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(videos are at link in my sig)


It's Neil Diamond night. The guy's a great performer. Songs are touching but manly sounding. as the only one man left, David Cook should do well.


Jason Castro. Forever in Blue Jeans. Yet another contestant makes an ass of himself in front of the person who wrote the song. He meets Neil with his crumpled lyric sheet and sings the words to September Morn to the Forever in Blue Jeans tune. Idol has mercy on him and doesn't show this blunder but he would have been more interesting if he'd performed his gaffe on stage. Sucks as usual.


Next he sings September Morn. He goes with the vulnerable look sans guitar. He's vulnerable all right. Vulnerable to blowing. The people in the audience wave too fast, injecting speed into a slow ballad. Unfortunately, they can't inject Idol's pothead with the speed he needs. Dull. As. sh--. Even Paula knocks him.


David Cook. Poor David has to engage in a staged yuckfest with the antichrist Ryan Seacrest. Ryan admits to singing Neil in a hairbrush. John Lennon is dead and yet Seacrest lives? Score 1 for atheism. Anyways, David admits to choosing two off -the-beaten-path songs and this seems dubious. But he crushes I'm Alive because, to quote Paula, "He. Is. David. Cook."


Follows later with All I Really Need Is You. I've never heard it and it's slow to start but David doesn't let us down—he rocks the chorus and Simon's right--he makes the song his. He's the only person worthy of a record contract.


Brooke White. First is I'm a Believer. Ooofah. The song is complete sh--. Her forced smiles are reminiscent of the Joker. And some woman needs to tell me what's wrong with her eye makeup. She's got something happening that darkens her outer eyelash or lid or something. It looks bad and in so doing, is appropriate accompaniment to her song. Train !@#$ing wreck.


Second she sings I am I Said. Rocket scientist writes her lyrics on her palm. And then sits down to play the piano. White and Castro are in the running dumb-athalon gold. Is the sunglass-wearing violin player blind? Or high? Back to Brooke, she does a good job modifying the lyrics for her Arizona self (of course, not her idea but Neil's). Important for her to close with that song as it may have saved her. It was the 3rd best performance of the night after Cook's 2.


David Archuletta. As he talks to Neil, I can't help but think: Is he deaf? He talks and sings with some of Marlee Matlin's vocal mannerisms. His voice is on key in Sweet Caroline though so take it easy teen crowd. Be upset at the next line if you want though: When he dances, bending stiffly at the hips, he's Mr. Roboto. This dancing !@#$s his chances of being Troy's lover in High School Musical 4.


After that, the little !@#$ pulls a Kristy Lee Cook and "my country 'tis of thee"s his way to insuring no one votes him off by singing America. He shows he's human when his nasally voice cracks and he can't help but smile. I smile knowing his controlling dad will give him the belt later. Simon gives the backhanded compliment that he's made a "smart choice of song...clever." Apparently because the Revolutionary War is fresh in our craw, British Simon can't criticize David's America even though it bit.


Syesha Mercado. First is Hello Again. With no concept of how this is a melancholy song, meant as a phone conversation, she warps it into a Diva-esque power ballad. Also warped, she mixes diva hair and dress with barefoot hippie. Odd.


Thank the Lord for the Nighttime. Again she's barefoot. But this time, like Andrew Lloyd Weber week, she's got personality. She's got to do this more often--it's really her. Simon is pointedly mean and considering how crappy Castro was, this seems misdirected. But she was good.


Other observations. The speed of the week was distracting but it was fun to hear 2 songs. Paula is wore a GIANT ring.


Paula's drunken confusion at 3:41 of the first Syesha video was amusing--somehow thinking that Jason sang two songs instead of one halfway through the show. Idiota.


Were Hef's girls sitting next to Rita Wilson behind the judges? My wife thought so. I just figured they were a couple of dyed LA blondes.


Top. There can be only one. Cook.

Bottom. Castro.


I had to de-cruel this on a second edit. Boy did I hate this week.


JA...great critique. :D


As a whole I'm diasppointed with this season overall. There was alot of potential with the talent that was selected and it just hasn't panned out. With the exception of D Cook.


Edit: Either Paula forgot her meds or she took the wrong ones. What was that all about?!


Paula is an embarassment. I don't know if she's drunk or on Ludes, but something aint right with that chick. Look, she makes millions to sit on her ass and 'judge' contestants and she can't come to work for two hours a week sober? WTF!


You had some great lines this week - the JL/Seacrest anticrist and DA's dad giving him the belt being two shining examples.


I completely concur that DA has that Deaf nasal monotone sound going often. My wife thinks I'm off-base - glad that someone else hears it also.

  John Adams said:
And yet, here is everyone talking about her. I'd rather have Randy replaced than her. She's amusing.


First off, props for the great report! And yes, I agree, Randy is nearly as annoying as Paula, but damn, can't they replace her with a hotter chick on ludes? She literally repeats everything Randy says (that she can remember) before finishing with a Billy Crystalish 'You look mahvelous'.


I think the only reason we're talking (writing) about her today is because of her incoherent meltdown last night. I'm sorry, I don't enjoy seeing someone that !@#$ up on national television week after week.

  John Adams said:
Were Hef's girls sitting next to Rita Wilson behind the judges? My wife thought so. I just figured they were a couple of dyed LA blondes.


yes, 2 of the 3 were there (lucky bastard Hef...). Bridget and Kendra, my wife noticed it as well.

  ricojes said:
yes, 2 of the 3 were there (lucky bastard Hef...). Bridget and Kendra, my wife noticed it as well.


I didn't pick up on that at all. We had to do a few Tivo rewinds to confirm. I want to know how she picked it up and I didn't!


It almost sounded like Paula was exposed in that her lines are scripted beforehand and she just reads them, no matter how the singer performs with that slip up.

  jansdriver said:
Check the program guide on Tivo for nexdt week's episode. It mentions everyone but Brooke.


I thought this was live


Voting ended a couple hours after the show was over. Doesn't taqke that long to tabulate. Still, probably just an error.


Abysmal top 4. Cook is the only person deserving. Hernandez the stripper and Smithson the tattooed woman were better than any of the other 3.

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