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Obama got the nomination because he worked for it

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I know, they really suck. I watch them with horrid fascination to see just how BAD they can get. IF you can't be the BEST, be the BEST at being the WORST. That's a philosphy I learned from being a Bills fan and it's served me well relative to the M's.


I honestly didn't know if you were talking about the Mariners or the candidates. :lol:

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Hillary's speech last night made my skin crawl. At first I thought she was going to make a gracious concession...they I commented to my husband that she was auditioning for Veep...then it struck me that she's trying to FORCE her way onto the ticket as Veep. It's not gonna work...

ya, you're right, whatever chance she might have had, she blew it. McAuliffe introduced her as "the next president of the United States". I swear they're living on some parallel universe.


You should watch Obama's speech if you get a chance, he really did a great job. Barely mentioned himself and what he accomplished in the primaries. He makes me think of Ronald Regan and MLK put together.


McCain had some strong messages, but his delivery was laughable. The Fox News commentators were arguing over why it was so bad, lol.

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ya, you're right, whatever chance she might have had, she blew it. McAuliffe introduced her as "the next president of the United States". I swear they're living on some parallel universe.


You should watch Obama's speech if you get a chance, he really did a great job. Barely mentioned himself and what he accomplished in the primaries. He makes me think of Ronald Regan and MLK put together.


McCain had some strong messages, but his delivery was laughable. The Fox News commentators were arguing over why it was so bad, lol.

She's just trying to bully her way onto the ticket. I am not sure who I favor - Sibelius or Clark or Richardson perhaps - but I don't see Obama/Clinton as a dream ticket.


Obama has run a near-perfect campaign so far and I don't think he's going to make a slip-up in this regard. He's been able to deflect all the clumsy Clinton attacks to date and I'm sure he's ready for the usual inept character assassinations that will be forthcoming from the right....

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The way I heard it was more like:


Hillary: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

McCain: Obama sucks (omfg I agree with blzrul :lol:)

Obama: Sparkles and Sunshine. Oh and McCain=Bush=Bad


Do agree with you about Olbertard

Don't believe everything you hear- I may not agree with everything about McCain, but he could never be nearly as bad as Bush has been.

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Don't believe everything you hear- I may not agree with everything about McCain, but he could never be nearly as bad as Bush has been.


No matter how good or bad you are, somewhere there's ALWAYS someone better or worse.

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Hillary a heart beat away from the presidency? I can't see it. I don't think she helps him pick up any states either.


I think if Obama won with her as VP, he might get a little nervous when she hires Drew Peterson as head of the Secret Service. :lol:

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I liked him as a sports reporter, but he's as looney as O'Reilly as a political commentator. He doesn't even pretend to be objective anymore since he jumped on the Soul Train.


Soul Train, huh? You white liberals get pretty testy when black people don't march to your tune.

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Joe liked Barack just fine before he got so uppity.


And who can blame him! Don't these black people know they are just supposed to shut up and vote for white Democrats and everything will be taken care of?? Hasn't that arrangement been working just fine for the past few decades? How dare they take matters into their own hands!!!

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She's just trying to bully her way onto the ticket. I am not sure who I favor - Sibelius or Clark or Richardson perhaps - but I don't see Obama/Clinton as a dream ticket.


I really hope it's Gov. Sibelius so that the media retards and idiot Hillary supporters who are trying to blame sexism for Hitlery's defeat can explain why nobody refers to Sibelius as a B word, witch, or c#nt.

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I really hope it's Gov. Sibelius so that the media retards and idiot Hillary supporters who are trying to blame sexism for Hitlery's defeat can explain why nobody refers to Sibelius as a B word, witch, or c#nt.

It would be an intriguing ticket that's for sure.


I see Hillary is starting to give her staffers their notice to quit. I wonder if "suspend" versus "concede" has something to do with the millions of dollars she lent her campaign...


Now she can get that rolling pin to Bubba's head for his indiscretions on the campaign trail.

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I really hope it's Gov. Sibelius so that the media retards and idiot Hillary supporters who are trying to blame sexism for Hitlery's defeat can explain why nobody refers to Sibelius as a B word, witch, or c#nt.

yes, I like Gov. Sibelius a lot. She's not a real dynamic speaker, but she'd make a good compliment to Obama's style and platform.

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The fallout begins. Barack already loses major endorser


"Sen. Barack Obama's speech to AIPAC has convinced Hamas that he and Sen. John McCain are interchangeable."


So, is Hamas lying here? And if so, what is their motivation for doing such a thing?


If not, how is this resolved with your precondition argument?

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"Sen. Barack Obama's speech to AIPAC has convinced Hamas that he and Sen. John McCain are interchangeable."


So, is Hamas lying here? And if so, what is their motivation for doing such a thing?


If not, how is this resolved with your precondition argument?

Who knows what their motivation is. I assume their motivation is the fact they don't like anyone that assures Israel that the United States has their back.


It doesn't affect Obama's precondition argument whatsoever. When he is President, if Hamas has something to say that actually has a chance to do the region good, meaning what America thinks is good, Obama may talk with them. I don't expect it soon.

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