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Abortion Totally Rocks

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Don't worry if your poo is green. It just means you've been eating grass in your sleep. Maybe hide your keys when you go to bed so you can't find them to open that deadbolt when you sleepwalk outside.


This thread is about lolcats. Stop trying to hijack it.

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It's green...reduces the number of people dependant on things that produce greenhouse gases.

It will eventually reduce our dependance on foreign oil

It help to ease soscial tensions by reducing the number of people bickering

It eases unemployment by reducing how many people are looking for work.

It would help with smog. makeing there more warm sunny days.

It makes kittens purr

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It's green...reduces the number of people dependant on things that produce greenhouse gases.

It will eventually reduce our dependance on foreign oil

It help to ease soscial tensions by reducing the number of people bickering

It eases unemployment by reducing how many people are looking for work.

It would help with smog. makeing there more warm sunny days.

It makes kittens purr


I'm not sure what is funnier, the comment from ieatcrayonz, or the fact that you made this thread, and then took a crap in it.

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It's green...reduces the number of people dependant on things that produce greenhouse gases.

It will eventually reduce our dependance on foreign oil

It help to ease soscial tensions by reducing the number of people bickering

It eases unemployment by reducing how many people are looking for work.

It would help with smog. makeing there more warm sunny days.

It makes kittens purr


You forgot: reduces crime rates, and increases employment (just imagine all the doctors who'd be looking for work if abortion were illegal.) AND reduces the need for entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare. On the other hand...were it illegal, military recruitment might not be such a problem.


Plus...by now, we've probably aborted a couple of Hitlers. Don't see how that's bad...

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You forgot: reduces crime rates, and increases employment (just imagine all the doctors who'd be looking for work if abortion were illegal.) AND reduces the need for entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare. On the other hand...were it illegal, military recruitment might not be such a problem.


Plus...by now, we've probably aborted a couple of Hitlers. Don't see how that's bad...

Probably does!

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