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Jason Peters

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Dont feel bad, the uproar here is about how Jason Taylor is skipping camp because after his Dancing with the Stars episode he wants to be an actor. Dolfelon coach stated he wont be at any of the camps.

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sure he deserves the money.


but maybe the Bills feel differently-


Afterall - he was an undeserving UDFA who owes his career to the Bills


And they have Chamberws ready to step in.



It's a good thing the Bills were planning ahead and have a backup plan in place to give them some leverage :lol:


LOL, maybe Ganesh no see the sarcasm. He does kinda have em over a barrel eh? But, Kirk(or is it Kurt) may be a mighty fine LT, I just personally no want to find out ;)

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LOL, maybe Ganesh no see the sarcasm. He does kinda have em over a bareel eh? But, Kirk(or is it Kurt) may be a mighty fine LT, I just personally no wnat to find out ;)



It's a bit early in the morning for alcohol isnt it?

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sure he deserves the money.


but maybe the Bills feel differently-


Afterall - he was an undeserving UDFA who owes his career to the Bills


And they have Chamberws ready to step in.



It's a good thing the Bills were planning ahead and have a backup plan in place to give them some leverage ;)

Which team has a replacement for a Pro Bowl LT on their roster?

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sure he deserves the money.


but maybe the Bills feel differently-


Afterall - he was an undeserving UDFA who owes his career to the Bills


And they have Chamberws ready to step in.



It's a good thing the Bills were planning ahead and have a backup plan in place to give them some leverage ;)

How astute of you. Most teams have backups for their All-Pros ready to step in at a moment's notice and the Bills are clearly missing the boat. For example -- if things go badly with Peyton Manning, Bill Polian was smart enough to have Jim Sorgi ready to step in.

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Apparantly, Dick is going to address this today. I'm not trying to guess what's going on, I'm just curious. I hope that he is just working on his groin (sounds dirty, doesn't it?) but it might not be that simple. He does feel he is underpaid and the team seems all to willing to shell out big money to everyone else and let him play at pro-bowl caliber level while getting paid mediocre-level money. I want him to be happy because he just might be the most important player on the entire team.

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Apparantly, Dick is going to address this today. I'm not trying to guess what's going on, I'm just curious. I hope that he is just working on his groin (sounds dirty, doesn't it?) but it might not be that simple. He does feel he is underpaid and the team seems all to willing to shell out big money to everyone else and let him play at pro-bowl caliber level while getting paid mediocre-level money. I want him to be happy because he just might be the most important player on the entire team.


Is there any info out there regarding the extent of Peters' injury, or rehabilitation progress? ;)

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sure he deserves the money.


but maybe the Bills feel differently-


Afterall - he was an undeserving UDFA who owes his career to the Bills


And they have Chamberws ready to step in.



It's a good thing the Bills were planning ahead and have a backup plan in place to give them some leverage ;)






and obie wan's glass half empty.... :lol:

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and obie wan's glass half empty.... ;)



Optimists should be drowned in a half-full swimming pool.


Pragmatists should be disposed of in the most cost-efficient way possible.


Be a pessimist - because by definition, any surprise that comes along is a good one.

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Which team has a replacement for a Pro Bowl LT on their roster?


we've been asking obi-tard that since draft weekend, and he still has yet to answer.


As for peters, pay the man.

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Be a pessimist - because by definition, any surprise that comes along is a good one.

But it's sure a schitty way to go through life. I'd rather face the occasional disappointment than piss into everyone's cornflakes.

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This is one thing that T’s me off about NFL Jocks. The Bills front office were smart enough to sign Peters to a contract for the money they did in 06 and it turn out to be a very good business decision that has payed off big for them. They took a risk and it worked, many times it does not, why shouldn’t the Bills reap the benefit of making such a great deal for the organization by having Peter at that price for the rest of the contract? It's just so stupid, just because a player is playing well they want to throw away their current contract obligations for more money? I would have no problem with this if the front office could do the same by re-negotiating a contract of a high priced player mid-contract that is not performing well. Can't blame Peters for trying to get more money but in the end just Shut-up and play the game!

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Optimists should be drowned in a half-full swimming pool.


Pragmatists should be disposed of in the most cost-efficient way possible.


Be a pessimist - because by definition, any surprise that comes along is a good one.


Or, be none of the three options, because why should options be limited ever?



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They need to re-do his contract and sign him to another long term deal. What did he get? 5 years, 18 million? He was the starting left tackle for the AFC pro bowl squad and has to be one of the most underpaid LT's in football. He deserves more and I wouldn't be at all suprised if the reason he's not around is because he wants a new deal.


Things have changed since he signed that 5 year deal. He's now our best player on offense and should be paid like one.


P.S. - I think we should give Lee a new deal too.



IMO I would tell Peters to "get the !@#$ to work"... YOU signed a CONTRACT and have played out 1.5 years of it. The Bills were smart in locking up their young talent b4 the rest of the league knew what he was worth, or better yet, even b4 Jason Peters knew what he was worth. Because you wanted to get PAID early now you will lose out on the backend, tough luck. I hope the Bills hold strong in this contract situation, otherwise it opens a can of works.


They effed this up with Schobel last year. SOmetimes as a team, you have to call a players bluff and not give two schitts about them not showing up. Let their peers and team mates handle it by calling the guy on the phone and busting his balls.

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This is one thing that T’s me off about NFL Jocks. The Bills front office were smart enough to sign Peters to a contract for the money they did in 06 and it turn out to be a very good business decision that has payed off big for them. They took a risk and it worked, many times it does not, why shouldn’t the Bills reap the benefit of making such a great deal for the organization by having Peter at that price for the rest of the contract? It's just so stupid, just because a player is playing well they want to throw away their current contract obligations for more money? I would have no problem with this if the front office could do the same by re-negotiating a contract of a high priced player mid-contract that is not performing well. Can't blame Peters for trying to get more money but in the end just Shut-up and play the game!

Let's say you have a good young K on your roster, and he's the emergency QB also. You sign him to an extension for pretty good K money, and then halfway through the year both QBs go down in the same game and he has to play. You find out during the game he's better than you ever imagined and could be your QB for the next 8-10 years.


After he proves you're right for a full season, you still think he should be happy with K money?

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