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Hockey vs. Basketball

Chef Jim

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All American hockey fans should be incredibly thankful that the average citizen hasn't discovered our game. It's truly one of the things that makes it great.


I think the worst thing that could ever happen to the NHL is getting "regular American sport's fan" in the building on a regular basis.

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All American hockey fans should be incredibly thankful that the average citizen hasn't discovered our game. It's truly one of the things that makes it great.


I think the worst thing that could ever happen to the NHL is getting "regular American sport's fan" in the building on a regular basis.


Kind of like when the Ducks first started out here. I was living in LA and a Kings fan (after the Sabres of course). I co-worker went to see the "new" Mighty Ducks play. A woman sitting next to him asked why were they skating around with those "poles" in their hands.

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I will admitt, I love the NHL playoffs, and assuming the Celtics aren't playing, I will always pick hockey over the basketball.


I think the NBA has been pretty damn entertaining the last three or four seasons. A lot of the "I hate basketball" comments seem to be rooted in the "it hasn't been good since Magic and Bird played", or "Jordan ruined the game"...all I will say is, yes, the NBA went through a pretty bad period after Jordan retired (the second time), but it really has been a much better game in recent years.


I love hockey, so I am not bashing it at all (the Red Wings/Stars 4 OT game was awesome), but NBA playoffs aren't so bad either. I think hockey was almost unwatchable, particularly in the regular season, the years prior to the lockout. It had regressed to a very boring, clutch and grab game.


I agree, hockey has more "juice", but I think part of the reason for that, is the game itself, is a bit more flukey than other sports. In the NBA, the better team normally wins...in hockey, sometimes the luckier team wins. In hockey, one lucky bounce can make the difference between winning and losing. I love that about the game, but it is one of the things that is bothersome about it, at the same time.


One legit problem with the NBA playoffs, is too many bad teams make the playoffs. The way the leauge is strcutured, like the NHL, the top 8 teams from each conference make the playoffs. While my Celtics proved to be the exception to this against the 37-45 Hawks, there is rarely an upset in the early rounds. In hockey, any team can knock off another, no matter how overmathced, with some luck, and a little emotion.


I guess it is to everyones' individual taste. I know a lot of people just don't like basketball. But if you are one of those who used to like it, but left it behind in the last 10 years or so, give it another try. There are some very good players right now, but, most importantly, there has been a real return to the team concept of the game. Much as I hate the Pistons, they and the Spurs were kind of trailblazers in returning the game to what it is, when it is at its' best.

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I will admitt, I love the NHL playoffs, and assuming the Celtics aren't playing, I will always pick hockey over the basketball.


I think the NBA has been pretty damn entertaining the last three or four seasons. A lot of the "I hate basketball" comments seem to be rooted in the "it hasn't been good since Magic and Bird played", or "Jordan ruined the game"...all I will say is, yes, the NBA went through a pretty bad period after Jordan retired (the second time), but it really has been a much better game in recent years.


I love hockey, so I am not bashing it at all (the Red Wings/Stars 4 OT game was awesome), but NBA playoffs aren't so bad either. I think hockey was almost unwatchable, particularly in the regular season, the years prior to the lockout. It had regressed to a very boring, clutch and grab game.


I agree, hockey has more "juice", but I think part of the reason for that, is the game itself, is a bit more flukey than other sports. In the NBA, the better team normally wins...in hockey, sometimes the luckier team wins. In hockey, one lucky bounce can make the difference between winning and losing. I love that about the game, but it is one of the things that is bothersome about it, at the same time.


One legit problem with the NBA playoffs, is too many bad teams make the playoffs. The way the leauge is strcutured, like the NHL, the top 8 teams from each conference make the playoffs. While my Celtics proved to be the exception to this against the 37-45 Hawks, there is rarely an upset in the early rounds. In hockey, any team can knock off another, no matter how overmathced, with some luck, and a little emotion.


I guess it is to everyones' individual taste. I know a lot of people just don't like basketball. But if you are one of those who used to like it, but left it behind in the last 10 years or so, give it another try. There are some very good players right now, but, most importantly, there has been a real return to the team concept of the game. Much as I hate the Pistons, they and the Spurs were kind of trailblazers in returning the game to what it is, when it is at its' best.


I like the sport of basketball and the players are some of the most talented athletes out there. I just can't follow a sport where the players have tattoos on their necks. The games gone gangsta and didn't take me with it.

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He forgot to mention that hockey playoffs are way way to long, and need to be cut to 5 game series.

No, they're not and they do not need to be shortened. The NHL playoffs are perfect in length and format right now. If anything needs to be tweaked it's the length of the regular season.


Besides, the NHL is already in their conference finals right now while the NBA is still in their semifinal round.

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All American hockey fans should be incredibly thankful that the average citizen hasn't discovered our game. It's truly one of the things that makes it great.





Maybe most people are fearful of that "Canadian armed rebellion" that he spoke of in the article.


Can NHL fans ever discuss the merits of the game without feeling the need to point out how much another sport sucks? GEESUS, man....how often do you see the NFL or even the MLB folks trying to convince you that they have an entertaining game if for no other reason than the NBA (or MLS, or MMA, or MILL, etc, etc) sucks?


