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Ice Road Truckers is back!

Just Jack

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Have you ever watched the show? It's very interesting. :(

I jest, and I did watch it before, but it really seemed to be the same story every week...truck drives on ice...something potentially bad happens...cargo arrives.



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I will admit, last season, their 1st season, towards the end it seemed to be the same every week. Drew breaks down, Hugh rushes to get another load, Rick gets pissed at Hugh, Jay has another big load, the rookie (TJ?) complains about the cold and Alex just plods along.

I have better hopes for this season being their second, most shows improve then.

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I jest, and I did watch it before, but it really seemed to be the same story every week...truck drives on ice...something potentially bad happens...cargo arrives.




Up the ante...


Exactly! I like to see it take place in late March through April (or is there these types of episodes?) when there is a bigger thrill... Maybe BFLO can have a episode with a early spring run to Ft. Erie! I know there would be some poor slob taker willing to risk his 1979 Monte Carlo for the "easy" way to the "ballet!"



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I'd bring this thread back because I have watched a few of these episodes recently.


I enjoyed the first show that I watched, which was a recap of the first season..... BUT, man this is like watching paint dry.


The one guy Hugh is a good character but not enough to carry the show. I just can't believe this made it to a second season.


Let me sum up....it's cold, there is cargo to be delivered, several foul-mouthed or devout Christian Canadians drive on frozen water and spin yarns about not being scared and missing their families back in their hometown of Saskatchkatoon Hat (or whatever), cargo gets delivered. Rinse. Repeat. Lots of impending doom, lots of overused stock footage and fake ice cracking sound effects, lots of contrived controversy. The end.


I can't believe this is on the History channel.


The one saving grace is that I finally sat down to watch a couple episodes of Rescue Me last week, which I enjoyed.

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Thought I'd bring this thread back because I have watched a few of these episodes recently.


I enjoyed the first show that I watched, which was a recap of the first season..... BUT, man this is like watching paint dry.


The one guy Hugh is a good character but not enough to carry the show. I just can't believe this made it to a second season.


Let me sum up....it's cold, there is cargo to be delivered, several foul-mouthed or devout Christian Canadians drive on frozen water and spin yarns about not being scared and missing their families back in their hometown of Saskatchkatoon Hat (or whatever), cargo gets delivered. Rinse. Repeat. Lots of impending doom, lots of overused stock footage and fake ice cracking sound effects, lots of contrived controversy. The end.


I can't believe this is on the History channel.


The one saving grace is that I finally sat down to watch a couple episodes of Rescue Me last week, which I enjoyed.

;) What he said. WAY to much stock footage (I can't stand that "under the ice" shot anymore).


I am a BIG fan of Deadliest Catch and this too is becoming laborious to watch. Again, a lot of contrived controversy (and lately not enough) and stock footage. Sad, it was a compelling show for a couple of years.

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Thought I'd bring this thread back because I have watched a few of these episodes recently.


I enjoyed the first show that I watched, which was a recap of the first season..... BUT, man this is like watching paint dry.


The one guy Hugh is a good character but not enough to carry the show. I just can't believe this made it to a second season.


Let me sum up....it's cold, there is cargo to be delivered, several foul-mouthed or devout Christian Canadians drive on frozen water and spin yarns about not being scared and missing their families back in their hometown of Saskatchkatoon Hat (or whatever), cargo gets delivered. Rinse. Repeat. Lots of impending doom, lots of overused stock footage and fake ice cracking sound effects, lots of contrived controversy. The end.


I can't believe this is on the History channel.


The one saving grace is that I finally sat down to watch a couple episodes of Rescue Me last week, which I enjoyed.



If you want real controversy, go on the message boards and ask the people there why the History channel is not filming in Yellowknife.

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Thought I'd bring this thread back because I have watched a few of these episodes recently.


I enjoyed the first show that I watched, which was a recap of the first season..... BUT, man this is like watching paint dry.


The one guy Hugh is a good character but not enough to carry the show. I just can't believe this made it to a second season.


Let me sum up....it's cold, there is cargo to be delivered, several foul-mouthed or devout Christian Canadians drive on frozen water and spin yarns about not being scared and missing their families back in their hometown of Saskatchkatoon Hat (or whatever), cargo gets delivered. Rinse. Repeat. Lots of impending doom, lots of overused stock footage and fake ice cracking sound effects, lots of contrived controversy. The end.


I can't believe this is on the History channel.


The one saving grace is that I finally sat down to watch a couple episodes of Rescue Me last week, which I enjoyed.

I stand vindicated.



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I jest, and I did watch it before, but it really seemed to be the same story every week...truck drives on ice...something potentially bad happens...Drew screws up, but it isn't his fault...Rick whines about his bad luck...cargo arrives.



You forgot a couple things.


Can't believe Drew is back on the show this year. Sitting at the top of the world and he quits his job on day 2.

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Can you save us the trouble?

I haven't been to the board, but I can tell what I read. I guess the company that owns the Diamond mines that these trucks would lug things to also "owns" the Ice road. They were not happy with a lot of the publicity that came out of the first season of the Ice Road Truckers. They felt it made the drivers look unsafe and reckless and that made the company look bad, so they told History channel that they no longer had permission to film on their road.


Now there may be more to it than that, but that was the story I read.

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I haven't been to the board, but I can tell what I read. I guess the company that owns the Diamond mines that these trucks would lug things to also "owns" the Ice road. They were not happy with a lot of the publicity that came out of the first season of the Ice Road Truckers. They felt it made the drivers look unsafe and reckless and that made the company look bad, so they told History channel that they no longer had permission to film on their road.


Now there may be more to it than that, but that was the story I read.

Strange, I would think they would welcome the publicity (obviously last year's regular drivers do!).

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  • 1 month later...

I'm bored by this season. I think the producers/directors are having alot more input and/or manipulation into what is happening. Like last weeks episode, Rick is told to take a load south, he talks to the boss and gets out of it. I wonder if the director suggested to his boss that he tell Rick he had to go south to see what kind of reaction Rick would give to the camera. And the whole meeting in the hospital between Alex and Hugh seemed forced. And the whole "trucker eating polar bear" sub-plot. I don't think you're in danger of a polar bear on the loose if you stay in your truck.

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