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Help for Drew should be in the form of timing

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The second he gets the ball he throws to a spot along the sideline. There is no thinking involved, no hot reads, just get the ball and throw. The OL only needs to block for 1 second which is all they are capable of and since Drew cant think or scan the field it is within his skill set.


I have seen this executed by other teams with success. This puts the pressure on the WR to correctly run the timing pattern which Moulds is certainly is capable of and Evans, Reed should be able to do by now as well.


Any thoughts? Flame away !

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Nice in theory.

As a matter of practicality though, your strategy is flawed.

You see, in the NFL once a ball is passed forward and hits the ground before the receiver catches it, it's ruled an incomplete pass.


Drew is great at skipping balls off the turf in the flat.

He lacks the touch to throw screens and the soft short pass in the flat and backfield.

He's got a cannon for an arm, but the cannon's got an eight second fuse.

We've got a two second Offensive Line, and wide receivers that break free from coverage by Monday.


Drew is a wet fuse, not the spark that this team needs.

This team is going nowhere this year.

Send this message: Bench Drew and play Matthews (Bob Matthews for all I care) until Losman is able to get some practice with the Varsity squad.

Let's get a jump start on the 2005 season.


Drew is not the answer. He's the question.


Oh, and by the way, I don't care for Donna-Ho either.


Go Bills!

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