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Okay I am going to say it


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At the risk of losing my NFL fan card, I hate the draft. I know plenty here love the NFL draft, and i respect that.


But i for one hate it. I am sick of every other thread here being v23 of someones mock. I dunna, maybe its just me, but I watch a lot more college ball now than i did say 10 years ago, and I have no idea on most of these players. Granted, most of college ball watching is either ACC or SEC. But for me to watch more than a MD or VA Tech game(on tivo even), plus the 3.30 SEC game, just ain't happening. I do not know how any body else could watch more than that unless all they do all Saturday and all Sunday is watch football.


I guess i could watch some highlights and read 80 different scouting reports on the guys, but I could never really have an opinion on my own. So, i assume, maybe wrongly, that most of the people here are just posting what they have read about guys, or seen some highlights on youtube maybe. Dam, you could show Max highlights all day long and think he was the 2nd coming of #99.


Having said all that, I will TIVO the draft, and watch it in about 30 minutes sometime Saturday night or early Sunday morning. So maybe I am bring a bit hypocritical here <_<

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I applaud the courage of this post! And while I don't hate the draft (as someone once said, you shouldn't hate), there are two things about it that I find annoying:


1) The endless mock draft threads are a bit much; but it's April, so unless you want to go over to PPP to bash Clinton/Obama/McCain/Bush/molson_golden there isn't much else to talk about.


2) The boredom of the draft once you get past the Bills first pick. I hope this will be alleviated by the shorter time limits this year. Even still, I've rarely watched more than the first round (except for checking back when the Bills are close to a pick)

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I agree that the mock draft stuff gets really old probably sometime in February, but it is still fun seeing who will be Bills next year. I usually watch the first dozen picks or so and then keep espn on in the background waiting for the bills picks. But, I know almost nothing about most of the players in the draft and I don't pretend to, I watch some college ball but it is impossible to know about every player that is projected to go in the first let alone all 7 rounds. I just like the idea that in one minute these guys go from basically nobodies to millionaires, kind of an interesting day.

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I used to love the draft before it became big business. I still look forward to draft day but I don't pay any attention to anything anyone says leading up to it.

Nor do I care about the evaluations post-draft on who did great or poorly.


I think the best thing about it is going back 4 or 5 years later and watching how "off" all the pundits are.

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I used to love the draft before it became big business. I still look forward to draft day but I don't pay any attention to anything anyone says leading up to it.

Nor do I care about the evaluations post-draft on who did great or poorly.


I think the best thing about it is going back 4 or 5 years later and watching how "off" all the pundits are.


I still love the draft and I'm actually going to Boston to watch it with some friends (basically an excuse to drink all day <_< ) but it is insane now. It amazes me that guys who never had any type of involvement in football, McShay and Kiper (did you know he just went to JUCO), can make a very good living off this. Imagine being a college kid and seeing your name just good up and down every week. That's gotta be stressful. The only difference between people on this board and the "experts" is they can watch film all day and they have a better ability to talk out of their @ss.

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I still love the draft and I'm actually going to Boston to watch it with some friends (basically an excuse to drink all day <_< ) but it is insane now. It amazes me that guys who never had any type of involvement in football, McShay and Kiper (did you know he just went to JUCO), can make a very good living off this. Imagine being a college kid and seeing your name just good up and down every week. That's gotta be stressful. The only difference between people on this board and the "experts" is they can watch film all day and they have a better ability to talk out of their @ss.


slight correction: they get paid to talk out their ass, they arent necessarily better at it. Anyone can come up with their "rankings", and then trash teams that dont pick good "value." They just happen to cash a paycheck for doing so.

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Paul, I hear ya, and I've been saying the same thing around here for the past week. I'm golfing on Saturday. I won't even DVR the draft because I'd rather just look up the picks online and make my own judgments Saturday night or Sunday.


Plus, I'll get the vtext with each Bills' draft pick as it happens.

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First, nobody cares what you think.


Second, the draft is the single most important factor in winning a Super Bowl. That's why we all love it so much. It gives us hope of winning and building our team to where we need it to be to win a championship.

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Second, the draft is the single most important factor in winning a Super Bowl. That's why we all love it so much. It gives us hope of winning and building our team to where we need it to be to win a championship.

