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These guys get it (part 33)


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Very nice disply of sportsmanship indeed. But since you're not the first to post this story, we'll let you off easy....


I did a search for Oswego or SUNY (didn't do St Johns Fisher because I didn't want 57 training camp threads) and didn't find anything... So in my defense, I did check first.


Wait!!! Did you even say something, your latest avatar is kinda distracting... :thumbsup:

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From the article:


Pecora took an inside pitch from Lutes and pulled a sizzling line drive down the third base line, drilling Oswego manager and third base coach Frank Paino in the side of the head.


"It was a no-brainer that this could end up real bad," added Fisher coach Dan Pepicelli. :thumbsup:

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I did a search for Oswego or SUNY (didn't do St Johns Fisher because I didn't want 57 training camp threads) and didn't find anything... So in my defense, I did check first.


Wait!!! Did you even say something, your latest avatar is kinda distracting... :thumbsup:


search the url eh

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search the url eh


Oh for Christ sake, you're all a bunch of wise acres t'day ain't ya? Mingia, I didn't think too search the coach's name, the batter's name, the pitcher's name, the interim player/coach's name, the author's name...


Now on to more pressing matters, what's the deal with your sig line... that's fuggin awesome! You gotta PM me the link to that story!

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Oh for Christ sake, you're all a bunch of wise acres t'day ain't ya?


What, we're just wise acres t'day? I thought that was everyday!


Now on to more pressing matters, what's the deal with your sig line... that's fuggin awesome! You gotta PM me the link to that story!




So great! (Its the last part of the story)

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Thanks for posting it. I hadn't seen it the first time around. That's a great story.


Ah yes, after more than 5 years of lurking and 1 year of posting, I'm finally the beneficiary of Darin's caustic wit! :thumbsup: I think I'll treat myself to an Alaskan Amber Ale next time I'm down to the pub! :blink: Thanks Darin, I feel like part o' the gang now!!!


Stop ruining the party.


Bullpen (Lupus): "Thanks. Nobody ever stuck up for me before."

Bluefire (Tanner): "Well Bullpen, if you wiped yer nose once in awhile people wouldn't give you so much crud all the time."



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Ah yes, after more than 5 years of lurking and 1 year of posting, I'm finally the beneficiary of Darin's caustic wit! :thumbsup: I think I'll treat myself to an Alaskan Amber Ale next time I'm down to the pub! :blink: Thanks Darin, I feel like part o' the gang now!!!




Bullpen (Lupus): "Thanks. Nobody ever stuck up for me before."

Bluefire (Tanner): "Well Bullpen, if you wiped yer nose once in awhile people wouldn't give you so much crud all the time."



Good story Bullpen, although i have to be a little smug and say that my favorite part of the story is that Oswego was eliminated by a few of my buds on Brockport Golden Eagle team. :D Rarely do you see examples of sportsmanship like that, buit stories like this are touching.


It is safe to say that if it were Beeel Bellycheck in the injured position, the Bills and any other NFL team would have gone on and played :P .

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