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I have a question about this web site?


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Are there any plans to up date anything on this web site? New players to look at? A new lay out? It just looks old and tired. This is the first and usually the only bills web site I go to but over the last week I have seen many sites and this one has great info but dose nothing for the eyes. It just looks bad :o


Ok, I said what some people might be thinking. Now you can PAM at me all you want, it is just how I fill.

I like this better. Other boards i feel like im constantly searching through stuff and looking at signatures more than posts. Its annoying, this is more streamlined and if you dont like it on the bottom of the Wall i think there is a way to change the style. I forgot what it is called but i think its right under the search feature........


Edit: Bills skin

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Nothing like going over to somebody's house and crapping in the middle of the living room to get the day started.


It's ok. If the comments were directed about the front page then they are spot on (or at least his opinion is the same as mine). Refreshing the front page is long over due. Like 4 years overdue.


As for the board, I think it looks pretty good, but there is always room for improvement.

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I think it is for the ADD generation. They constantly need something to grab their attention.


My thoughts on the Bills draft are...ooooh...a picture of Thurman....I think the blue is a little dark, maybe they should...McKelvin??? What the hell were they...The Bills record will be...What were we talking about?


Correction :lol:


I would have to agree with everyone that likes the sites layout as is. It might not be the most aesthetically pleasing thing in the world but overall the layout is easy to use and isn't full of useless crap.

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Correction :lol:


I would have to agree with everyone that likes the sites layout as is. It might not be the most aesthetically pleasing thing in the world but overall the layout is easy to use and isn't full of useless crap.



everyone needs to distinguish between the board and the front page. w/o that info - the feedback is meaningless.

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everyone needs to distinguish between the board and the front page. w/o that info - the feedback is meaningless.

Well, I'll go on record as saying the front page (TBD) and the board (TSW) look good to me. Again, this is where I come to get information and news about the Bills and then to talk about that with other Bills' fans (and a few idiots). So, I prefer the simple, straight forward design.


Of course, you're right, there's always room for improvement. And most of the times you don't realize how much so until you actually see the improvements. So, I would never say change is bad. But, I do think change just for the sake of change isn't always a good thing - especially if you start getting away from the primary intent of the site.


A few things for consideration, if I were pushed to come up with some:

1. Sure the banner could be updated/changed. That would be fairly easy and give a new look.

2. Striped background on TBD could be a solid background. But, again, that just simplifies and cleans things up in my mind.

3. Links at the top of TBD (Home :: Stadium Wall :: History :: Trading Post :: Tailgate Central :: Football Pool :: Bills Daily) could be worked into the graphic. That would make them look more polished and less old school.

4. Update the color of the header bars. No neons, but just new "bills-themed" tones.

5. I wouldn't change the overall layout at all. IMO, it's puts the maximum amount of information right there in front of you, with minimal scrolling

6. Make a link to bb.com more prominent (in the banner?). Possibly on the right column a link to the multimedia section, updated as they add new videos (similar to the news sites). but, I admit I have no idea how you get all those newspaper sites listed so quickly, so maybe too much of a hassle. That's the one thing really missing at this point. Video's have become much more commonplace, so more links to video content. But, again, that may bring a whole range of problems I don't know about.

7. As far as TSW, other than similar banner change and color of header bars, I agree, I wouldn't change a thing.


OK. So guys and gals don't PAM me. I'm just offering ideas.

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My recommendatin is that you go over to Billzone.com to find what you're looking for. It's like the Vegas of Bills message boards.


Just make sure you're "all Advil" because after 10 minutes you're going to get a splitting !@#$ing headache.



Not only that, they definitely attract a lower class of Bills fans... this board rocks...I don't think anything needs to change! If people start popping huge photos into their two word posts, I would definitely leave...I understand the need for ads, but our little avatars are great! After perusing other Bills boards, and other team sites, this one is, by far, the best... :lol:

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Not only that, they definitely attract a lower class of Bills fans... :lol:

I haven't been there in quite a while, but I swear most of the posters and their attributes for avatars and sigs there are like little old ladies at Bingo night, surrounded by blue hair and good-luck troll dolls, waiting for someone to yell B-19!!!

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Are there any plans to up date anything on this web site? New players to look at? A new lay out? It just looks old and tired. This is the first and usually the only bills web site I go to but over the last week I have seen many sites and this one has great info but dose nothing for the eyes. It just looks bad :lol:


That's the point. Most sites have enough blinking, flashing crap to give you an epileptic seizure.

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No comprende...


I'm not sure what you are referring to...

Sorry, didn't know what else to call them. But, I'm referring to the bar at the top of TBD that has "The Latest Buffalo Bills News" in it. The bars that have the dates (i.e. April 29, 2008) in them. The ones in the left and right columns "Discuss the Bills!", "2008 Team Info", etc. Might could replace some of those with a simple pic that would give more design options for the text. But now I'm getting too crazy perhaps.


(Actually they're probably table cells, but they look like bars due to the design.)

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Not only that, they definitely attract a lower class of Bills fans... this board rocks...I don't think anything needs to change! If people start popping huge photos into their two word posts, I would definitely leave...I understand the need for ads, but our little avatars are great! After perusing other Bills boards, and other team sites, this one is, by far, the best... :lol:

Completely agree. I'm not sure I could ever leave this place, but it would definitely make me wish that my fears that the world is ending in 2012 were true. But this site, is by far, the best - not only in terms of content but simultaneously in terms of appearance.

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It's ok. If the comments were directed about the front page then they are spot on (or at least his opinion is the same as mine). Refreshing the front page is long over due. Like 4 years overdue.


As for the board, I think it looks pretty good, but there is always room for improvement.

I found some sweet Pics for Sabres Sace...though they are NSFW

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No comprende...


I'm not sure what you are referring to...

me thinks he means the nav bar at the top of the header. What about a tabbed format?


One picky thing is that if you really want to go to TSW, you have to navigate from TBD to www.stadiumwall.com (list of all TBD Forums) to the actual TSW forum.


If you click on TSW from TBD, you should go directly to the TSW forum, not a list of TBD forums.


Clearly that's a good choice to have, meaning a direct link to TSW as well as a list of all TBD forums


if you're making changes, that's my vote.

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