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Only 10K showed up to Obamas 50K+ rally

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might want to clarify the last 6 words in that statement with a couple more....

in the democrat leaning area of a strong republican state


I doubt Obama would get 10k elsewhere in the state

I hear you on that...


but isn't there a lot of speculation that VA is not only leaning purple, but might actually change it's tradition and vote democratic in November or is that a lot of crap?

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might want to clarify the last 6 words in that statement with a couple more....

in the democrat leaning area of a strong republican state


I doubt Obama would get 10k elsewhere in the state


Regardless of party affiliation. Outside the DC metro area, Virginia ain't exactly a paradigm of racial tolerance.

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Try going to an Obama rally. That'll help lower your brain activity




Just stay away from politics. According to some Obama's will lower your brain activity and McCain's, my friends, will put you to sleep.

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It was the VA dem chairman that was talking about those numbers on WTOP as I was driving up to Fairfax yesterday afternoon about 5:30. That was only a half hour before the rally and they still said they expected 50-60K and said they stimated they already had over 12 thousand show up. Needless to say since they went through gates and counted, the real number was 10K total, so how did he come up with 12K a half hour before hand.


Typical democrat math! :D

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