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Booger MacFarland

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Free agent DL Anthony McFarland will hold a private workout for NFL teams on June 4.

Booger will try to show he's recovered from a torn patellar tendon that kept him out all last year. He nearly signed with the Steelers in late March, and since the team didn't address its line in the draft, could still end up there.

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I don't think the Bills are at the point yet where vets at the end of their careers hop on thinking they are the missing piece. This is what concerns me a bit about the relative ease in which Stroud was obtained. Maybe the guy truly wanted to come here, but you'd think a guy with his pedigree and with many teams in need of quality DT's that Stroud could have picked where he wanted to go if he was healthy.

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I'd rather pick a booger out of my own nose and eat then have a guy whose knees are put together with duct tape and rubber cement on this team!


;):ph34r: The avatar, picking your nose and eating it, and my lunch sitting in front of me.... thanks a lot!

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;):ph34r: The avatar, picking your nose and eating it, and my lunch sitting in front of me.... thanks a lot!


I also like to practice pitching mechanics buck naked in front of my mirror

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I don't think the Bills are at the point yet where vets at the end of their careers hop on thinking they are the missing piece. This is what concerns me a bit about the relative ease in which Stroud was obtained. Maybe the guy truly wanted to come here, but you'd think a guy with his pedigree and with many teams in need of quality DT's that Stroud could have picked where he wanted to go if he was healthy.

the thing with stroud though was that he wasn't a FA, so first he would have to find a team willing to give up something of value for him, then it also had to be a situation where he feels he would be the best fit for the playing time he wants. Another team might have been willing to give up something to get him, but they may be pretty much set at starting DT so he would see limited playing time.


Buffalo was a great fit because he would automatically step in and start, and get the most playing time, plus since they use a rotation, he would get some rest to stay healthier.


I am still skeptical on him just because of the injury history, but thats something that we all won't know about until things get started for the season, and their doctors feel he is 100% (or close enough to it)

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I'd rather pick a booger out of my own nose and eat it then have a guy whose knees are put together with duct tape and rubber cement on this team!




If he'll play for vet min why not try him in camp? Give him a contract with playing bonus'. Personally though I think booger is snot the answer.

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I'd rather pick a booger out of my own nose and eat it then have a guy whose knees are put together with duct tape and rubber cement on this team!


From the looks of that avatar, you ...I mean he's probably done that alot.... That avatar is creepy.

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giving him a shot would mean that 1) we don't feel that Johnson, Strout, Williams and McCargo can handle the DT position 2) if we kept 5 DT active than that's one less Special teamer we would have active.


I think that Booger is near the very end of his career, 3 years ago was one thing, today is another. I feel that we could get better play out of the 4 mentioned above. Also why take a spot of a player that could play special teams, we always have a strong Special team unit, we need to keep it this way. I'd rather keep a gunner like John Wendling active over a rotational guy like Booger.

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