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Idol Roundup

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It's Thunderdome. Two men* enter, one man leaves. Who run Bartertown? Hopefully David Cook.


David Cook.


"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2. He's confident and his vocals are great. He strolls into the crowd and works them up. Great song choice. Outstanding opening performance. His mom cries.


"Dream Big" Emily Shackleton. Some kind of new new artist crap that he was forced to pick. He's on the Les Paul and rocking. Good chorus. Looks like a rockstar. Got that great scratchy voice. For a song I never heard, I liked it. Simon says he didn't: !@#$ you, you hairy chested King Kong body double.


"The World I Know" by Collective Soul. He's on the acoustic for this one. I didn't feel it--original composition didn't do it for me even though I love the song. He just seems off. After it's done, he sheds a few tears, enjoying his run--a nice touch that will get him a few more votes. All that said, for once, Paula is right: Cook is ORIGINAL. Such a contrast to Archuletta who is mass-produced McDonalds cardboard Wal-Mart Stepford-living in his ticky tacky houses that all looks just the same.


Cook is the artist tonight.


David Archuletta.


"Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me" Elton John. David sings the sh-- out of this song. Maybe my favorite of his songs this season. 3 seconds into the judging, however, he does his breathless bull sh-- "I'm so surprised anyone likes me" voice as the judges kiss his ass.


"Who gives a !@#$" by Someone I'll never know. Some awful sh-- ballad made for man-on-man groping. What the !@#$ is David wearing? A jacket with giant anchor on the front and back? "Hello sailor!" (If you get that reference, you are likely to be eaten by a grue.) The song is unlistenable. Nasally eye-closing David is in full stereo. Randy uses the phone book line. I'd like to shove S through V down his throat but it's already filled with David's knob.


"Imagine" by John Lennon. Same as the first time he sang it. Of course, he couldn't sing something new or original. Big !@#$ing whup. The judges were already drooling all over him and they continue to do so, doing everything they can to hand the title to the little prick instead of the guy who actually works at his craft.


Other observations.


Spectacularly gay Rocky and boxing intro gives a huge advantage to Archuletta's legions.


Jim Lampley is a !@#$wit. Why would he do all that super-stupid boxing sh--? Tool.


Judges went into the night deciding to give it to Archuletta. His first song was outstanding. Second was sh--. Third is something we've already heard. Cook showed he can rock, ballad, and compose his own stuff. He's the more talented guy but the 13 year old girl network is out in full force tonight and Archuletta will win.


Tonight I ask myself, if I was single and didn't have to talk to her, would I bang Paula Abdul? Signs point to yes. I wonder if I'd get the "You were so wonderful tonight. You. Are. John. Adams."

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The best part of the show tonight was Ruben!! :lol: I too thought the beginning of the show with the boxing stuff was really, really stupid. I felt sorry for David Cook to have to put up with crap of this show. My vote goes for D.C.!

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This thing was decided before they even voted. The 'judges' were total homers for 'Aw, Shucks'


Simon usually tells the singers to sing a song like they would for an album of their own. David A almost never changes the arrangement. I think it will actually work out better for David Cook to not win. Then he won't be branded with the "AI" winner tag. But hell, what a hokey and lame show it was...


And what's with that Andrew Lloyd Wright dude? That guy is queerer than a three dollar bill.

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The best part of the show tonight was Ruben!! :lol: I too thought the beginning of the show with the boxing stuff was really, really stupid. I felt sorry for David Cook to have to put up with crap of this show. My vote goes for D.C.!


I had no idea Ruben sang that song until he strutted out there. Great song--and great to see him doing well!

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Archuletta has a far better natural singing voice. Cook will sell more albums.


I can't stand DA's fake, Melinda Doolittle-esqe "me? really?" routine. More than that though, I can't stand DC's singing style and the constant slurring and breathiness. They both seem like decent people though.

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I've never watched the show, but I guess that Archuletta kid is from a high school right near where I live. The local media is going apesh!t about it.

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I had no idea Ruben sang that song until he strutted out there. Great song--and great to see him doing well!

My sister had no idea Ruben sang that song either. I said to her, "Really?", "Ryan Seacrest has been saying that at the end of every elimination." I gues she did'nt hear him all that time.

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I liked his comment about not doing a song he had already done. Ouch. *LOL*





Me too. DC showed more originality than DA, as he has all season. Yes, he could have sang "Billie Jean" again, and he would have been great. But I applaud his effort in doing something different each time, and he did great each time.

I hope he wins, but I would'nt be that upset if DA won, both are very talented.

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Cook is a million times more talented. Can he be a star? I dunno but he's at least a musician--not just a sappy ballad singer. I can't imagine an album of Archuletta love songs. What a bore.


After investing time in my first season of Idol, I feel good that the right person won. He was the best.

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Cook is a million times more talented. Can he be a star? I dunno but he's at least a musician--not just a sappy ballad singer. I can't imagine an album of Archuletta love songs. What a bore.


After investing time in my first season of Idol, I feel good that the right person won. He was the best.


I agree 100% Cook can at least put together a pretty good album. No one is going to buy "Archuletta sings Neil Diamond." I think DA might have a career, but he needs to get a cool niche--even as a young Billy Joel or something.


On Cook, I heard a funny morning radio show today where the DJ made a pretty funny observation. He basically said that "everybody wants Cook to be like Daughtry but he's not Daughtry because, unlike Daughtry, he sucks."

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I agree 100% Cook can at least put together a pretty good album. No one is going to buy "Archuletta sings Neil Diamond." I think DA might have a career, but he needs to get a cool niche--even as a young Billy Joel or something.


