You have to be an idiot not to put this together. Pretty simple, Lynch went down to the Chip, had one too many drinks, clipped a girl, got scared & drove away. He was the driver in the car, im 99% sure of that. My guess is this information will come out next week, he will be arrested & when it is all said & done he will get probation & a small fine, plus find himself right in the middle of a civil lawsuit. MY biggest fear is that Goodell is going to suspend him for the 1st 4 weeks. Hopefully, since this is his 1st offense this is not the case. You guys that are flaming appu just because he could see the obvious really need to take the rose colored glasses off.

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