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Obama got the nomination because he worked for it

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He wasn't pre-ordained by the corporate media like queen Hillary, he didn't have the moldy Democratic apparatus from the '90's like Hillary, he campaigned hard, took a different strategy in the primary season and beat the Clinton monster fair and square.



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Hillary's speech last night made my skin crawl. At first I thought she was going to make a gracious concession...they I commented to my husband that she was auditioning for Veep...then it struck me that she's trying to FORCE her way onto the ticket as Veep. It's not gonna work...

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Obama got the nomination because of superior planning and political organization. He knew how and where to focus to maximize his delegate pickups.


Meanwhile Hillary's planning and political organization was based off the general election because she couldn't possibly lose the Democratic Nomination :lol:

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Hillary ended the primary season with another strong win in South Dakota, and worked hard to get the most popular votes in primary history. I'm glad that she gave a strong speech last night that reemphasized why so many people believe she's the best candidate for the Democrats. But it appears that the party leaders are going to side with the media and go with the new kid on the block. If the numbers don't change, hopefully the presumptive nominee will do the smart thing and include Hillary on the ticket. You can't make change unless you have the job, and having both on the ticket is the best path to victory.

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Hillary ended the primary season with another strong win in South Dakota


Not really. The polls in South Dakota where Hillary won 55-44 (10k vote margin) closed before the polls in Montana, where Obama won 57-42 (30k vote margin)


So your statement should be more like Obama ended the primary season with another strong win in Montana

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The most interesting analyses I heard last night was the comparison of speeches:


1) Hillary - me me me

2) McCain - Obama sucks

3) Obama - making America and the world a better place


Gee I wonder why Obama won the nomination

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The most interesting analyses I heard last night was the comparison of speeches:


1) Hillary - me me me

2) McCain - Obama sucks

3) Obama - making America and the world a better place


Gee I wonder why Obama won the nomination


The way I heard it was more like:


1) Hillary - I'll keep fighting for you

2) McCain - When's the Bingo game start?

3) Obama - Hillary has some great ideas and we should embrace them


Of course the media like Keith Olbermann were humping the TV monitors when Obama was speaking.

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The way I heard it was more like:


1) Hillary - I'll keep fighting for you

2) McCain - When's the Bingo game start?

3) Obama - Hillary has some great ideas and we should embrace them


Of course the media like Keith Olbermann were humping the TV monitors when Obama was speaking.


The way I heard it was more like:


Hillary: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

McCain: Obama sucks (omfg I agree with blzrul :lol:)

Obama: Sparkles and Sunshine. Oh and McCain=Bush=Bad


Do agree with you about Olbertard

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Hillary ended the primary season with another strong win in South Dakota, and worked hard to get the most popular votes in primary history. I'm glad that she gave a strong speech last night that reemphasized why so many people believe she's the best candidate for the Democrats. But it appears that the party leaders are going to side with the media and go with the new kid on the block. If the numbers don't change, hopefully the presumptive nominee will do the smart thing and include Hillary on the ticket. You can't make change unless you have the job, and having both on the ticket is the best path to victory.


You think professional wrestling is real, don't you?

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I didn't see Obama's speech. Watched part of McCain's but he has such a whiny voice I turned to Deadliest Catch....watched part of Hillary's but she's so stupid I turned to the Mariners game...turned back to see Obama just leaving the stage.

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I didn't see Obama's speech. Watched part of McCain's but he has such a whiny voice I turned to Deadliest Catch....watched part of Hillary's but she's so stupid I turned to the Mariners game...turned back to see Obama just leaving the stage.


There's a deeper significance in your post, in the symbolism of Hillary losing support to the benefit of the bottom-feeding Mariners. :lol:

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There's a deeper significance in your post, in the symbolism of Hillary losing support to the benefit of the bottom-feeding Mariners. :lol:

I know, they really suck. I watch them with horrid fascination to see just how BAD they can get. IF you can't be the BEST, be the BEST at being the WORST. That's a philosphy I learned from being a Bills fan and it's served me well relative to the M's.

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I heard a hybrid of what the other sane people in this thread heard:


Hillary: me me me

McCain: Obama sucks

Obama: Sparkles and Sunshine. Oh and McCain=Bush=Bad



And I love the Hillarites turning on their own. They sure were big Olbertard fans for most of the past 8 years.

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And I love the Hillarites turning on their own. They sure were big Olbertard fans for most of the past 8 years.


I liked him as a sports reporter, but he's as looney as O'Reilly as a political commentator. He doesn't even pretend to be objective anymore since he jumped on the Soul Train.

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