On Cook, I heard a funny morning radio show today where the DJ made a pretty funny observation. He basically said that "everybody wants Cook to be like Daughtry but he's not Daughtry because, unlike Daughtry, he sucks."


The DJ is right on. He's no Daughtry but he's in that vein at least. I mean, thank God a rocker won instead of a crooner.

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My sister had no idea Ruben sang that song either. I said to her, "Really?", "Ryan Seacrest has been saying that at the end of every elimination." I gues she did'nt hear him all that time.

I think the song was originally sung by



Way to go DC! ;)

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Congratulations Cook, I am very glad he won tonight, he deserved it. Also, what a finale they put together, awesome show.

This was one of the best, if not the best season of American Idol, the talent was great from top-to-bottom. A definite step-up from last year's boring season.

To wrap it up fully here are a few more opinons I had about this season and it's contestants.


Worst Idea: Having 2 straight weeks of Beatles music. One was enough.


Worst Week: Dolly Parton. She's talented, but there were a lot of songs I did not know.


Best Week: Idols choose songs from year they were born. The week that Cook sang "Billie Jean", but Michael, Brooke, Carly, and Archuleta had very strong performances as well.


Idol We Hardly Knew: Amanda, she may not have won, but she was better than some of the other "lesser" talent.


Idols Booted Too Early: Carly & Michael, their duet was fantastic tonight, I really missed them. Michael was top 4 talent, and Carly was the best of all the female contestants.


Idols Who Stayed Too Long: Kristy, Jason, & Syesha. It was obvious that Kristy was a weaker contestant than the others from the get go. Jason was a one trick pony, who despite having a nice voice, just sang everything slowly. Syesha greatly overachieved, and showed limits in her up tempo singing.


Biggest Disappointment: Ramiele. Early on in the show, she looked like she could be in the top 5, but came off as very tentative, and never used that big voice she appeared to have.


In conclusion, there are two things I would like to see American Idol do.

1. Let the Top 12 contestants be the "Top 12 contestants", not the top 6 guys and girls. I hate the fact that they break it down this way. Who cares if you have more of one sex than the other. The people with the most talent should get through.

2. Please stop having the worst singer(s) on the finale show. They were horrid before and do not deserve any of our time. Why give them any legitimacy? American Idol should strictly promote the best, and only the best should be on stage. The worst get their tv time during the auditions, and that's enough.

Thats all. Let's see if American Idol 2009 can be just as good.

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Did anyone else record the show and then watch it later? I just finished watching it, and my DVR cut off right at the 2:00 mark...Ryan Seacrest had said, "And the winner of American Idol 2007....is....DAVID -" *click* :D


I just got done tracking down the clip at youtube so I could see who won lol.


I agree that this was a surprisingly good show! First time Michael Johns has sounded half decent all year! :D

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Congratulations Cook, I am very glad he won tonight, he deserved it. Also, what a finale they put together, awesome show.

This was one of the best, if not the best season of American Idol, the talent was great from top-to-bottom. A definite step-up from last year's boring season.

To wrap it up fully here are a few more opinons I had about this season and it's contestants.


Worst Idea: Having 2 straight weeks of Beatles music. One was enough.


Worst Week: Dolly Parton. She's talented, but there were a lot of songs I did not know.


Best Week: Idols choose songs from year they were born. The week that Cook sang "Billie Jean", but Michael, Brooke, Carly, and Archuleta had very strong performances as well.


Idol We Hardly Knew: Amanda, she may not have won, but she was better than some of the other "lesser" talent.


Idols Booted Too Early: Carly & Michael, their duet was fantastic tonight, I really missed them. Michael was top 4 talent, and Carly was the best of all the female contestants.


Idols Who Stayed Too Long: Kristy, Jason, & Syesha. It was obvious that Kristy was a weaker contestant than the others from the get go. Jason was a one trick pony, who despite having a nice voice, just sang everything slowly. Syesha greatly overachieved, and showed limits in her up tempo singing.


Biggest Disappointment: Ramiele. Early on in the show, she looked like she could be in the top 5, but came off as very tentative, and never used that big voice she appeared to have.


In conclusion, there are two things I would like to see American Idol do.

1. Let the Top 12 contestants be the "Top 12 contestants", not the top 6 guys and girls. I hate the fact that they break it down this way. Who cares if you have more of one sex than the other. The people with the most talent should get through.

2. Please stop having the worst singer(s) on the finale show. They were horrid before and do not deserve any of our time. Why give them any legitimacy? American Idol should strictly promote the best, and only the best should be on stage. The worst get their tv time during the auditions, and that's enough.

Thats all. Let's see if American Idol 2009 can be just as good.

I agree with all of your points! :D

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Did anyone else record the show and then watch it later? I just finished watching it, and my DVR cut off right at the 2:00 mark...Ryan Seacrest had said, "And the winner of American Idol 2007....is....DAVID -" *click* :D


I just got done tracking down the clip at youtube so I could see who won lol.


I agree that this was a surprisingly good show! First time Michael Johns has sounded half decent all year! :D

Probably because it ran a little over the two hours.


See, told you Michael Johns has a voice of an angel! :P

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I know this is not in regard to Idol but Dancing with the Stars, another gay show. But in my local paper's sports section there was a blurb about Jason Taylor possibly not re-signing with the Dolphins. Was accompanying photo Taylor slamming a QB to the ground? No, it as him in full ballroom attire and form. What the hell is up with that? The pussification of America continues. :D

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