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I saw this headline on Drudge:




I stoppped reading right there.


The girl's uncle endorses him and he repays the favor like this? No class.


I didn't have the heart to click the link because I am so sick of sex in politics, but thought he should at least keep it in his pants until after the election. So much for change. This is more of the same from just another politician.

Obama began focusing on who will join his ticket in the fall. His campaign said the vetting of potential running mates was to be managed by a three-person team of Caroline Kennedy, former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder and longtime Washington insider Jim Johnson.


So Obama looks for guidance from a Kennedy and a longtime Washington insider


Change you can believe in :lol:


The King is dead. Long live the King

So Obama looks for guidance from a Kennedy and a longtime Washington insider


Change you can believe in :lol:


The King is dead. Long live the King

Dude's last name is even Johnson.




I was telling you guys that Tancredo and Edwards were our best chioces.

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