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Police Call 1 P.M. News Conference on Accident Involving Marshawn Lync

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really stupid - but not unlikely if in a drunken stupor


If he was in such a "drunken stupor" how'd he get the car the rest of the way home? Blind luck? Autopilot? Let's stick to the most likely scenario since it is, after all by definition "the most likely". I've given my view of it above.

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If he knew he had hit her why was his car in his driveway? That would be a really stupid thing to do.



Actually that is exactly what I would do if I hit something or someone and wanted to make it look like I didn't know I had done it.

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I guess it is a big reach to be leaving a bar at 3 AM and think that alcohol is involved.


It's also a big reach to think that he was most likely the driver of a car that he owns.

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yeah- guilty as charged -


I guess it is a big reach to be leaving a bar at 3 AM and think that alcohol is involved.

Since it was also 3AM for the Candian "victim" do you think it is unreasonable to assume alcohol and stupidity was involved on that side of the equation?

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While I posted this in another dead thread, I think it applies to your question above, so here goes:


"What I'm having real trouble understanding in all of this is how the driver could have hit her and she only suffered the injuries she did, namely a bruised hip and a cut, which was stitched up with a relatively minimal number of stitches (7) and she was released that day/night. If he hit her straight on, it would have been a lot worse than that obviously. It must have been a glancing hit, i.e., he was turning that corner (meaning that he was not going that fast (by definition) unless he was up on two wheels or something, which no one seems to be suggesting) and she was walking across the street and he clipped her with the right side of his car and she probably spun around and went down, taking a piece of the car with her (my guess is it was a piece of the mirror, since, again, it's doubtful that anything on the front of a car would fall off even if it hit a person straight on (which again, doesn't seem to be the case here). Not to be a Marshawn apologist, but in that case, isn't it possible that the driver of the car wasn't even sure he hit someone, since from a glancing blow there's not likely to be the "thud" you'd get if you hit someone or something head on? Folks here seem to have an image of this accident as he ran her over head on and then sped away. From the injuries involved, it really doesn't sound that way to me.


In terms of Marshawn's not speaking to the police, I agree that being uncooperative looks bad. What I really suspect is going on here is that you have a pretty young and scared guy who knows nothing about these kinds of things, but is scared out of his wits as to what can happen to him in the justice and League discipline process and in such a case is just following the advice of his attorney instead of perhaps doing what a more mature person might do, namely exercising some discretion in the matter and telling his attorney he just wants to come clean and cooperate, which is also an area where his interest and his attorney's diverge since there's not much for an attorney to do if he just goes in and spills his guts (assuming his attorney is not doing right by his client in that regard). This is the easiest path to follow for someone in his shoes, although it may not be the best. Again, I think someone a bit older and wiser may realize that he's not helping himself by staying silent and just relying on his attorney's advice blindly. Remember, too, that Marshawn grew up in a neighborhood where the police were usually not your friends, no matter how some folks try to spin that on this board, which adds to the likelihood that he's a bit gullible when his attorney tells him he's better off fighting this than coming clean.


Personally, I think that Marshawn would be better served coming forward, not least of the reasons for which is that it's the right thing to do. That said, I can understand why he may not do so, but that's worse for even him in the long run, as that doesn't look so good either to the Commissioner or the public. I also think, however, that a lot of folks here and elsewhere are blowing this a bit out of proportion--as noted above, based on the facts we have, it's possible that the driver of this care didn't even know they'd really hit someone. This is not a case of attempted murder or even attempt to injure. Even if Marshawn was the driver, I'd say that the sentence would involve no jail time (probation and community service) and from the League, the worst I would see as fair would be a 4 game suspension, reduced to 2 for contrition (if it's shown eventually), much like Jared Allen got last year for 2 DWI's in a short span of time (and for those who talk about Jared's "contrition", remember that he still owned a bar throughout all of that). I'm not even sure that's warranted for Marshawn here, personally, as this was really his first brush with the law (I don't count his being shot at in a case of mistaken identity and the thing with his girlfriend that was dropped--if it was dropped, I don't think it's fair for the NFL to use that against him, but that's just my view)."


Call me a Bills homer, but that's the way I see it.

This must be the most ignorant BS I've read on this topic.

500 words of mental slop trying to pawn itself off as reasoning when all it is , is a putrid and weak attemp to rationalise away the acts of a turd.


