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Have any lingering doubts about the OK City bombing? Just McViegh...?


Kohbar Towers.




USS Cole.


1993 World Center Trade Bombing.


The African Embassy bombings.


The admissions about not killing Bin Ladin when he was there for the taking.


The pin-prick Iraq attacks.


The continual crap about incursion into Iraq, especially with the previous Administration's words:





Seems- that Bush et al did just what Clinton desired, eh?


Oh, in recognition of our poster that sees fit to put words from V.P. Cheney as his signature - here are the words of our notable, trusted Democrats about WMD - at least when their boy was in office. :thumbsup:




Uh, if you're going to include embassy attacks, then you CAN'T say "No attacks since 9/11/01". There was just one in February in Belgrade, and back in 2005 in Iraq.


By the way, since when has Clinton been an acceptable justification for anything for you?

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Cause that'll make a huuuge difference in the way AQ treats any captured Americans.


That wasn't the point... You cut my post in pieces and left out the integral part of it... I can give a flying rat's ass if there are war crimes... The irony is that the ship is the USS Bataan. Well, at least I find the irony there...


And yes, as Americans WE are expected to be better... or at least try!


Jez Louise! My riddles aren't that hard to figure out for all you enlightened and talented people!



Wait a minute...Are you praising Bush for no attacks since 9/11/01? Are you kidding? If that's the case, are you giving him a pass on the 9/11 attacks?

I have a hypothetical for you. Say I was driving drunk and killed one of your family members. After serving my time, years later someone brings my name up and you go off on them and tell them what happened. Their response is, well he hasn't killed anyone since then.


Oh, you don't need a hypothetical at all. You mean Ted Kennedy hasn't drowned any other young girl since 1969 then. Except of course, he never spent a minute in jail.

me thinks they mean on US soil



US Navy ships are considered to be included in the "US soil" category.


What's so shocking here? They catch the bad guys, bring them aboard a ship where they are interogated by the intel specialists and then transferred to _______ (fill in the blank.


Our sailors are the best in the world and to read these pieces just piss me off.


And also make me miss my many years walking the decks of our ships. :rolleyes:

That wasn't the point... You cut my post in pieces and left out the integral part of it... I can give a flying rat's ass if there are war crimes... The irony is that the ship is the USS Bataan. Well, at least I find the irony there...


And yes, as Americans WE are expected to be better... or at least try!


Jez Louise! My riddles aren't that hard to figure out for all you enlightened and talented people!





It would have been even more ironic if the ship's name was Cabantuan.

What would you call the USS Cole incident? Tanzania? Nairobi?


was talking about domestic attacks, if u look at it this way, we were attacked yesterday when some troops legs were blown off in a roadside bomb. Two different forms of attacked.



looks clear to me, no domestic attacks... I could give two sheets what hapens in pakistan or nairobi. When you leave this country, you are no longer protected.

Oh, you don't need a hypothetical at all. You mean Ted Kennedy hasn't drowned any other young girl since 1969 then. Except of course, he never spent a minute in jail.

This illustrates my point. I agree about Kennedy, which makes the statement that we have not been attacked since 9/11/01 so ridiculous.

This illustrates my point. I agree about Kennedy, which makes the statement that we have not been attacked since 9/11/01 so ridiculous.


Except that Kennedy never openly declared war on the US - just the incumbent President.

So, few if any were expecting more terrorism out of him.

Of course he's disappointed many on that score. :rolleyes:

US accused of holding terror suspects on prison ships



Who knows if it's true, but doesn't help our reputation...

War is war. Atrocities always happen on both sides. The winner gets to disavow them. Those who have actually been in a war tend to be careful about getting into the next one. This kind of thing happens when the Supreme Court selects a certain nose-picking flightsuit wearing dickwad into office. Mission Accomplished. I was leaning toward McCain until he went to Iraq in his flak vest with helicopters and troops all around him and toured a market and said it was perfectly safe. I guess he loved the Bushie Kool Aid. Anyway..shouldn't this be on the PPP board?

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