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I'd be happy to applaud rich Republicans who are willing to pay a higher percentage of the tax burden, as soon as I find them.


So how much above and beyond what you're supposed to pay are you sending in each and every year Mr Altruistic? I love people who play willy nilly with my hard earned money thinking that just because I make a good income that it's all not being used to support my lifestyle and fund my future. Why should I have to alter my lifestyle down so others can raise theirs up? Why should I have less put aside for my retirement so someone who made less than me can have more for his retirement? Give me a good reason why I should have to do this?

So how much above and beyond what you're supposed to pay are you sending in each and every year Mr Altruistic? I love people who play willy nilly with my hard earned money thinking that just because I make a good income that it's all not being used to support my lifestyle and fund my future. Why should I have to alter my lifestyle down so others can raise theirs up? Why should I have less put aside for my retirement so someone who made less than me can have more for his retirement? Give me a good reason why I should have to do this?


I bet Joe's going to send his stimulus money back to the Govn'ment when he gets it. :D

So how much above and beyond what you're supposed to pay are you sending in each and every year Mr Altruistic? I love people who play willy nilly with my hard earned money thinking that just because I make a good income that it's all not being used to support my lifestyle and fund my future. Why should I have to alter my lifestyle down so others can raise theirs up? Why should I have less put aside for my retirement so someone who made less than me can have more for his retirement? Give me a good reason why I should have to do this?


Because dammit, we'll make you care about others whether you want to or not!

Yeah, because they really give two rat's asses about me. :D


Because someone who makes as much money as you doesn't need others to care about him. But given that you make that much, it proves that you don't care enough about others. Otherwise, you wouldn't be exploiting them.


Thus, you should give back to the community that gives you the opportunity to be so successful, because even though they don't take advantage of the opportunity themselves, the fact that YOU do is a credit to them.


Or something.

Because someone who makes as much money as you doesn't need others to care about him. But given that you make that much, it proves that you don't care enough about others. Otherwise, you wouldn't be exploiting them.


Thus, you should give back to the community that gives you the opportunity to be so successful, because even though they don't take advantage of the opportunity themselves, the fact that YOU do is a credit to them.


Or something.


Oh well when you put it that way..............


I'll never understand why some people are so greedy with their money, unwilling to sacrifice a percentage of their wealth to help others who may not have had the same opportunities or mentors as them. We just think differently about what the priorities of life are. The more I make, the more I'm willing to give to help others, including paying more taxes to better our community and country. To do otherwise for me would be selfish. But we all have different interpretations of What Would Jesus Do. You're entitled to vote your conscience, as I will mine.

I'll never understand why some people are so greedy with their money, unwilling to sacrifice a percentage of their wealth to help others who may not have had the same opportunities or mentors as them. We just think differently about what the priorities of life are. The more I make, the more I'm willing to give to help others, including paying more taxes to better our community and country. To do otherwise for me would be selfish. But we all have different interpretations of What Would Jesus Do. You're entitled to vote your conscience, as I will mine.



I don't work 13-16 hour days to benefit anyone but my family and my clients. If you are not working your a$$ off, don't expect any favors, handouts or more taxes. Put me next to someone working as hard as I am, and we'll talk about opportunities.

I'll never understand why some people are so greedy with their money, unwilling to sacrifice a percentage of their wealth to help others who may not have had the same opportunities or mentors as them. We just think differently about what the priorities of life are. The more I make, the more I'm willing to give to help others, including paying more taxes to better our community and country. To do otherwise for me would be selfish. But we all have different interpretations of What Would Jesus Do. You're entitled to vote your conscience, as I will mine.



Its when they get mugged by the Govn'ment telling them they HAVE to give up more of THEIR money that pisses them off. Why cant you understand that?


I'll never understand why some people are so greedy with their abilities, unwilling to sacrifice a percentage of their time and workday to help others who may not have had the same opportunities or mentors as them. We just think differently about what the priorities of life are. The more the guy next to me makes, the less work I have to produce. What does it matter, as long as the overall quota is met, and everyone is compensated evenly. The more the guy next to me makes, the less I'm willing to give to help others, including paying more taxes to better our community and country. To do otherwise for me would be selfish, but as long as the guy next to me did the work, why should I bother? But we all have different interpretations of What Would Jesus Do. Jesus allegedly died for others' sins. Are you willing to do the same?

I'll never understand why some people are so greedy with their abilities, unwilling to sacrifice a percentage of their time and workday to help others who may not have had the same opportunities or mentors as them. We just think differently about what the priorities of life are. The more the guy next to me makes, the less work I have to produce. What does it matter, as long as the overall quota is met, and everyone is compensated evenly. The more the guy next to me makes, the less I'm willing to give to help others, including paying more taxes to better our community and country. To do otherwise for me would be selfish, but as long as the guy next to me did the work, why should I bother? But we all have different interpretations of What Would Jesus Do. Jesus allegedly died for others' sins. Are you willing to do the same?



