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I lost a best friend once he became a lieutant. The relationship started to slow up after sgt. then it became the cold shoulder once he donned the white shirt. :blink: Dick.

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It's widely known that if you pull over a minority the odds are high that there is an existing outstanding criminal warrant.


Black males, less than 5% of the total US population, commit 40% of the murders in the nation. Feel free to blame me and call me a racist for pointing out facts.



Cincy, what the hell does that have to do with Benson? Perhaps a cop sees a rich black man on a boat having a great time and decides to be a d#ck for no real reason (except that he makes less than 50K and is jealous).


While you look at race, it is more of a case of socio-economic status. With your stat, it would be refreshing to see how many black males above the poverty rate commit murder. I'm guessing it drops significantly. But please continue to assume black males are criminals. I like you Cincy, but this is a pretty close-minded post.

I too believe Benson. Pro athlests are not noted for doing whatever they wish, or for getting rowdy, drunk, stoned, and resisting arrest.


Cops are the problem. They like to take on dumb, rich, famous genetic mutants because it is fun.



Because we know cops never target minorities. :blink: Trust me, I know most cops are good and I have a lot of respect for them. At the same time, despite what you read on ESPN, about 95% of pro athletes are normal, law-abiding citizens. So as close-minded it is to think a few scumbag cops represent the entire police force, it is just as close-minded to lump all pro athletes together.


I was waiting for the self righteous hero crap. See the following post which pretty much captures the reality. BTW, are you a cop, because if so your response would be typical of what I'm talking about.


The "blue" mentality is pervasive in cop stations, and that culture isn't going anywhere, as evidenced by the plethora of daily examples that actually make it outside the blue code of silence. Lord knows the exponential number of other examples that never see the light of day. The general public perception that cops are generally good get proven wrong every day in this city. Even the good cops are just silent and go along to get along, thus supporting this mentality.


For those that do their job, well, thank you for doing your job. As far as I know it's still voluntary to sign up for this line of work. If you don't like or can't handle what goes along with the job, then don't become a cop and take it out on the rest of us.


And don't worry, I don't bother calling the cops when anything happens, as nothing ever gets done and they are just as likely to exacerbate the problem. But, if I wanted to call, seeing as I pay all my taxes, I will call them whenever the hell I please. Unless you're a cop yourself, just hope you don't become another random target or get in the way of their above the law, do whatever the hell they please attitude.


And you are the expert on law enforcement how? Douche bags like you who think they can expostulate on the foibles of society without taking a look in the mirror just kill me beyond words. Before you make a blanket statement like that regarding the behavior of any police force, perhaps you should consider what they do for a living and the commitment they make to protect and serve ignorant a-holes like you. Way too many men whose badges you are not fit to polish have taken bullets and have had their children watch their caskets lowered into the ground in an effort to keep the bad guys from breaking into your house, stealing your stuff, raping your wife and daughter, and creating anarchy in the streets.


Your comment, and those of the posters that follow you that are in agreement with your myopic, rednecked drivel, is the epitome of ignorance. Rather than telling everyone who reads this board that all cops are crooked and worth less than the evil that lurks the streets, I'd prefer that you spend some time thanking them for putting their lives on the line every day just so you can feel a sense of security as you live out your pathetic existence. Next time someone violates your personal freedoms through robbery or battery, don't bother calling the police. You don't deserve their assistance, you mental midget.


I thought that after 9/11 people began to recognize the heroism of public servants. I can only assume that some people missed the message.



First let me say thank you to all police officers who truely protect and serve and put their life on the line for me and my family. As for the others , and depending on different parts of the country, there are way more dirty cops than you might think. The south still has a long ways to go. Living in East Tennessee for 7 years now, I can honestly say 7 or 8 out of 10 cops are dirty here. From racism, offering women to get let off for "sexual favors", harassment, to the last sheriff retiring a multimillionare from "getting his cut" from bootlegging, pot money, etc., I can say truthfully this area is a pretty pathetic excuse for law enforcement. I don't know anything about the Benson incident, but remember, we're talking Texas here people. Either side could be at fault just as easily as the other. Neither would surprise me.

there's good cops and not so good cops just like any profession has good actors and bad actors. From what I've seen Benson's treatment looks like the act of some bad cops. Looking at the pictures taken on the boat - relaxed, good times with friends (and his mother) plus many witnesses that said the cops were out of line - doesn't look good for the Austin police. it's just a fact that cops are a much bigger part of life in urban black neighborhoods. It's not always just targeting, its that a lot of illegal activity goes on in poor areas, especially gang violence, drug crimes, or even petty conman stuff like selling fake jewelry etc., that the cops like to stay on top of. Plus its an easy arrest - more likely to be able to arrest the guy for some prior and not have to deal with lawyers that will cause them headaches. If you ever want to be horrified at what police are capable of just read what cops down south did anytime pre-Civil Rights movement - just shocking stuff.


I'll reserve judgment on either side, though neither version of the truth would surprise me. I do have one question though:


Why did the girl call her dad and ask that he call 911 instead of doing it herself from the phone in her hand?


The only thing I could think of was that she didn't want the boat police hearing what she was doing....but still a head scratcher to me.


I'm surprised at the number of people defending Ced here, I actually expected more of an outcry against my posts (which, btw I thought were fairly even handed).


One of the funniest things I've seen is my best friend at UT was a French Canadian, and we were a bit messed up. We were hanging out with Ced, and Ced was a bit messed up (not on yayo btw), and he was completely scared of my friend. :blink: My friend was like 5'7", and Ced was huge compared to him, and Ced was scared :lol:


In all seriousness, I was initially inclined to believe APD, as I could definitely see Ced messing up and driving while messed up, but everything I know about the guy says he wouldn't act like a complete !@#$. Combined with the 911 call, and APD's rep, I'm inclined to believe Ced now

I'm surprised at the number of people defending Ced here, I actually expected more of an outcry against my posts (which, btw I thought were fairly even handed).


