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The article on the Bills and Yankees is a terrible article



It is a very fine negative example of a sportswriter in CNY looking for a "hook" in both directions... Sometimes a columnist just goes for the first facile comparison that comes to mind.

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"Buyer beware? It's more like buyer take cover. No, wait. It's buyer is either very wealthy or fairly desperate (OK, stupid) to spend that kind of money to watch J.P. Losman miss receivers or Jorge Posada not throw out guys at second base.


Me? I've forever been amazed, generally, by the crowd sizes at our games . . . and that was before buying a ticket to them wasn't roughly equivalent to the financial trauma of purchasing a Caribbean island. Ducats . . . parking . . . concessions . . . traffic flow . . . drunks in the next seat? This all makes for a pretty steep price to watch people drop passes or fail to lay down bunts. When one considers that so many games are on television, mostly for free, the mystery grows even more.


And now, specifically, we have the Bills and the Yankees, who don't go in for any of that hooey about their fans being part of the extended family. Nah, they see those poor saps for what they've become: Sheep in need of shearing. And they, the Bills and Yankees, have some very sharp clippers in hand."





Does this idiot realize that Buffalo has had the lowest ticket prices in the NFL for many years? Way to stick it to your fans Buffalo! He apparently still thinks JP is the starting QB too.

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It's not a "terrible" article. The guy is bitching about the cost of tickets to see sub-par play and in the Bills' case (in his opinion) sub-par conditions. I don't see a problem with it. It's ridiculous how much money the Toronto tickets are being sold for. One of the best things about the Bills is that they have always been an affordable ticket for most people. Now they are taking games away from those regular fans at the Ralph and offering them to the fans who can afford to buy Yankees tickets.


The problem with the author is that he's comparing two completely different entities. No one will ever confuse the Buffalo Bills for the New York Yankees. The Yankees can afford to jack their prices through the roof whenever they want. Those tickets will always sell. The Bills on the other hand aren't catering to the NYC crowd. They can't afford to raise the ticket prices because they would price out their fans in no time flat.

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