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Dem's RBC agrees to seat FL & MI at 1/2 vote each


They broke for lunch about 2:30 after hearing all the proposals and speakers, and said they'd come back at 4:15. Instead they came back at like 6:30 after all the off camera stuff was done and did their 2-act play for the viewers.


"I feel like we should not penalize them for something they did not cause and couldn't prevent," said Alice Huffman, a California superdelegate for Clinton, noting that it was a Republican legislature that changed the date.

Huffman was the good Clintonite, motioning for full voting rights. When it failed, she stood up and supported the compromised bill and it just barely passed.


They ended up giving Obama all of the MI undecided vote and 4 of Hillary's delegates. lol


It coulda been a lot more dramatic, maybe all those eyeballs helped them make some compromise they wouldn't have otherwise.


Another thing I noticed... when the Clinton fans heard something they liked, they cheered loudly, lots of time interrupting the meeting, then booed loudly when something didn't go their way, really disruptive then. The Obama side cheered loud when they heard what they liked and didn't say jack when it was the other way.


If Hillary was so concerned righting the wrongs done in Michigan and Florida, she would have fought hard to make the DNC announce BEFORE the primaries were held that all votes & delegates should count and that all candidates in the race should be included on the Michigan ballot. Since she didn't push for this stuff before, and even took the unfair advantage of being the only candidate left, by name, in Michigan, she has nothing to complain about now. You don't ask to change rules after the numbers are in-you change them when everyone has an equal chance to benefit. Of course, Hillary didn't care back then because she thought she was the queen of the Democratic party and the coronation was a mere formality.

I wish Hillary would come out of her sheltered world and realize just how many people would never vote for her in a general election because her negatives are so high. If she thinks she's the more viable candidate and is correct then McCain will beat Obama in a landslide, because if Obama would perform worse than Clinton, the Democrats really have NO viable candidate. The way I view it, Obama has some chance at victory and Hillary has no chance, so no matter what her MAY-JUNE polls say, she can not win in NOVEMBER. Now Obama, being more of an unknown, will either rise or fall based on the campaigns & events between now and November. Meanwhile, there's no way for Hillary Clinton to dramatically rise since so many voters are dead set against her ever being President. Obama gives the Democrats a better chance, if they have a chance at all. If Obama doesn't win in November, then Hillary wouldn't have won either. All in all the three candiates are all weak. McCain-saddled by the negative Bush numbers and age. Obama-viewed as inexperienced, unknown, too liberal, and will lose more votes than he gains due to bigotry. Clinton-viewed as a liar, opportunist and saddled by the hatred built up against the Clintons over the years. Also will benefit among the hard core feminists-who most likely would have voted Democrat anyway(abortion & the Supreme Court-remember?) but loses the anti-women vote (which includes some women).


Look for a flood of Super Delegates to Obama


Just enough to not put him over the top before the Dakota/Montana primaries. Then he can have his photo op moment on Tuesday after the voters of the final primary put him over the top

If Hillary was so concerned righting the wrongs done in Michigan and Florida, she would have fought hard to make the DNC announce BEFORE the primaries were held that all votes & delegates should count and that all candidates in the race should be included on the Michigan ballot. Since she didn't push for this stuff before, and even took the unfair advantage of being the only candidate left, by name, in Michigan, she has nothing to complain about now. You don't ask to change rules after the numbers are in-you change them when everyone has an equal chance to benefit. Of course, Hillary didn't care back then because she thought she was the queen of the Democratic party and the coronation was a mere formality.




Hillary supporters should really read this carefully and think about it a while.

If Hillary was so concerned righting the wrongs done in Michigan and Florida, she would have fought hard to make the DNC announce BEFORE the primaries were held that all votes & delegates should count and that all candidates in the race should be included on the Michigan ballot. Since she didn't push for this stuff before, and even took the unfair advantage of being the only candidate left, by name, in Michigan, she has nothing to complain about now. You don't ask to change rules after the numbers are in-you change them when everyone has an equal chance to benefit. Of course, Hillary didn't care back then because she thought she was the queen of the Democratic party and the coronation was a mere formality.