One of the funniest things I've seen is my best friend at UT was a French Canadian, and we were a bit messed up on the yayo. We were hanging out with Ced, and Ced was a bit messed up (not on yayo btw), and he was completely scared of my friend. :blink: My friend was like 5'7", and Ced was huge compared to him, and Ced was scared :lol:


In all seriousness, I was initially inclined to believe APD, as I could definitely see Ced messing up and driving while messed up, but everything I know about the guy says he wouldn't act like a complete !@#$. Combined with the 911 call, and APD's rep, I'm inclined to believe Ced now

yayo?? you get down like that? learn something new everyday... :blink:

I'll reserve judgment on either side, though neither version of the truth would surprise me. I do have one question though:


Why did the girl call her dad and ask that he call 911 instead of doing it herself from the phone in her hand?


The only thing I could think of was that she didn't want the boat police hearing what she was doing....but still a head scratcher to me.


That is one of the weird parts of the case. The other is, why the hell did the police let Benson's friends, who all apparently were drunk, drive the boat home?! That makes absolutely no sense either.


This is why people mistrust cops:



Ever have somebody lie on your body, let alone three... You aren't going to submit unless you die... It is a natural action to move and gain freedom. Exactly what the cops don't understand, they think you will just naturally submit... The exact opposite happens. One's body will naturally try and gain freedom the force that is used.


I find it funny that the cop says: "stop resisting." It is is like putting a pillow on one's head, what do you think the body is going to do?



Cincy, what the hell does that have to do with Benson? Perhaps a cop sees a rich black man on a boat having a great time and decides to be a d#ck for no real reason (except that he makes less than 50K and is jealous).


While you look at race, it is more of a case of socio-economic status. With your stat, it would be refreshing to see how many black males above the poverty rate commit murder. I'm guessing it drops significantly. But please continue to assume black males are criminals. I like you Cincy, but this is a pretty close-minded post.


Happens more on the water than you think! You sneeze wrong now and you can be boarded! Years ago I remember the USCG doing everything in their power NOT to board a vessel.


Heck one time in the mid-1990's there was a vessel coming down through the lock and it had a Coasty that boarded it... At our main gate came a USCG land vehicle frantically in just as the vessel made lockage... They said there was suspicion there were drugs onboard the vessel and the Coasty may have been in harms way (he orignially boarded to assist the vessel)... Crazy situation that I wasn't sure how it got that out of hand to begin with? Anyway, they get everybody on land and in the lunchroom and start interogating them... Even asking me if this little bag of white stuff "looks like drugs?"... I thought WTF? After about an hour, just let them go... Boat went on its way, the USCG left in the land vehicle. :blink:


Now? They just come in with the SAW's and shanghi the perp to the vessel and ask questions later.


Wow! What a range... From incompetent policy to overbearing policy! Note, I said POLICY... This isn't an attempt to sully the names of all the hard working men and women out there... They are just trying to do their jobs!


Just amazing how things have changed!


The one good thing about times we are in now... Redundancy... Redundancy is good especially calling 911... Cameras on the police cruisers... They should also have them everywhere in the station. Track the officier by satellite too! It happens on every other job. Internal affairs should be an outside source too. It is all about accountability and job performance... Make that unrelenting... It will separate the wheat from the chaff... The more communications the better!


Some people will invariably make a "mistep"... I firmly believe that those misteps are made worse if one is an African-American... Most of the time, they aren't afforded that mistep and situations sharply get out of hand.

i've seen plenty of it here in tallahassee. A few months ago we had a TPD chief (i believe, maybe it was a sherrif) get nailed for doing 100 on I-10 (70 mph limit) in his personal car. He basically threatened to get the FHP officer fired if he wrote the ticket.


I've also seen the local cops ignore the white guy doing 50 in a 30 to nail the black guy doing 33. the good ol' boy network is alive and well in the south.

Are you a cop?

Because we know cops never target minorities. :blink: Trust me, I know most cops are good and I have a lot of respect for them. At the same time, despite what you read on ESPN, about 95% of pro athletes are normal, law-abiding citizens. So as close-minded it is to think a few scumbag cops represent the entire police force, it is just as close-minded to lump all pro athletes together.
DING DING DING. Just like it's close-minded to say all cops are dirty scum bags. Infact, without evidence.... it would be extremely ignorant to say that cops do not follow the trends that every other job does.
DING DING DING. Just like it's close-minded to say all cops are dirty scum bags. Infact, without evidence.... it would be extremely ignorant to say that cops do not follow the trends that every other job does.


Exactly! Yet, they can follow them (the trends) a little more without their powerful unions getting in the way. What is good for me should be good for them!


Track their every move... There is already paper work... Install a performance monitoring system that evaluates every step of the way... It won't get in the way via computers...

Exactly! Yet, they can follow them (the trends) a little more without their powerful unions getting in the way. What is good for me should be good for them!


Track their every move... There is already paper work... Install a performance monitoring system that evaluates every step of the way... It won't get in the way via computers...


Take your medicine.


I know it's a bit off topic,


but having lived in Chicago for most of Benson's career I've got to say he is a complete turd.


Chock him up along the likes of Mike Williams, as a guy that received a huge rookie contract and since then has no heart to actually play the game.




Well, maybe the following comment is actually on topic:



I have to say I think the police WERE being excessive when they said they had to use pepper spray to subdue him.


After watching him play, it's obvious all it takes is a slight tap to bring him down.

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