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Well seeing I didn't know who Christopher Wallace was and seeing you pointed it out it now makes sense. Because only an idiot would feel that way about money.





your inability to realize other people may encounter situations in life that havent happened in yours is astounding


please continue

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your inability to realize other people may encounter situations in life that havent happened in yours is astounding


please continue


Duuuuude you have NO !@#$ing idea what situations I've encounted in my life and what I was able to overcome to find myself in the position I'VE put myself in. I don't know if you think I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and just had things handed to me or whatever. My point is if I can change my life the way I have to be where I am today ANYBODY can.

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Duuuuude you have NO !@#$ing idea what situations I've encounted in my life and what I was able to overcome to find myself in the position I'VE put myself in. I don't know if you think I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and just had things handed to me or whatever. My point is if I can change my life the way I have to be where I am today ANYBODY can.



never said i did. but i can only respond to what you give me. and what you gave me was the very narrow-minded "only an idiot would feel that way about money."


while youre story is great, and i agree that if people want to improve their situation they need to work hard and hunt it down, not wait for it to happen... to say that ANYBODY can do it, youre implying EVERYBODY can do it, and thats just not true.

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also, i wasnt saying you didnt experience/overcome things in your life because you were born with a silver spoon or anything like that.


i was referring to the fact that you, obvioulsy, are much happier since coming into more money, and thats great. but to say only an idiot would say "more money, more problems" shows the lack of consideration that people might lead extremely different lives with extremely different situations

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I love when Americans debate who had more or less opportunities without bothering to recall that unlike 80% of the people in this world, they were lucky enough not to be born in some starving, third-world sh--hole with no hope of achieving anything in life beyond finding a pair of shoes.

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I love when Americans debate who had more or less opportunities without bothering to recall that unlike 80% of the people in this world, they were lucky enough not to be born in some starving, third-world sh--hole with no hope of achieving anything in life beyond finding a pair of shoes.





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also, i wasnt saying you didnt experience/overcome things in your life because you were born with a silver spoon or anything like that.


i was referring to the fact that you, obvioulsy, are much happier since coming into more money, and thats great. but to say only an idiot would say "more money, more problems" shows the lack of consideration that people might lead extremely different lives with extremely different situations


My refernce to the Mo money, mo problems equals idiot is based on my opinion that most of his problems probably come from his own doing. Lack of knowing how to handle his wealth or the people he's associated himself with probably has a lot to do with that.

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My refernce to the Mo money, mo problems equals idiot is based on my opinion that most of his problems probably come from his own doing. Lack of knowing how to handle his wealth or the people he's associated himself with probably has a lot to do with that.


Even though I disagree with your dislike of Barack, I agree fully with this statement.

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