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Help me find a picture (print)


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Back Story:

Alright, so I have this friend (a very close friend) who is going to be moving away in less than two months. Her (sorry, no links, you'll have to trust me that she's worth it - ya horny bastards) birthday is also about two weeks from now. A while ago she was telling me about this picture she saw on-line a few years ago that she really liked. She didn't end up buying it at the time, and has regretted it. I'm not sure when she started looking for it again, but it's been a long time and she's never been able to find it. I've been searching every now and then for a few weeks and can't find it to save my life.


So...this is my last ditch effort. I'd like to be able to find it and get it for a birthday/going away gift. If anyone here can find the right picture and point me in its direction, they'll earn themselves their choice of Bills replica jersey!


Picture details as I know them:

It's a picture of a female angel, walking away down a sort of town alley

Angel isn't wearing any clothes, though I don't think there's nudity (wings)

Is a Sepia Tone type picture


She said when she saw it, it was being sold framed for about 150 bucks or so....she can't remember exactly. She did see it on-line, but can't remember where.


I'd have more info, but it would be better to make it surprise, so I'm only going off what I already know.


So...if anyone has some free time and would like to try to earn a jersey, give it a shot. I'll bump this a few times over the next couple days and see if it gets anywhere. Like I said, my last ditch effort. I've already searched in google and all sorts of print websites in every combination I can think of. I've gone through thousands of pics, and none are close!



I've heard a lot of euphemisms for masturbating in my day, but this is without a doubt the most elaborate.

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