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Did anyone see the CBS Sunday Morning Special


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Pretty cool. Mother teaches Philippino boy to sing and she eventually dies. Boy is homeless, lives in Manilla Park picking up scrap metal to buy bread. Eventually starts making money singing in clubs. Ends up having a video put on YouTube of a live performance. Members of Journey stumble across him covering a Journey tune and fly him in for an audition... Sounds more like Steve Perry than Steve Perry does.


Homeless to touring the USA with Journey... Pretty nice story.



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I haven't been interested in Journey with either of the other non-Perry front men, but I may pick up a copy of Revelation when Amazon gets it. This Pineda kid seems like a good guy, and I'm looking forward to hearing their new stuff.

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I was going to post something about him a few weeks ago, but I really think someone might have already:


Check these out:



And his band before Journey got him:





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I saw Journey play along with the Stones and George Thorogood at then named Rich Stadium. From what I remember (not much), Journey finished early as the Stones fans were "agitating".

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I saw Journey play along with the Stones and George Thorogood at then named Rich Stadium. From what I remember (not much), Journey finished early as the Stones fans were "agitating".



I saw Thorogood in college once. It was a good rock n roll show.

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My mom was talking about watching that the other day on CBS


Its one of those stories that when you hear about it, you can't help but pull for the guy to succeed. She also mentioned something too about him having problems withgetting a passport or visa to come over to the states or something to audition

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