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Glad we aren't Cinncy


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About a week or so, while discussing the prospect of the Bengals trading Chad Johnson, one of the talking heads (I believe it was Mortenson, but I have listened to way too many people the last two weeks) on ESPN radio said that Mike Brown (team president/GM) actually told him that he felt like having a certain amount of controversy surrounding the team was "a good thing". It almost sounds like Brown has some secret fantasy about recreating his sorry franchise into a model of the outlaw Raiders of the 1970's.


I feel sorry for Bengals fans, because they are good fans. They seemed on the verge of turning the page on their inept past a few years ago, but are returning to form. For all the crap about what a jerk Chad Johnson is, the core argument he has with the franchise is a valid one. He sees himself as a very talented player, stuck with a franchise that will never make the moves to be a real contender. It is the same thing that prompted Takeo Spikes to B word his way off the team...we like him though....


When you think about it, the Bills and Bengals have more in common than they have differences. Two long standing AFC teams that have had really long rough stretches, strung together by flashes of greatness. And, to top it off, thanks to Tom Donohoe, they both have what have to be considered amongst the most hideous uniforms in the leauge...


The one big differenc is (and why I am glad I was born a Bills fan, rather than a Bengals fan) when the Bills screw up, there is generally sound decision making behind their mistakes. Both owners are not known for being very free spenders, but the Bengals take this to the ultmate depths...

I agree with most of what you say. The only issue I have with your post is about Takeo. The DIFFERENCE between Spikes & Johnson is Spikes was NOT under contract to the Bengals, while Johnson is. He should not have signed that last contract if he wanted out. It is not like this situation happened overnight.

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He sees himself as a very talented player, stuck with a franchise that will never make the moves to be a real contender. It is the same thing that prompted Takeo Spikes to B word his way off the team...we like him though....


Big difference between the two though. When Takeo was under contract to the Bengals, I do not remember him ever going off on the organization. At least not that I can remember. Takeo sogned with the Bills when he was free to do so, and just told Marvin please do not match as I do not want to be here. Big difference in approach from two very different players

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the difference between Takeo and Johnson is huge, the only similarity is that they are good players who want to win and realised that Cincy is probably not the place that it will happen in.


Takeo was a great player known for being a team leader and playing hard. He had talent and let his talent and leadership speak for him


CJ is a great player too, but he is a me-first kind of guy who is known more for his TD celebrtions, and other antics then his performance on the field. Instead of leting his play on the field and talent get him into highlight reels, he prefers to use his elaborate celebrations and his mouth get him on TV. If he did away with his antics, kept his mouth shut, grew up, and just played hard and let his talent do the talking, he would have almost every team in the NFL lining up right now making offers to Cinncy for him.


The biggest factor with CJ that most should see and be the reason why we should stay away from him is that fact that his teammates are sick of him and gave up on him already, that is textbook definition of a locker room cancer, and not worth the risk just because he is talented.

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