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Russ Brandon on WGR at 8 AM


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Here's the link if anyone wants to take a listen:






And just for extra laughs, check out the transcription of the interview on the right side. Geezus.. I dunno WHO their transcriptionist is but they should probably be fired.


Here's just a sample:


Expectations are always you know we'll see how everything goes and and we anticipate that he will command and play and a make an impact force obviously but yeah we have good -- over there with terrorists making -- part had a great year last year we picked up one engine engine free agency. Youboty it was a draft pick up for a couple years ago that has been Mecca -- so. We expect we'll just come and compete we all know what explosive special teams return he is we have agree one and -- And also -- Roscoe so that we can probably pretty creative there. And I nobody's -- was pretty happy about as well.




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