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Too late


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you should stop in O'Terrills sometime. although, i havent been there in probably 8 months.


it is mostly tech guys that hang out there after work. partially how i got to know all our shared friends.



I'll see if I can stir up a bunch of guys to go do that next week or so.... the presence of the "Bum Bot' ought to convince them.

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Yeah. Whats their 40's? Can the write a screenplay? Riding or Push mower? Have they been de-penis'd by official mock draft guru's?

Hmmm....some good points here. Isn't it time someone rounded up these bums and put them to work? They could mow the lawn at the town park and collect the trash. Save some money by hiring less useless municiple workers and lower people's property taxes.




I gotsta know!!

Did I fire six shots, or only five.....?

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Nah, they'd get out of the car and the homeless dude would play attendant. He'd run up and say something like '$20 flat rate.' The driver would fork over a $20 and be handed a ticket of some sort... perhaps from a sporting event the weekend before. The driver would walk away believing they've paid, the bum would pocket the $20. When the real attendants (or property owner) show up, the cars were getting booted.


The parking lot they were doing this at was adjacent to a homeless shelter.


The building I work in sent out an alert to all of the tenants. It was getting pretty bad for a while. The people that worked there knew better, but all of the day-to-day business visitors didn't fare so well.


Sorry but anyone who hands their car keys over to a homeless person ain't too smart. Not too many homeless people that can pass themselves off as a legitimate valet worker.

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Sorry but anyone who hands their car keys over to a homeless person ain't too smart. Not too many homeless people that can pass themselves off as a legitimate valet worker.



Not valet.. A lot of parking downtown has attendants. Someone's paid to sit at the lot and collect money from drivers. In turn, they get a little piece of paper to put on their rear-view or something. The homeless street people were pretending to be attendants.

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Not valet.. A lot of parking downtown has attendants. Someone's paid to sit at the lot and collect money from drivers. In turn, they get a little piece of paper to put on their rear-view or something. The homeless street people were pretending to be attendants.

The lot where I work they could do that. The only time there's an attendant is the first week of the month when they collect for the monthly parking passes. The other three weeks, there's no one there and you're expected to pay at a machine at the entrance to the lot after parking your car.

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