Donna Brazile had a great a response to a Clinton supporter who was speaking, words to the effect of my momma taught me to obey the rules and I'm sure your momma did too. She would have also that changing the rules during the game is called cheating.


I think it's an interesting compromise, considering both states knew in advance that their delegates would not be seated. This lets them be seated but not have an impact.


Reading this morning's paper and seeing the reactions of the Clinton people I have to say that Hillary is burning her bridges, big time. Her choice now is to wait until Tuesday and cede gracefully, then go back to the Senate and do some good, or take it to the wall and end up at the end of her Senatorial job home cooking and harping at Bubba over lost opportunities.


With all the delegates from Florida and Michigan being seated with half votes instead of half the delegates being seated, the argument that their total popular votes didn't count is gone, and therefore at the end of the primaries Hillary will have the most popular votes, while neither will have enough pledged delegates to win the nomination. Until the superdelegates vote at the convention, neither will be the nominee. The Hillary supporters who were upset that Uncommitted delegates were given to Obama based on arbitrary unofficial exit polls had it right; Denver, Denver!

With all the delegates from Florida and Michigan being seated with half votes instead of half the delegates being seated, the argument that their total popular votes didn't count is gone, and therefore at the end of the primaries Hillary will have the most popular votes, while neither will have enough pledged delegates to win the nomination. Until the superdelegates vote at the convention, neither will be the nominee. The Hillary supporters who were upset that Uncommitted delegates were given to Obama based on arbitrary unofficial exit polls had it right; Denver, Denver!

ummm, watch what happens the day after (and before that actually) the Montana and South Dakota primaries end. The Superdelegates will sign on with Obama, probably close to 100% of the uncommitted. They have no reason to wait after that and they absolutely won't.

ummm, watch what happens the day after (and before that actually) the Montana and South Dakota primaries end. The Superdelegates will sign on with Obama, probably close to 100% of the uncommitted. They have no reason to wait after that and they absolutely won't.

Shhhh. It's way more fun to watch him make an ass of himself, ala RCow.

With all the delegates from Florida and Michigan being seated with half votes instead of half the delegates being seated, the argument that their total popular votes didn't count is gone, and therefore at the end of the primaries Hillary will have the most popular votes, while neither will have enough pledged delegates to win the nomination. Until the superdelegates vote at the convention, neither will be the nominee. The Hillary supporters who were upset that Uncommitted delegates were given to Obama based on arbitrary unofficial exit polls had it right; Denver, Denver!

Why does this make me think of all those Tom Delay-funded white boys outside the counting room in Florida yelling "let us in, let us in!"?


The votes in MI and FL were illegal and everyone knew it. Hillary is no better than GWB. I didn't care if she stayed in the race but the FL and MI thing shouldn't have been on the table since she never cared about it until it was clear she's losing. Or has lost.


Obama is acting more presidential every day.


Hillary is not worthy to be in this race. I always thought she'd be a good candidate and the thought of the wingnuts' heads exploding was worth a good chuckle, but she's not only an embarrassment to the party but she's setting women back years. After all this is over when a female declares for the presidency people will remember Hillary and shudder. Any woman who wants to win will have to run on an "I'm not Hillary" platform.

With all the delegates from Florida and Michigan being seated with half votes instead of half the delegates being seated, the argument that their total popular votes didn't count is gone, and therefore at the end of the primaries Hillary will have the most popular votes, while neither will have enough pledged delegates to win the nomination. Until the superdelegates vote at the convention, neither will be the nominee. The Hillary supporters who were upset that Uncommitted delegates were given to Obama based on arbitrary unofficial exit polls had it right; Denver, Denver!



Yah but c'mon Joe, BOTH states' Democratic commitees agreed to this set-up. How come you and her supporters aren't going after them?

