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Der Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany, burrowed away in a refurbished air-raid shelter, consumes a cyanide capsule, then shoots himself with a pistol, on this day in 1945, as his "1,000-year" Reich collapses above him.


Hitler had repaired to his bunker on January 16, after deciding to remain in Berlin for the last great siege of the war. Fifty-five feet under the chancellery (Hitler's headquarters as chancellor), the shelter contained 18 small rooms and was fully self-sufficient, with its own water and electrical supply. He left only rarely (once to decorate a squadron of Hitler Youth) and spent most of his time micromanaging what was left of German defenses and entertaining such guests as Hermann Goering, Heinrich Himmler, and Joachim von Ribbentrop. At his side were Eva Braun, whom he married only two days before their double suicide, and his dog, an Alsatian named Blondi.


Warned by officers that the Russians were only a day or so from overtaking the chancellery and urged to escape to Berchtesgarden, a small town in the Bavarian Alps where Hitler owned a home, the dictator instead chose suicide. It is believed that both he and his wife swallowed cyanide capsules (which had been tested for their efficacy on his "beloved" dog and her pups). For good measure, he shot himself with his service pistol.


The bodies of Hitler and Eva were cremated in the chancellery garden by the bunker survivors (as per Der Fuhrer's orders) and reportedly later recovered in part by Russian troops. A German court finally officially declared Hitler dead, but not until 1956.


I wonder what's happening to him in hell. I mean after the hot lava tea parties with Saddam.


As with many things in life, conspiracy theorists run amok.


Including with Hitler.


He would be long since dead by now anyway...born 119 years ago. Hitler was 10 days past his 56th birthday when he killed himself (and I believe he did the deed).


I also believe Elvis is dead, JFK was killed by Oswald and our government wasn't behind 9/11.

  buckeyemike said:
As with many things in life, conspiracy theorists run amok.


Including with Hitler.


He would be long since dead by now anyway...born 119 years ago. Hitler was 10 days past his 56th birthday when he killed himself (and I believe he did the deed).


I also believe Elvis is dead, JFK was killed by Oswald and our government wasn't behind 9/11.

Silly Sheep, believing what they want you to believe. I bet you also don't sleep with a tin foil hat on so that MLB can't steal your thoughts and hat size!

  buckeyemike said:
I also believe Elvis is dead, JFK was killed by Oswald and our government wasn't behind 9/11.


Agree on 1 and 3 completely but not on 2. (I don't want to start a new direction for this thread)


The saddest things surrounding Hitler's suicide were the fact that the world was deprived of handing out justice (and seeing him hang Mussolini-style) and that Goebbels and his his killed their six kids (oldest was 12) before they committed suicide.


  Phil Indablanc said:
Agree on 1 and 3 completely but not on 2. (I don't want to start a new direction for this thread)


  Sketch Soland said:
I miss National Socialism B-)


Take comfort. :thumbsup: It's immortalized by tattoo artists. Look for "HH", "88" or "RaHoWa " ink.


HH = Heil Hitler.


"88" = the 8th letters of the alphabet, i.e, "Heil Hitler"


"RaHoWa" = Racial Holy War.

  stuckincincy said:
Take comfort. :thumbsup: It's immortalized by tattoo artists. Look for "HH", "88" or "RaHoWa " ink.


HH = Heil Hitler.


"88" = the 8th letters of the alphabet, i.e, "Heil Hitler"


"RaHoWa" = Racial Holy War.

In Germany you will go to jail if you say "Heil Hitler"- so you see and hear 88 a lot to circumvent the law. RaHoWa is a new one to me. I am not familiar with that one

  Sketch Soland said:
I miss National Socialism :thumbsup:


Simply by its term, Nazis were Socialists and had much more in common with Communism than we realize.


Thus, it's a misnomer for anyone to call conservatives "Nazis" because they're on opposite ends of the political spectrum.


Call them right wingers; hell, call them fascists (that term is better b/c the Fascist Party in Italy was more to the right than the Nazis). But don't call conservatives "Nazis", since it's "politically incorrect" (pun very much intended) to do so.

  buckeyemike said:
Simply by its term, Nazis were Socialists and had much more in common with Communism than we realize.


Thus, it's a misnomer for anyone to call conservatives "Nazis" because they're on opposite ends of the political spectrum.


Call them right wingers; hell, call them fascists (that term is better b/c the Fascist Party in Italy was more to the right than the Nazis). But don't call conservatives "Nazis", since it's "politically incorrect" (pun very much intended) to do so.




Yeah, there was no government intrusion into peoples personal lives during the Nazi regime. B-)

  buckeyemike said:
Simply by its term, Nazis were Socialists and had much more in common with Communism than we realize.


Thus, it's a misnomer for anyone to call conservatives "Nazis" because they're on opposite ends of the political spectrum.


Call them right wingers; hell, call them fascists (that term is better b/c the Fascist Party in Italy was more to the right than the Nazis). But don't call conservatives "Nazis", since it's "politically incorrect" (pun very much intended) to do so.

I disagree. The Nazis were "socialist" when they were running for office in the 1920's and early 1930's. Ernest Rhom's Brown Shirts were indeed deeply socialist and were pushing hard for a "second revolution" after Hitler had taken a marginal degree of power after the Reichstag fire. The main obsticle in Hitler's path to power was the old army though, and they hated the brown shirts, socialism and Rohm. So inorder to solidify his power he held the "Night of the Long Knives" which eliminated the Brown Shirt leadership and the army at once swore aligence to him following that, making Hitler a full dictator. The government control of the German economy following that ws indeed great, but it was not out of any "socialist" principles that Hitler did that, it was for his military adventures in the east. Nazis was about militarism, not socialism.


The Nazis use of militarism, extreme natioanlism and the reliance on a foreign "evil doer" to keep the population docile are all familure tools used today by both parties, but one much more than the other.

  stuckincincy said:
Take comfort. :thumbsup: It's immortalized by tattoo artists. Look for "HH", "88" or "RaHoWa " ink.


HH = Heil Hitler.


"88" = the 8th letters of the alphabet, i.e, "Heil Hitler"


"RaHoWa" = Racial Holy War.


My niggas! B-)

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