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NYPD Detectives Acquitted

KD in CA

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I already knew you were weird, but now I think you need help. :thumbdown:




The guy I work with tonight gets stopped all the time... Even with his family.


Just sayin'... You wonder why people get combative with cops... They (cops) bring it on themselves most of the time.


With regards to this story... 50 shots? :unsure::beer: When the others pumped out 4 and 2? :D:D


If it was one of my co-workers... I would have said: "Phucking stop!"

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What do you live in a bubble?


You must be disputing what people say? Does this African-American gent and his family lie? You obviously think so.


How many times have you been stopped and harassed for no reason?



I know its tough for you sometimes, Eric. But stay on point. You said, And I quote "They (cops) bring it on themselves most of the time"



This has nothing to do with me. You brought in the cops with this statement. Please tell me what you mean by this.

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I know its tough for you sometimes, Eric. But stay on point. You said, And I quote "They (cops) bring it on themselves most of the time"



This has nothing to do with me. You brought in the cops with this statement. Please tell me what you mean by this.

My guess would be that in general, most cops are bunch of douche bags with superiority complex. Don't get me wrong, I think that anyone that tries to ram a cop with their car deserves what they get, but most cops certainly aren't angels. And yes, I know, and have known, many, many cops.

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I know its tough for you sometimes, Eric. But stay on point. You said, And I quote "They (cops) bring it on themselves most of the time"



This has nothing to do with me. You brought in the cops with this statement. Please tell me what you mean by this.


In this situation, the one officer emptied a clip, reloaded and fired more... Two others fired 4 rounds and 2 respectfully from their weapons... This is a fact right?


You don't think that the officer that dumped his weapon's clip, reloaded and resumed firing didn't bring this trouble on himself?




Come on!

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My guess would be that in general, most cops are bunch of douche bags with superiority complex. Don't get me wrong, I think that anyone that tries to ram a cop with their car deserves what they get, but most cops certainly aren't angels. And yes, I know, and have known, many, many cops.



Too late. You're an idiot.

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My guess would be that in general, most cops are bunch of douche bags with superiority complex. Don't get me wrong, I think that anyone that tries to ram a cop with their car deserves what they get, but most cops certainly aren't angels. And yes, I know, and have known, many, many cops.


My point too.


Happens in other professions to where one has to control the actions of people.


Even in my lame profession, I think of some judgements and how they could have been handled better... And most of the time the finger comes pointiing right back at oneself for not handling it better and being to reactionary.


Just saying... Eryn obviuosly follows these guys blindly... And they call me a lemming?


Who's zoomin' who?

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In this situation, the one officer emptied a clip, reloaded and fired more... Two others fired 4 rounds and 2 respectfully from their weapons... This is a fact right?


You don't think that the officer that dumped his weapon's clip, reloaded and resumed firing didn't bring this trouble on himself?




Come on!

Nice dance.



You said "They (cops) bring it on themselves most of the time"



Answer that. You said it???!!!!!!!!!


Link? Stats? God you're a !@#$ing dolt to say something like that. :D


Though. You'll change the subject here in a minute. :D

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Nice dance.



You said "They (cops) bring it on themselves most of the time"



Answer that. You said it???!!!!!!!!!


Link? Stats? God you're a !@#$ing dolt to say something like that. :beer:


Though. You'll change the subject here in a minute. :unsure:


Call it a dance... But, cops have created a bad PR problem... Some people mistrust them to the 10th degree... Like my friend, that honestly thought the cops were going to kill him as he sat in the back of the police crusier that night he got pulled over for "reverse headlights/beams". He will tell you straight up that he didn't want to die that way and would have done anything to fight back... Even, GASP! Take on the police...



What? They should continue as normal? Who do you think should change?


You may live in a different situation Eryn, who knows?

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Call it a dance... But, cops have created a bad PR problem... Some people mistrust them to the 10th degree... Like my friend, that honestly thought the cops were going to kill him as he sat in the back of the police crusier that night he got pulled over for "reverse headlights/beams". He will tell you straight up that he didn't want to die that way and would have done anything to fight back... Even, GASP! Take on the police...



What? They should continue as normal? Who do you think should change?


You may live in a different situation Eryn, who knows?


You may want to choose your words a little more carefully. Though that's never been your strong suit.


That broad brush you swing make you look pretty stupid.

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I'm sorry you said "My guess would be that in general, most cops are bunch of douche bags with superiority complex."


How is that cute? You think thats cute?

Did I respond to myself and say that was cute???? Or did I respond to your immature "idiot" response and say that was cute (kind of like a little kid trying to act all growed up!)???? You'll have to go back and look, you seem ever so capable of going back and reposting what people have said.


Good luck with that!

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I'm sorry you said "My guess would be that in general, most cops are bunch of douche bags with superiority complex."


How is that cute? You think thats cute?


Wow touchy tonight... Somebody is not "getting some" I take?




So what?


"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes."

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The guy I work with tonight gets stopped all the time... Even with his family.


Just sayin'... You wonder why people get combative with cops... They (cops) bring it on themselves most of the time.


With regards to this story... 50 shots? :unsure::beer: When the others pumped out 4 and 2? :D:D


If it was one of my co-workers... I would have said: "Phucking stop!"



Without knowing the whole story because none of us were there, I can say that if you pull your gun out and fire, you intend to kill the other person. Whether that takes 1 shot or 50 is irrelevant. If my life is in danger because someone is trying to run me over with their car I will fire until the car stops or I am unable to fire any more. People see too many movies where a guy drops after one shot or flies backwards into a pile. Drugged out criminals have been known to continue an attack after receiving mortal wounds.

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