Right. And that added benefit of knowing exactly who was picked at the precise moment he was picked is so valuable. When I look these guys up on Sunday afternoon I'll be able to find out everything from their shoe size to what they like to eat for breakfast -- and I won't have wasted an entire day watching the equivalent of an NFL-sponsored talk show.


The NHL, MLB, and NBA drafts are the single most important factor in winning championships as well -- I also don't watch any of those.

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At the risk of losing my NFL fan card, I hate the draft. I know plenty here love the NFL draft, and i respect that.


But i for one hate it. I am sick of every other thread here being v23 of someones mock. I dunna, maybe its just me, but I watch a lot more college ball now than i did say 10 years ago, and I have no idea on most of these players. Granted, most of college ball watching is either ACC or SEC. But for me to watch more than a MD or VA Tech game(on tivo even), plus the 3.30 SEC game, just ain't happening. I do not know how any body else could watch more than that unless all they do all Saturday and all Sunday is watch football.


I guess i could watch some highlights and read 80 different scouting reports on the guys, but I could never really have an opinion on my own. So, i assume, maybe wrongly, that most of the people here are just posting what they have read about guys, or seen some highlights on youtube maybe. Dam, you could show Max highlights all day long and think he was the 2nd coming of #99.


Having said all that, I will TIVO the draft, and watch it in about 30 minutes sometime Saturday night or early Sunday morning. So maybe I am bring a bit hypocritical here <_<


Is it as bad as the angst caused by cold catsup?

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Like television and media in general, a once great concept like the draft has been driven into the ground by too many imitators that have turned the whole thing into white noise. I'll watch as always, but I don't obsess over the individual bios and mock drafts anymore.


Here's a little trick to level-set all of you who are live and die by this stuff. Take out your draft guides from the last two years and see how big of an impact most of these guys have made on their teams as rookies or second-year players.


It seems like when I do this every year, only about 5%-10% of the picks have made much of a contribution right away. Most of this group tend to be RBs or LBs, two easiest positions to step into the NFL at.

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I get really annoyed by mock drafts, so I definitely agree with you there...but I LOVE the draft. I will literally watch the damn thing start to finish if given the opportunity. I love to learn more about the players, their college backgrounds, the motivation behind the pick, etc. Since we've had a little success with UDFAs over the past several years, I pretty much get excited about our picks even into the 7th round. Good times!

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Word up, brutha. Wake me up when it is over, and tell me how many pundits said our draft sucked.


I posted the same thing here: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=64500&hl=




At the risk of losing my NFL fan card, I hate the draft. I know plenty here love the NFL draft, and i respect that.


But i for one hate it. I am sick of every other thread here being v23 of someones mock. I dunna, maybe its just me, but I watch a lot more college ball now than i did say 10 years ago, and I have no idea on most of these players. Granted, most of college ball watching is either ACC or SEC. But for me to watch more than a MD or VA Tech game(on tivo even), plus the 3.30 SEC game, just ain't happening. I do not know how any body else could watch more than that unless all they do all Saturday and all Sunday is watch football.


I guess i could watch some highlights and read 80 different scouting reports on the guys, but I could never really have an opinion on my own. So, i assume, maybe wrongly, that most of the people here are just posting what they have read about guys, or seen some highlights on youtube maybe. Dam, you could show Max highlights all day long and think he was the 2nd coming of #99.


Having said all that, I will TIVO the draft, and watch it in about 30 minutes sometime Saturday night or early Sunday morning. So maybe I am bring a bit hypocritical here <_<

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I get really annoyed by mock drafts, so I definitely agree with you there...but I LOVE the draft. I will literally watch the damn thing start to finish if given the opportunity. I love to learn more about the players, their college backgrounds, the motivation behind the pick, etc. Since we've had a little success with UDFAs over the past several years, I pretty much get excited about our picks even into the 7th round. Good times!



I'm with you ajzepp.


I feel it is my duty as a Bills fan to man my position on the coach until The Bills make their final selection.


When it's over, I generally feel disorientated, sore from being stationary for two days, lethargic, and either extremely excited or depressed about who the Bills had chosen.

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First, nobody cares what you think.


Second, the draft is the single most important factor in winning a Super Bowl. That's why we all love it so much. It gives us hope of winning and building our team to where we need it to be to win a championship.


You obviously do care what he thinks or else you would not have even posted on this topic..... <_<

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