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NYSers - Buy from Amazon before June 1st


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In the midst of a budget crisis, New York is now telling Amazon and certain other large Internet-only vendors they must collect state and local sales tax -- if they allow sales via "click-throughs" from New York-based Web sites. The new rule is set to go into effect on June 1.


So let's see... NYSers pay income tax, sales tax, gas taxes, use tax on interstate commerce purchases over the internet, property taxes, and now sales tax on previously exempt purchases. And in each of those categories, they come close to leading the nation.


WA might have high taxes overall but at least we don't have an income tax. Saves me thousands each year. And NYS wonders why they keep losing congressional seats in reapportionment...

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so gas prices have gone up...tolls are going up...property taxes are the highest in the nation....sure why not hit me some more.....NYS...you gotta love it...if I did not have a business and family here I would be GONE

Next, they're going to be looking into whether the STAR tax-rebate needs an "overhaul." And by overhaul, they probably mean "tax increase." :rolleyes:

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