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Seems Ocho Dinko didn't pay his property tax. A fellow calling himself DanZinski writes:


"Cincinnati television reports that Bengals receiver Chad Johnson owes the IRS $13,000 on a condo he bought four years ago and has never paid taxes on.


The auditor’s office revealed Johnson’s delinquency on Tuesday, and now everyone is using it as an excuse to jump on him even more. An organization called Parents for Public Schools, for instance, is killing Johnson because a large chunk of the property tax he didn’t bother paying would’ve gone to school funding.


“We have classes where students have to share books,” a spokeswoman for Parents for Public Schools said. “We have classes where teachers are just photocopying textbook pages.”


Look what you’re doing Chad! Because you won’t pay your taxes, kids are having to share textbooks!


Could Chad Johnson possibly be any more evil and selfish than he is? My God…this guy is the worst human being since Hitler. "






Well, I don't think property taxes are a concern of the IRS - but what the heck, it's For THE Children!, so anything goes.


I wonder...is DanZinski is a Ryerson graduate? :lol:

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Nah, Zinski appears to be just another smartaleck blogger. The television station, on the other hand...

Auditor: Chad Johnson Owes $13,000 In Taxes

Chad Johnson is one of the best catchers on the field. The Hamilton County auditor wants the NFL star to throw some of that money he earns his way.

Seriously? I'd be ashamed of writing that line, and I don't get paid for it.


Local 12 knocked on Johnson's door Tuesday afternoon for a comment. There was no answer and his neighbor said he's out of town.


We also called Johnson's agent around 7:30 p.m., but didn't get a call back into for the 11:00 p.m. newscast.

In other words, they knocked on his door BEFORE calling his agent. Mike Wallace wannabes ... :lol:

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How long does one think that this will become another of Goodell's "pet projects" towards the players?

Anything to pull attention away from his colossal failure to deal effectively with the phats* cheating scandal(s).

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