This line is the topper

"isn't it possible that the driver of the car wasn't even sure he hit someone"


It never ceases to amaze me how far football fanatics will go to kiss the asses of players and grovel at their feet.



Honorable mention:

"Folks here seem to have an image of this accident as he ran her over head on and then sped away. From the injuries involved, it really doesn't sound that way to me."


Typical strawman argument when there is little more than that to lean on.

There hasn't been one single post I've read that remotely suggests this BS , but that doesn't stop a groveler from pretending there is.


I hope you are content kissing the ass of a scumbag who would leave the scene after running into a woman with his car.

Maybe you are too devoid of intelligence to know how little integrity both he and you have and how pathetic you are.


Bottom line is people like you dont care about integrity as long as you can gawk at your hero as he runs with a ball.

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This must be the most ignorant BS I've read on this topic.

500 words of mental slop trying to pawn itself off as reasoning when all it is , is a putrid and weak attemp to rationalise away the acts of a turd.


This line is the topper

"isn't it possible that the driver of the car wasn't even sure he hit someone"


It never ceases to amaze me how far football fanatics will go to kiss the asses of players and grovel at their feet.



Honorable mention:

"Folks here seem to have an image of this accident as he ran her over head on and then sped away. From the injuries involved, it really doesn't sound that way to me."


Typical strawman argument when there is little more than that to lean on.

There hasn't been one single post I've read that remotely suggests this BS , but that doesn't stop a groveler from pretending there is.


I hope you are content kissing the ass of a scumbag who would leave the scene after running into a woman with his car.

Maybe you are too devoid of intelligence to know how little integrity both he and you have and how pathetic you are.


Bottom line is people like you dont care about integrity as long as you can gawk at your hero as he runs with a ball.

Good point. It's wholly OUT of the realm of possibility that if the driver (whether Marshawn or someone else) didn't see the woman while she was crossing the road, he saw her as she was flying off his bumper. I'm also sure a (approximately) 140# woman's hip hitting a 2 ton car's fender makes a hellacious sound and produces a noticeable bump, especially in the rain and while making a turn. :blink:

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Good point. It's wholly OUT of the realm of possibility that if the driver (whether Marshawn or someone else) didn't see the woman while she was crossing the road, he saw her as she was flying off his bumper. I'm also sure a (approximately) 140# woman's hip hitting a 2 ton car's fender makes a hellacious sound and produces a noticeable bump, especially in the rain and while making a turn. :blink:

Keep telling yourself that nonsense as you hang up a poster of marshawn in your bedroom.

I suppoose you choose to ignore the fact that channel 2 REPORTED that witnesses saw him stop and then drive off.


So put up you little smilely face and enjoy your little mind.

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For all you morons that would like to convince yourself of this irrational nonsense because you are driven by an enamorment of football players ask yourself this ....


If your 4000 lb car gets hit by a snowball do you know it ?

I do.


So then how can you nod your heads to the idiotic suggestion that marshhead didn't hear or wasnt aware that he hit someone ?

Especially when his vehicle sustained damage.


Did that damage happen in silence ?


How retarded can you get ?


Did it make LESS noise than a snowball ?



No, there isn't a snowball's chance in hell it went down that way and anyone with an IQ over 45 knows it.

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I doubt that .

I doubt you go a day without taking up for dirtbags like this as long as they run with a leather ball.

Enjoy your posters.

Okay, let's play devil's advocate here.


What difference does it make to you? Do you know the woman he (allegedly) hit? Are you worried that you'll get hit by him at 3:30 some weekend morning?


Does he represent you personally? Is he a role model? Do you think he owes you anything?


I gotta hear these answers.

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For all you morons that would like to convince yourself of this irrational nonsense because you are driven by an enamorment of football players ask yourself this ....


If your 4000 lb car gets hit by a snowball do you know it ?

I do.


So then how can you nod your heads to the idiotic suggestion that marshhead didn't hear or wasnt aware that he hit someone ?

Especially when his vehicle sustained damage.


Did that damage happen in silence ?


How retarded can you get ?


Did it make LESS noise than a snowball ?



No, there isn't a snowball's chance in hell it went down that way and anyone with an IQ over 45 knows it.

Can you repair a snowball with stitches? If you had your music blaring at full volume with the bass turned up, could you still hear it? Yeah, right.

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So then how can you nod your heads to the idiotic suggestion that marshhead didn't hear or wasnt aware that he hit someone ?

So you've established the fact that Marshawn was driving. You must be a pretty smart guy.

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