With all the delegates from Florida and Michigan being seated with half votes instead of half the delegates being seated, the argument that their total popular votes didn't count is gone, and therefore at the end of the primaries Hillary will have the most popular votes, while neither will have enough pledged delegates to win the nomination. Until the superdelegates vote at the convention, neither will be the nominee. The Hillary supporters who were upset that Uncommitted delegates were given to Obama based on arbitrary unofficial exit polls had it right; Denver, Denver!


I don't know which I enjoy more, watching Hillary's campaign melt down, or watching you gradually divorce yourself from reality. :(

If Hillary was so concerned righting the wrongs done in Michigan and Florida, she would have fought hard to make the DNC announce BEFORE the primaries were held that all votes & delegates should count and that all candidates in the race should be included on the Michigan ballot. Since she didn't push for this stuff before, and even took the unfair advantage of being the only candidate left, by name, in Michigan, she has nothing to complain about now. You don't ask to change rules after the numbers are in-you change them when everyone has an equal chance to benefit. Of course, Hillary didn't care back then because she thought she was the queen of the Democratic party and the coronation was a mere formality.

I wish Hillary would come out of her sheltered world and realize just how many people would never vote for her in a general election because her negatives are so high. If she thinks she's the more viable candidate and is correct then McCain will beat Obama in a landslide, because if Obama would perform worse than Clinton, the Democrats really have NO viable candidate. The way I view it, Obama has some chance at victory and Hillary has no chance, so no matter what her MAY-JUNE polls say, she can not win in NOVEMBER. Now Obama, being more of an unknown, will either rise or fall based on the campaigns & events between now and November. Meanwhile, there's no way for Hillary Clinton to dramatically rise since so many voters are dead set against her ever being President. Obama gives the Democrats a better chance, if they have a chance at all. If Obama doesn't win in November, then Hillary wouldn't have won either. All in all the three candiates are all weak. McCain-saddled by the negative Bush numbers and age. Obama-viewed as inexperienced, unknown, too liberal, and will lose more votes than he gains due to bigotry. Clinton-viewed as a liar, opportunist and saddled by the hatred built up against the Clintons over the years. Also will benefit among the hard core feminists-who most likely would have voted Democrat anyway(abortion & the Supreme Court-remember?) but loses the anti-women vote (which includes some women).



Why does this make me think of all those Tom Delay-funded white boys outside the counting room in Florida yelling "let us in, let us in!"?




If anybody had made a similar comments about "boys" of any other color some people would throw a hissy fit.


Double standard



If anybody had made a similar comments about "boys" of any other color some people would throw a hissy fit.


Double standard


They are throwing a hissy the other way...


Like they aren't in the Pfleger piece and "white entitlement?"... And this actually coming from a white person.




I think my favorite part of the day was the part stating that Hillary said on a radio show in Michigan that she was keeping her name on the ballot for the voters. However, right after that she stated that their votes wouldn't count because they broke the rules and that she understood that.


Time to get this over with. I also absolutely hated those people booing, cheering, chanting "Denver, Denver..." and yelling at committee. Absolutely disgusting. How do they expect to be taken seriously when they act like that. Time to grow up people.



If anybody had made a similar comments about "boys" of any other color some people would throw a hissy fit.


Double standard



Just enjoy the fact that she's still bitter enough to be making inane little comments (cause you know, it was clearly the Bush people that wanted to invent new counting rules after the fact) about it eight years later. :wallbash:



If anybody had made a similar comments about "boys" of any other color some people would throw a hissy fit.


Double standard

Think so? What about "flyboys"? How about "cowboys"? Choirboys? Bellboys?


Fact is there was a bunch of nice, pasty-white, well-fed, balding guys that so epitomize the rank-and-file GOP (their frontmen usually have black patent-leather hair as discussed on previous threads). Just a homogeneous group of followers....the insult was not in the "boy" but in calling them Tom Delay's "boys".


And they were pretty much disrupting a process that they knew wasn't going their way...just like the Clintonistas, which was actually the point I was making. I forgot about the pinhead tendency on this board to home in on the nits whilst the elephants run amok. :rolleyes:

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