Bravo. :D

I'll never understand why some people are so greedy with their money, unwilling to sacrifice a percentage of their wealth to help others who may not have had the same opportunities or mentors as them. We just think differently about what the priorities of life are. The more I make, the more I'm willing to give to help others, including paying more taxes to better our community and country. To do otherwise for me would be selfish. But we all have different interpretations of What Would Jesus Do. You're entitled to vote your conscience, as I will mine.


I'm sorry my friend...I already sacrifice a percentage of my wealth to help others. Why do you need more, and more, and more and more......?


People making over $106,912 pay 70.3% of the taxes.


How much more of the tax burden should they have to pay????


People making less than $30,881 pay only 3.07% of the taxes.

I'll never understand why some people are so greedy with their money, unwilling to sacrifice a percentage of their wealth to help others who may not have had the same opportunities or mentors as them. We just think differently about what the priorities of life are. The more I make, the more I'm willing to give to help others, including paying more taxes to better our community and country. To do otherwise for me would be selfish. But we all have different interpretations of What Would Jesus Do. You're entitled to vote your conscience, as I will mine.


But there's a difference between giving something and having it taken from you.

I'm sorry my friend...I already sacrifice a percentage of my wealth to help others. Why do you need more, and more, and more and more......?


Because the government is the answer to everything.

People want the government to fix everything.

Let's take the CIA, US Military, and Congress as examples of how good government is at fixing anything.

Their recent track record isn't so hot, but of course the Democrats will make it better - by making government responsible for everything.


If government healthcare were run like the military - oh boy, what a treat for us!

It'll be great for the Marxists capitalist-haters to run their campaigns on: "It's not working quite right just yet... re-elect me and I'll put more tax money into it and that will make it better."


By the way, how's Lyndon Johnson's "War on Poverty" working out?

We should have won that one by now.

It's been what - 45 years and counting - except not everyone is counting.


The government is not the answer to every problem. It's often simply the problem.

If government healthcare were run like the military - oh boy, what a treat for us!
TriCare for everyone :)


By the way, how's Lyndon Johnson's "War on Poverty" working out?

We should have won that one by now.

It's been what - 45 years and counting - except not everyone is counting.

Just throw some more money at it so Bush, Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Hillary, McCain, etc can all stand in front of a giant "Mission Accomplished" banner


There is more than enough money going to the government to make government programs work, that's both local and federal.


The key is getting the idiots in office to appropriate the money correctly.


I'm not ridiculously worried about my taxes going up even though I think it would be an abomination.


I give roughly 10% of my income to charities.


For every percentage increase in my income taxes, I will decrease the same amount that I donate.


I think is absolutely disgusting that liberal politicians and their supporters think they can better allocate my money to THEIR priorities.



There is more than enough money going to the government to make government programs work, that's both local and federal.


The key is getting the idiots in office to appropriate the money correctly.


I'm not ridiculously worried about my taxes going up even though I think it would be an abomination.


I give roughly 10% of my income to charities.


For every percentage increase in my income taxes, I will decrease the same amount that I donate.


I think is absolutely disgusting that liberal politicians and their supporters think they can better allocate my money to THEIR priorities.



I agreed with you right up until you took the partisan shot of liberal politicians. When you look at all the corporate welfare my tax dollars go to, the pathetic royalty fees for mining etc, the $400 B given to the drug companies for research, just as they raised prices for everyone, the money going to large corporate farms all supported by hypocritical right wingers ending up in the large budget deficit ever. Please spare me. No I don't want my taxes to go up and HRC is wrong on that score, but all you would have to do is put a major dent in corporate welfare, bring some accountability to military spending, not for the troops and necessary equipment, but to the contractors that are raping our treasury for every cent they can dig out and there would be plenty of funding left over for some sane spending on the priorities that HRC and the so called liberals speak about wanting and probably still could make major efforts to balancing the budget.


Government bureaucracy has increased, and in some agencies threefold under Bush, so until Republicans learn what it means to balance a budget, not deficit and spend, the blame goes out equally, and other than different priorities, I think Rs are bigger spenders at least recently. As much as I disliked Delay and Gingrich, I miss their one oneupmanship with Pres. Clinton on who could be the greatest deficit hawk... Fiscally, this country's finances were in the best shape since just WWII.


So cut the partisanship and look for the few folks on both sides that might provide some real solutions. Believe or not McCain on the deficit side, if he can get the Bush war albatross off his shoulders, could be good. But I am betting the right wing true believers and the Iraq war prevent him from doing what he would really do, untarnished by either.

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