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Re the ORIGINAL post T-Boned has climbed back into the hole he always hides in when the Suxs eventually choke.


But re subsequent posts don't poke the bear. WS will be done at month's end. Then T-Boned wil put on his pats hat and even the most optimistic of us don't see the Bills coming out on top there.

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Simply classless.


Oh and in case any of you forgot about your precious Buffalo Bills in regards to "1918";




How ya like THEM apples?   


Go Dolphins!


Not to worry TH. You can now say the Red Sox=Bledsoe. Except that Bledsoe isn't a whole team like, say, the Red Sox.


Oh and the Bills won 2 AFL championships in the 60's. I know it's not an NFL championship, but it's not 1918 either.

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oh and the apples are lovely, bills fans weren't the ones guarandamnteeing a championship, must be a lot of tears flowing in boston..

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Yep. Always more fun talking smack when the B word-slapping is completed. :D


You guys are crazy....only thing us Bosox fans do now is go buy a Astros or Cardinals fitted cap and start cheering for the NL. Do you think the tax break George gets gets from Goerge helps him purchase all these players?? its funny most Yankee fans are Republicans...its appropriate

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Do you think the tax break George gets gets from Goerge helps him purchase all these players?? its funny most Yankee fans are Republicans...its appropriate


Still drunk from last night, huh...

can't really blame you.


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Its hard Rico....as bad as my beloved Bills are, those !@#$ing Yankees and that used car salesman George Bush...I feel lots of negative energy



Well, at least you have a cute partner. VA Beach is not a bad place to live, and you'll be watching the Bills do whatever with some pals. Things could be worse.

(The Oakland fans could come back...)

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ain't nothing wrong with what you are doing seeing the BoSox absolutely are looking horrible.


BoSox fans have been just as vocal as Yanks fans.


I ain't rootin' for neither of ya...but I am extremely impressed with Sheffield considering he couldn't do JACK with the Braves in the postseason the last two years.


That one he hit over the monster yesterday....holy crap....

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Its hard Rico....as bad as my beloved Bills are, those !@#$ing Yankees and that used car salesman George Bush...I feel lots of negative energy


At least the Bills will win today, I can feel it. :D


As for politics, que sera sera...

absolutely no need to worry about it, waste of energy IMO.

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