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It's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Night. Should be a good night for David Cook, but the Hall of Fame has a lot of non-Rockers.


David Cook. Hungry Like The Wolf. The biggest shock here wasn't the crappy song choice, but that Duran Duran is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Cook's performance was uninspired--just his own karaoke version of the song.


You know that thing people do with fortune cookies--to read all fortunes followed by "in bed." I like doing that with Paula's comments to the performers but instead of "in bed," I substitute "when you have your dick in my mouth." It really works. You know she's thinking it. Try it starting at 2:56 of the below clip.




Later he sang Baba O'Reilly, which non-Who fans know as "Teenage Wasteland." This should have been a more Cook-like song but Idol limits him to 90 seconds and he never gets going. The judges are kind to him. Try the Paula thing again at 3:35.




Syesha Mercado. Proud Mary. Continuing the Chinese restaurant theme, I just ordered Peking Duck; someone go hit Syesha's gong earrings. She looks pretty sexy in her 11 inch heels as she tries to tap into the Tina Turner's vibe. She screws up the "sexy" thing though mixing in her giant smiles and "woohoos" with sultry looks. Hard to fault the performance otherwise--it was good and again, when she shows her personality, she's fun.




Change is Gonna Come. I'll tell you the change that came. The outfit change. She's now in a long flowing dress and lost her gong earrings. She's back to sucky Syesha but the judges are !@#$ed. How can you criticize a civil rights song released after the singer died? This is in the vein of Kristy Lee Cooke singing about dead soldiers and David Archuletta singing America. Randy criticizes her but the others love it. I don't--but when Syesha breaks down crying about how much the song meant to her, she probably gets 4 million more votes and stays on another week.




Jason Castro. I Shot the Sheriff. I shot myself. As usual, he's dressed like he could give a sh--. Here's a white boy at a fraternity singing "I shot the sheriff." Chug, chug, chug, chug..."Oh look, Jason's singing I shot the sheriff again. Dude, let's do a shot every time Jason says 'shot' in the song. Awesome!" You've heard of Ozzfest; this is suckfest. He's waving his hands like an air traffic controller. He's bouncing all around. Someone needs to remind him this is a Reggae song. Maybe the worst song of the season.




Mr. Tambourine Man. I can't understand Bob Dylan. Who the !@#$ can? He should have just said he was singing like Dylan when he mumbled through those 10 seconds when he forgot the lyrics. See 0:43. Who would know? If he wanted the lyrics though, Jason could have listened to Captain Kirk's version of the song (below). Despite his !@#$ up, it's not terrible--just his usual crap--not worthy of being top 4 in a national TV show but he's been sh------- for weeks so I expect nothing different.




Captain Kirk's version (oddly sung by the Green Lantern in a vid made by someone with a lot of time!):




David Archuletta. Stand By Me. I ran so far away from David's flock of seagulls shirt. Because I thought they were shitting on him. Happy dwarf can't dance and is a bore. When the judges compliment him, he has the most staged "thank yous" ever--like he's just so taken aback that anyone could like him. I hate him. The song was only OK for me but the judges love it. Yick.




Love Me Tender. This is all ballady and he's sitting in chair. He closes his eyes yet again for half the song. I imagine David's singing this to all the boys who want to !@#$ him and all the girls who think he's straight. As much as I hate him, it's by far the best song of the night.




Other observations.


The night was lame. Performers didn't bring a lot extra. I shouldn't be surprised as America has consistently gotten rid of the talented people and left us with the Castros of this contest.


Paula again sported a giant ring.


Top: Archuletta

Bottom: Castro


Prediction. Who knows? I can't predict the results for sh--.

Archuletta's breathiness is awful, as is his Butthead-like laugh.


No talent Castro is gone. Syesha, who I agree is hot, is next.

Oh, but the teenie boppers love him! That's who's voting for him so he's gonna keeping do it. :lol:

Why can you hear every single damn breath David Archuletta takes? He's getting on my nerves... Seems so fake now.


OTOH, Syesha is HOT!!!


I agree on both counts, particularly with your second point!

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