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Dumb question, but Ill ask anyway

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Probably could be answered by a quick call to the rental company. Not all have the same policy. Some allow driving to an adjoining state, others farther. Don't know about international.


I used to work for Domino's Pizza back in the 80's and there were two kids who worked there and one had a long pinky nail but swore it wasn't for coke. :lol: When he was made fun of for it he swore up and down that that's not what it was for but cut it a couple of days later. They both owned cars well above what they should have been able to afford. He and his friend would rent cars to go to Canada and when someone asked me why I explained that if you are caught smuggling drugs over from Canada they can seize your car. :wub:


Now how does that work:


"Sir, did you drive your rental car to Cananda?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Well sir, how do you explain the dead stripper in the back with a hockey puck stuck up her ass?"




It's like that old joke about the guy who's in a bar talking to a stranger and the guy says he's going to Canada. The other guy says "Why? All they have up there are hockey players and whores." The other guy says "Hey mom is from Canada!" and the other guy says "What team did she play for." :lol:

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