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It’s a prosthetic arm that weighs as much as a human arm. It boasts the same range of motion, and the same tactile sensitivity. When the government called on him two years ago to build it, even Kamen wasn't sure his team could build it. In this video he tells us about the experience, what it meant for his career, and what he learned from the Segway experience.


Amazing for so long they have been talking about finding someway to give injured people, especially soldiers who lost limbs, a robotic arm and finally the government went to him telling him need for thousands of wounded vets and he developed one. I hope it can go from the prototype to the practical where injured do not have to have mortgages to pay for one and its upkeep.


I like the msg on his website


"You have teenagers thinking they're going to make millions as NBA stars when that's not realistic for even 1 percent of them. Becoming a scientist or engineer is."

—Dean Kamen


His house is a tech nerd's dream complete with a machine shop, helipad and steam engine. It's also powered by solar, wind and geothermal heat.

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