On that note....

















Go FLYERS!!!! Briere rules!!!!

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No, they're not and they do not need to be shortened. The NHL playoffs are perfect in length and format right now. If anything needs to be tweaked it's the length of the regular season.


Besides, the NHL is already in their conference finals right now while the NBA is still in their semifinal round.


Every year the finals for both leagues overlap. It will happen again this year. It's so stupid, fighting for ratings, when they should just spread out the games a bit. I agree, regular season should be about 20 games shorter also.

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Every year the finals for both leagues overlap. It will happen again this year. It's so stupid, fighting for ratings, when they should just spread out the games a bit. I agree, regular season should be about 20 games shorter also.

Fighting for ratings against the NBA is pointless from the NHL's POV. The NBA has ABC, ESPN, ESPN2 and TNT, while the NHL has NBC and Versus. Not exactly a fair fight there, especially when the NHL is already fighting an uphill battle for respectability.


Even during the previous two seasons (the Sabres' ECF runs) I found myself sort of "hockeyed-out" by the time the playoffs started - because the regular season is so long. I think lopping 12 games off the schedule - going from 82 to 70 - would be perfect. I couldn't watch other series or enjoy any other hockey, and once the Sabres were eliminated I couldn't bear the thought of watching any more hockey.


But the seven-game series is absolutely perfect. Nothing rivals the intensity and emotion of an NHL Game 7, no matter who is playing or what round.

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Perfectly stated. I'll NEVER even begin to understand how such an entertaining sport like hockey has been placed so far back on the backburner that it is a rarity to see it on sportscenter. Oh well, Go Sabres.

I think a lot of it is marketing. Your told what is cool and what too like. The game of basketball could never stand on it's own as far as a spectator sport is concerned. Well promoted.

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All American hockey fans should be incredibly thankful that the average citizen hasn't discovered our game. It's truly one of the things that makes it great.


I think the worst thing that could ever happen to the NHL is getting "regular American sport's fan" in the building on a regular basis.

Exactly. Unfortunately, getting the "regular NASCAR fan" in the building has happened in Raleigh. Fug the Canes.

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I like the sport of basketball and the players are some of the most talented athletes out there. I just can't follow a sport where the players have tattoos on their necks. The games gone gangsta and didn't take me with it.



Some hockey players and football players have just as many tatoos, you just can't see them, while they play. I dare say, there are more than a few current Bills players who have lots of tattoos. Is "gone gansta" code for something else? Let's face it, in another 10 years, there will be very few pro athletes, white or black, who don't have tattoos. If you like the game, but don't watch for that reason, that is pretty sad.

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Yes, and I'm stuck in Cleveland without Versus on my cable and having to watch the Hack-A-Lebron saga of the NBA Playoffs. That, and every Cavalier playoff game seems to have scores like 79-76. This sucks.


Just once in the next few years, I'd love to see a Canadian team win the Stanley Cup. Hasn't happened in the last 15 years.


Since 1999 and "No Goal" (sorry to bring it up), has a Stanley Cup final ended in sudden death? And was 1999 the only time in NHL history? Any in a Game 7?

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Buftex, couldn't agree more with everything you've said. People that alienated the NBA in the last 10 years are now missing some high quality basketball. If you truly enjoy the sport, then you aren't gaining anything by not watching now.


I'm more of an NBA fan than an NHL fan just because I grew up playing basketball and just never really got into hockey when I was younger. But the NHL playoffs are just awesome. I believe that the higher amount of scoring done in a sport makes it more exciting (to the casual fan) during the regular season but less exciting during the playoffs. That's what makes the NHL so intense in the playoffs, IMO. Each goal (and beyond that, each opportunity to score) becomes so important and tense. I didn't watch more than a handful of Sabres games this whole year that happened to be on TV around me, but I can't get enough of the playoffs. Its uncanny the percentage of high quality, down to the wire games you get in playoff hockey.

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Exactly. Unfortunately, getting the "regular NASCAR fan" in the building has happened in Raleigh. Fug the Canes.


The games I've been to in Raleigh (Canes vs. Sabres and Habs) the past 3 years have made me lose even more respect for them. Mostly because I saw a lot of signs and I think a couple of shirts that said "Hillbilly Hockey"




If you going to enjoy hockey, Don't mix Moonshine and Tony Stewart in to it. Leave it at the race track and learn something about the game Hurricanes "Fans"


And another thing. A couple years back my brother and I were at a Sabres vs. Canes game. I think it was Max on an odd man rush slide to poke check the puck away from one of the opposing players, and this kid said "Why you sliding around out there, this ain't baseball" No :blink: kid.




Go Sabres none the less.


The only things the NHL has to work on is getting hockey off of Versus and making some of the Goalie equipment a little smaller. Other than that, it can go no where but up.

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No, they're not and they do not need to be shortened. The NHL playoffs are perfect in length and format right now. If anything needs to be tweaked it's the length of the regular season.


Besides, the NHL is already in their conference finals right now while the NBA is still in their semifinal round.


I think the hockey season is way too long. The season should start in November and Stanley Cup finals finished in March.

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