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The results of a Bills' Super Bowl victory.....

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When the Bills win the Super Bowl there will be the worst rioting known.


Half of the city will be burned down. Additionally, at least another 10 cities will have riots from all of the ex-Buffalonians.

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When the Bills win the Super Bowl there will be the worst rioting known.


Half of the city will be burned down. Additionally, at least another 10 cities will have riots from all of the ex-Buffalonians.

What about Toronto? Ralph sold any post season celebrations to them, so Buffalo will be out in the cold (so to speak).

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When the Bills win the Super Bowl there will be the worst rioting known.


Half of the city will be burned down. Additionally, at least another 10 cities will have riots from all of the ex-Buffalonians.

I've got a posse down in Greensboro waiting....

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I know this is just crazy talk but I truly believe the Bills and Sabres will win championships together one year in hopefully the near future. One will break the curse and the other will follow suit. When that happens we get to rebuild downtown from scratch because there will be nothing left after the city gets burned down to the ground a la the Brits in the War of 1812.


With a little luck, the politicians also go down in flames and global warming continues to spread making Buffalo a very diserable place to live. ;)

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i honestly think it will just be the biggest party ever. I've lived in San Antonio now for the last two Spurs championships and the party is awesome and non violent and thats because everyone here is a spurs fan so everyone gets along. I really hope that when they win the Super Bowl its a huge party and no rioting people already look at our city with disdain. And I would much rather be in a bar in Buffalo than at the game when it happens!

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If the Bills won a Super Bowl, I would not survive through the night. I'd be smack dab right in the middle of where ever girls were going wild and the scene of mass destruction is. At least I'd probably go out on a high note. A very crazy drunken high note.

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