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Epic South Buffalo

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I hate the way the city of Buffalo constantly takes abuse and is the butt of jokes. I am a South Buffalo native and visited my old neighborhood this past summer.


I knew things would have deteriorated, but I went anyway. It is near Melvin and Bailey. But, when I got there, it might have been worse than I imagined. That neighborhood is clearly dying. Ahh, I said, "This is epic South Buffalo." However, I went to other parts of South Buffalo that weren't as bad.


I met a South Buffalo gal out dancing at one of the "beach bars" (on the lake), and spent some "quality time" with her. She said one thing that I wanted to share with you guys. During "pillow talk" time, I said I had been disappointed with the Sabres and Bills lately. She then said. "Yeah, but they're OUR teams, and we love them anyway. . ." This made me realize, that we need to have some of that type of thinking when we think of our teams AND our city. Parts of the city are clearly dying, and our teams haven't been very good lately. . . but they are what they are. Before you bash the city or teams too much, try to remember not to "pile on" too hard. We've got to love em anyway. And for our teams, they'll turn around. Sports teams are always cyclical.

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The Bills are mercenaries - period. And as bad as they have become, it doesn't stop ex-WNYers from chasing the car-wreck.


Were you drunk and was your frito-lay obese in the true WNY tradition?



Yes, we had consumed some alcohol that fine eve. . . however she was (is, I should say) a cute girl with a decent body. I even thought so in the morning. . . when I got a much better look and was pleasantly surprised! Dirty blonde hair and baby blue eyes. . . my favorites!

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