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Medicare 'Drifting Towards Disaster'

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"Higher and higher costs are being borne by fewer and fewer people. Sooner or later, this formula implodes," Leavitt said in a speech to the right-leaning Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute think-tanks.


"There is serious danger here," he added. "Medicare is drifting towards disaster."


Leavitt's speech echoes repeated warnings from other federal government officials who have noted that Medicare spending is projected to be 3.3 percent of gross domestic product in 2009.


A separate report released on Tuesday from the National Cancer Institute estimated that Medicare spent $21 billion on cancer alone between 1999 and 2003.


$21 billion in five years? We jerk that off in Iraq in two months!


What is to be done?

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It is always better to have a private outfit's grubby hands on things! Things were working so well for the first 30 years of the 20th century.




Medicare is a disaster because it's a GOVERNMENT PROGRAM. Talk to most seniors. They HATE it.

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Medicare is a disaster because it's a GOVERNMENT PROGRAM. Talk to most seniors. They HATE it.


Want another superficial statement?


It is nothing. Better than what my grandparent's parents had... They were just working stiffs at the turn of the last century that had nothing except a desire to work and get by from day to day.

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Want another superficial statement?


It is nothing. Better than what my grandparent's parents had... They were just working stiffs at the turn of the last century that had nothing except a desire to work and get by from day to day.


You're grandparents were working during the late 1990's? I could have sworn you were much older than that.


On a serious note your grandparents worked to get what they needed and got by day to day without government handouts? Well I'll be damned.

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