ajzepp Posted June 7, 2008 Author Posted June 7, 2008 It's not odd at all. That area is one of the worst in the country. People in that area are constantly trying to kill each other. The fact that they didn't try to help someone that was dying is not surprising. That aside, I will reiterate what was said already in this thread. The fact that people are so god damn sue happy, if you go up and try to help, and touch him, and he later dies, I wouldn't be shocked if his family tried to sue YOU for being part of his death. But I still have a tough time with the fact that they said NO ONE HELPED and yet FOUR PEOPLE called 911. FOUR people, in the 15 seconds from hit to cop car getting there (at which point I'm sure the 911 calls stopped). That, and thanks, but I'm not touching anyone's blood. Connecticut is the country's richest state per capita. This area is one of the few that evens out the bell curve a little. If someone isn't comfortable helping, then I totally understand that. And it's definitely not reasonable to expect others to intervene when there are bodily fluids present. My problem with the video was how people were scurrying away from the scene as if they didn't even see what happened. That's pretty sh-------. The cop who showed up was apparently responding to another call and just happened to be driving that route, so who knows if 911 was even called? I dunno. I just think you see an old guy get taken out after buying some groceries or whatever, you at least stay at the scene and do something proactive.
Acantha Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 If someone isn't comfortable helping, then I totally understand that. And it's definitely not reasonable to expect others to intervene when there are bodily fluids present. My problem with the video was how people were scurrying away from the scene as if they didn't even see what happened. That's pretty sh-------. The cop who showed up was apparently responding to another call and just happened to be driving that route, so who knows if 911 was even called? I dunno. I just think you see an old guy get taken out after buying some groceries or whatever, you at least stay at the scene and do something proactive. I just watched it again, and I don't see anyone scurrying away. Looks like everyone groups up on the sidewalk. One guy stops a car, probably asking the driver to call 911? And by the time the car shows up (1:05 after the hit), most of the group had made it to the street. Granted, no one was down next to the guy, but like others have said, unless they have training there isn't anything they could do. And I think people are underestimating the shock that goes along with something like that. No matter how heroic some people here think they are, there's not always and immediate natural reaction to do the perfect thing in these situations. Who knows what would have happened if it had taken 5 minutes or more for the cops/medical personnel to show up. 1 minute is FAST in this situation. There wasn't even time for these people to be sh-- heads.
mcjeff215 Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 I just watched it again, and I don't see anyone scurrying away. Looks like everyone groups up on the sidewalk. One guy stops a car, probably asking the driver to call 911? And by the time the car shows up (1:05 after the hit), most of the group had made it to the street. Granted, no one was down next to the guy, but like others have said, unless they have training there isn't anything they could do. And I think people are underestimating the shock that goes along with something like that. No matter how heroic some people here think they are, there's not always and immediate natural reaction to do the perfect thing in these situations. Who knows what would have happened if it had taken 5 minutes or more for the cops/medical personnel to show up. 1 minute is FAST in this situation. There wasn't even time for these people to be sh-- heads. There is a lot of truth in there. I know I probably sound like a broken record, but unless you've got training to deal with situations like that, they really can screw you up. Most people know this and keep going. I had my 5 year old kid with me when I stopped to help that guy on that bike last year. Seeing a victim like that throws you into shock, having my *kid* with me makes it that much worse. She didn't see anything, but having to check her shoes for guts before she gets back into the car... it's a very surreal experience. Normal people, when put into situations like that, do not think clearly. I'd do the same thing again if the situation ever comes back up, though. I'd probably handle it a lot better. I'd argue that if you asked all of those people on the street what they'd do in a situation like that a week before this happened? The vast majority of them would say they'd help. The more this sinks in and the more I think about it, the less I believe the situation was all that horrible. Again, we just got this one on tape.
drnykterstein Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 What's Wrong With This Picture? Everyone is smart. The scare and threat of frivolous lawsuits has done this to us.
Chef Jim Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 What would you have done, oh holy one? The video (hidden in a 2 second blurb at the end) said that FOUR people called 911. The guy laid there for maybe 20 seconds until a cop showed up. What was someone supposed to do? Go and move him? The guy likely had neck/back injuries. Moving him, unless anyone there was a doctor (and by the looks of things, didn't seem like too many doctors live in that area) could have done more harm than good. I am so sick of your holier-than-though posts condemning humanity (and Americans) and blowing smoke up your own ass. "Throw the book at Lynch if it is true that was him driving. No amnesty because he happens to be a Bill. Hitting someone and driving away is disgraceful and immoral" "while others want to eradicate polar bears and are anti recycling- some want to change the world for the better!" "I concur. Man this country is in some serious trouble" "Now Americans are instant gratification driven- instead of being pragmatic and being more utilitarian." "People need to stop being so selfish, and we need to work together" "Earth would be better off if man never existed" "I hate the wasteful society we live in" That's just within the first few pages of your posts. We get it. WE GET IT. You're the greatest person on earth. You ride a bike to work, you've traveled alot (by GOD we know... you travel!!!) and you hate the big bad terrible selfish Americans. But for god sakes give it a break man!! I'm not sure what I would have done, but I sure as hell know that I would not have just driven by him like he was a tin can someone just ran over. How many cars just drove by and swerved out of the way to miss him and kept going. What's wrong with people? You don't just call 911 and split, you stick around until the cops and paramedics come.
The Rev.Mattb74 ESQ. Posted June 9, 2008 Posted June 9, 2008 I believe that all states, or at least the majority, have good Samaritan laws that protect people in these situations. Good Samaritan Laws will not protect you in a civil suit. So while you can not be held legally responsible, you can in fact be sued. Civil suits is also much easier to win then legal suits. In order to convict in a criminal case one has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt or 99.99999999% chance that one is guilty. In a civil suit all that is needed is the preponderence of the evidence or 50.0000001% chance that your guilty.
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